Everything owned by Microsoft is down for me! MSN, Xbox Live, - the lot!

Started by netgem21, Aug 19, 2008, 18:22:45

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Since this morning, I can't access microsoft.com, xbox.com, MSN Messenger or Xbox Live. Nothing at all has changed in my internet configuration since yesterday. I did the Test Connection on Xbox Live and it gives me a different error every time, ranging between DNS Fail, MTU Fail and Xbox Live Fail.

Any ideas?




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Had lots of trouble yesterday with xbox support and I see today cant connect to the sites you listed either I tried openDNS with no success
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: stevethegas on Aug 19, 2008, 18:33:16
Had lots of trouble yesterday with xbox support and I see today cant connect to the sites you listed either I tried openDNS with no success

Rik: Yep, I've rebooted the router and the WAPs around the house to no avail.

I've just contacted IDNet over the phone and apparently they've been getting quite a few calls this afternoon about them not being apple to make a 'peering link' or something with Microsoft.com

The sites are operational according to www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com.

IDNet says the issues should be resolved hopefully by this evening, if not, the morning.


Sounds like they've identified where the routing has gone down, then. We see this very occasionally, where the link from a peering point appears to be working from both ends, but has, in fact, turned into a black hole. It's usually sorted quite quickly once the problem has been located. If the link can't be restored, IDNet will route around it.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Aug 19, 2008, 18:41:09
Sounds like they've identified where the routing has gone down, then. We see this very occasionally, where the link from a peering point appears to be working from both ends, but has, in fact, turned into a black hole. It's usually sorted quite quickly once the problem has been located. If the link can't be restored, IDNet will route around it.

That's good to know. Hopefully it'll be back up soon. Thanks for the explanation!  :D



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Having the same issue here.

Quote from: net91 on Aug 19, 2008, 19:41:06
I have been trying to follow steps from Microsoft support for the issue I have discused on this thread. However I have been unable to sign into Windows Live messenger (on Windows or Mac, or webbased messenger) this evening. I can normally use Windows Live messenger using the Windows application as normal. (I can also not access the Hotmail from windows or mac.)

Is anyone else unable to sign into Windows Live Messenger at the moment?

(I am receiving error code 80072ee2 from the windows windows live messenger application.)

Sounds like IDNet are on it now.  :thumb:



It seems that Microsoft are unreachable at the moment although I can connect using windows messenger ok but none of the Microsoft sites.
Alf :)


I too can confirm this problem - Very fustrating :( IDNet tech support number is engaged too :( Hopefully sorted soon :/


That makes sense then, as to why I can't login to MSN Messenger tonight.  Ah well..



hope it's sorted soon, my daughter is driving me mental about not getting on MSN. I just blamed BT which seems to have pacified her  :hehe:


So pleased I found this forum!! I'm having the same "anything but microsoft" problem. Is there a workaround or anything for this? Is it just a DNS error? Can we use an HTTP proxy or anything? Microsoft is a pretty important set of services on teh web for me and not having access to it is pretty frustrating  >:(


Hi amn36, and welcome to the forum.


I have tried a few web based msn compatible applications as well as adium on mac, and windows live messenger on windows with no luck. I have also got adium set to connect via http which makes no difference.

Sorry I've not got anything more usefull to say. Hopfully idnet will have things sorted soon.


Heya all

I have just joined the forums, as am having the same hotmail/msn and microsoft web page issues.  Rather infuriating as hotmail is my main email, any news on the problem being resolved?

As for web based msn I use ILoveIm.com

Helen x


Hi hellyl, and welcome to the forum as well.


Unfortunately I don't know anything new about the problem being resolved. Are you still able to connect via the ILoveIM.com service?


Quote from: net91 on Aug 19, 2008, 21:49:40
Hi hellyl, and welcome to the forum as well.


Unfortunately I don't know anything new about the problem being resolved. Are you still able to connect via the ILoveIM.com service?

Thankyou for the welcome.

yeap am connecting fine to the ILoveIM service, tho I find it a bit of a nightmare to use!

Helen x


Hi Guys,

The post below entited "It started last night" has more info on this problem. It is not a DNS issue as I've tried the OpenDNS servers but to no avail. Something in IDnet land is actively blocking HTTP to any Microsoft site (including messenger). I have connected through to my corporate network using my VPN and can access all of the microsoft sites, so this deffinately seems to be something IDnet specific. Very poor show that they haven't put a note up on their network status page.  :shake:


I agree that some kind of notice should have been up on the status page. It would be nice to know that IDNet were actively doing something about it. I've only been using this ISP for a few months and so far I've had connection problems. major e-mail problems for over a week and now I can't access anything from Microsoft.

Could someone please reassure me that it's worth staying with this ISP?


Quote from: hellyl on Aug 19, 2008, 21:52:10
yeap am connecting fine to the ILoveIM service, tho I find it a bit of a nightmare to use!

I've just got on successfully using iloveim.com as well. ;D Odd as I couldn't get on using other on line services such as ebuddy.

Thanks for pointing out that site.  :thumb:


Hi Amn,

I had nightmare connection problems originally, and assumed it was my router (A zyxel 660) I got another one and had the same problem particularly prone to dropping the connection when streaming video (iPlayer etc) the router would need a reboot to reconnect. I've changed my router to a Linksys (Cisco)  and it seems to be much better a dealing with the funnies and very rarely now get disconnected. Bare in mind (as with most ISP's) the git in the exchange is BT's stuff, unless your ISP has been allowed to put their own kit in (LLU), so the connection problems you are having will not necessarily disappear when you change ISP. The reason I went for Linksys (cisco) is that almost all of the internal network infrastructure backbone, regardless of the ISP is Cisco and from business experience Cisco kit works very well with other Cisco kit. May seem drastic, but may be worth a go.  I've just read another topic further down the support thread about problems with IDnet mail showing up as untrusted in hotmail. Apparently, there was some problem with the idnet mail server recently?  ( i don't know, I don't use idnet mail) So I wonder is Microsoft blocking idnet IP addresses at the minute for some reason?


xbox.com unreachable.

cannot connect using 360 to xbox live, fails at either MTU or ICMP.

Highly annoying.   :(
Don't eat yellow snow.


Am getting the same here for XBL,did all the usual stuff,reboots etc.... run a speedtest through speedtest.net and where my speeds have been approaching 7000 d/l it's hovering around the 1000 mark,so this suggests an idnet issue ? would that be right? ???



I'm expecting one of the forum staff to be along shortly, who may be able to shed some light on the matter :thumb:


Had issues connecting to xbox.com since the early hours of today.  I was able to get there this morning, very slowly, aside from that, nothing.
Can't connect to Live either...
Hoping the issue is being remedied as we speak!