Hi, Just joined Idnet

Started by MikeT, Dec 13, 2006, 23:49:13

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I have 2 phone lines at present (both had new wires from the pole in the last 3yrs) and one is connected to Pipex broadband who I have been with since dialup/Isdn days. I live a fair way from the exchange so have just a 1meg service from them. Did I say service, sorry slip of the lip. Its not been too good with outages lately which is why I thought I would try here on the other line  :)
I went for homemax in the hope I can squeeze a little more out of the line than I get with Pipex, I guess I have now to wait a few days to see what the software finally trains my service to. Its already slightly faster than the other service but not by much. Upload speed doubled but d/load is just .9meg which is .1 more than the old service. ::)
I do need a fast ping to the USA and so far its disappointing with 168av against 135av to the same destination with my old service so I hope things improve.
I may be back to pick some brains if it doesnt!


not sure if you have read some of the other threads yet but there is a problem with high pings at present , though not everybody is seeing it and Simon one of the owners has posted to say they are in the process of trying to resolve it.
Hope things improve for you shortly


Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.



Welcome to the happy club, Mike. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Welcome to IDNet.  Hope you find the experience worthwhile. :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:
Alf :)


Yo Mike and welcome like they say.
But I think Rik means welcome to the Happy Farm!! :banana2: :out:


You may think that, I couldn't possibly comment. :out:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


You not comment?  That'll be a first!! :out: :out: :out:


It's nearly Xmas, I'm trying to be nice to you! :)  8) :out:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Alf :)


They say the average person needs three repititions to remember something...  ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: rikbean on Dec 14, 2006, 18:51:02
They say the average person needs three repititions to remember something...  ;)

You will have to type it 3 times its repetitions  :laugh:


If he used FF the spellchecker would've told him that lol :laugh:


Quote from: maxping on Dec 14, 2006, 18:54:26
You will have to type it 3 times its repetitions  :laugh:


I was in a rush to write before eating, and I hate to let good food go cool, hence my shape. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Nerval on Dec 14, 2006, 21:07:32
If he used FF the spellchecker would've told him that lol :laugh:

Trouble is, spell checker dependency makes me careless. ;)

Love the reindeer!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Multitasking is the answer Rik.
Eat while you type  :laugh:


I tried that, but the chips kept getting stuck in the keyboard. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: rikbean on Dec 15, 2006, 08:32:08
I tried that, but the chips kept getting stuck in the keyboard. :)

Microchips?  :laugh:



Naah, I prefer full size, they're more healthy that way! ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for the welcome, I think  ;)

Its not looking good in the homestead so far, day 3 and its dire speed wise


It did manage to pop up to 448/1536 yesterday for a while but now seems to have taken a dive back to where it started on day1

Adsl speedtest gave .9 and .4

Advice please  :)



Quote from: maxping on Dec 16, 2006, 00:58:52
Here you go.

You had to go and make me hungry again, didn't you!  ;)

Why is it that I like all the things that are bad for me (my eyesight is terrible :) ), and not the things which are good for me?  ::)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: MikeT on Dec 16, 2006, 00:43:40
Thanks for the welcome, I think  ;)

Its not looking good in the homestead so far, day 3 and its dire speed wise


It did manage to pop up to 448/1536 yesterday for a while but now seems to have taken a dive back to where it started on day1

Adsl speedtest gave .9 and .4

Advice please  :)

For a 63db attenuation, you'd only qualify for 512k as a fixed-rate ADSL. My guess is that you are not going to get much better speed. Are you aware of how many re-syncs there have been? Your IP profile will be driven down by the lowest sync event.

For a long line, there's not too much you can do except maximise the potential of your internal wiring. Steps to try:

1) If you have an NTE5 master socket (the type where the lower part of the faceplate can be detached), then try using the test socket (exposed when you remove the faceplate). This connects your router to the exchange pair directly, and eliminates the effects of any internal wiring issues. If this improves matters, then you have a wiring problem.

2) Remove the ring or bell wire, which is on terminal three, and is often an orange/white wire. Do this at the master socket and at any extensions. The ring wire is not needed by modern phones, and it acts as a giant antenna, picking up all those MW frequencies which interfere with ADSL.

3) Double-check that anything connected to your line is connected through a filter. I would advise you to invest in the ADSL Nation XF-1e, I don't believe you can get a better filter and they certainly helped my marginal line. http://www.adslnation.com/products/xf-1e.php

4) If you have a Sky box, try disconnecting it. Some makes and models seem to have issues with broadband. If that helps and you prefer, or have, to keep it connected, try putting a second filter, in series, to the Sky box.

Hope that gives you something to work with. If you don't have an NTE5, look for the master socket (has a large capacitor in it) and test there with everything else unplugged.

Some routers seem to do better with long lines than others, so it might be worth trying to borrow a router to see if things improve.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.