My connection has dropped three times since I got in from the gym at about 5:30pm.
Mon, 2011-05-16 17:50:30 - LCP down.
Mon, 2011-05-16 17:50:33 - [Internet disconnected]
Mon, 2011-05-16 17:51:31 - [Internet disconnected]
Mon, 2011-05-16 19:08:18 - LCP down.
Mon, 2011-05-16 19:08:21 - [Internet disconnected]
Mon, 2011-05-16 19:09:20 - [Internet disconnected]
Mon, 2011-05-16 19:16:33 - LCP down.
Mon, 2011-05-16 19:16:36 - [Internet disconnected]
Mon, 2011-05-16 19:17:33 - [Internet disconnected]
Any issues that anyone knows of? I've noticed the old page not loading much more often tonight too. If that makes any difference :shrug:
Probably bt again.
Anything here:
I'm not an expert at reading router logs but that looks like loss of sync to me, so something local to you and your exchange. Could have been noise bursts or BT fiddling at the exchange.
Quote from: sobranie on May 16, 2011, 21:06:08
Probably bt again.
Anything here:
Sorry Niall, I meant to post this address;
Dunno how routing works around this area but I'm in wrexham on the central exchange. I didn't notice anything after I posted but I was mainly watching TV afterwards :D
the service last night and this morning is terrible.
cant even login to some websites etc today /sigh
Just checking my logs now as my connection is down again, and my line has been dropping over and over since midnight. Well, that's as far back as my logs go, and I went to bed around 11pm so didn't notice anything while I was up. Smells like BT at work. It being down now is a total pain in the arse as I wanted to check my bank statement before going to work :(
Quote from: Niall on May 18, 2011, 07:53:28
Just checking my logs now as my connection is down again, and my line has been dropping over and over since midnight. Well, that's as far back as my logs go, and I went to bed around 11pm so didn't notice anything while I was up. Smells like BT at work. It being down now is a total pain in the arse as I wanted to check my bank statement before going to work :(
Mines up right now, but I had to make a payment last night and of course it went down, did it over the phone instead, I don't like talking to people at 2am ;D
This page that Tac found details planned BT works
Yep my code was in there, Thanks Glenn :thumb:
It shows work done on the 11th & 12th for my code (01978).
Mine shows last night and tonight :bawl:
Oh and my sisters line has been awful since that work date too. They're contacting support today. What makes matters worse for them is that just a few yards down the road, people are getting stable 13mb lines, as am I just under half a mile away.
Really getting sick of BT now.
Quote from: Niall on May 18, 2011, 13:49:38
Oh and my sisters line has been awful since that work date too. They're contacting support today. What makes matters worse for them is that just a few yards down the road, people are getting stable 13mb lines, as am I just under half a mile away.
Really getting sick of BT now.
I know what you mean Niall, we still have not got a WBC date yet let alone FTTC :( Starting to feel like I'm paying a premium for next to nothing on adsl.
In the main my line had been very good, but the speed I get doesn't reflect the distance I am from the exchange (13mb less than a mile away). Recently I've had more and more quirks or disconnections. It annoys me more because BT don't say what they are working on or why there are problems when there's no work or faults reported.
Seriously, why was my line dropping over and over on brand new equipment, due to a local exchange issue (it seems) if there is no work in this area? Obviously they're doing something but don't say what.
Line failure at roughly 00:28 BST, 19th May. Downtime < 5 mins. Was not being issued an IP address.
I'm having some strange issues as well which started at 23:29:00
QuoteWednesday, May 18,2011 23:29:00
[Internet disconnected]
( (
I've had some brief periods of no connection tonight, and looking at some other people's live BQMs that I've made a note of (from tbb, not here) it would appear to be down to IDNet.
What gives?
Edit- from router log:
May 19 00:28:01 daemon pppd[2622]: LCP terminated by peer
May 19 00:28:01 daemon pppd[2622]: LCP terminated by peer
May 19 00:28:01 daemon pppd[2622]: Clear IP addresses. Connection DOWN.
I'd like to know as well Bill. I was going to take a very busy forum down for 30 minutes to apply an update at 2.30am but I'm a little nervous about doing it now.
As a slightly off-topic point, your router appears to be using GMT, not Daylight Saving Time :P
I lost connection a while ago for a bit....was wondering if it was just me, but perhaps not?? :)
Quote from: Bill on May 19, 2011, 00:48:13
As a slightly off-topic point, your router appears to be using GMT, not Daylight Saving Time :P
Well spotted, if there's a setting to adjust it and I'm sure there is, I've never found it :blush:
Quote from: Bill on May 19, 2011, 00:39:25it would appear to be down to IDNet.
I take that back... at least one Aquiss user appears to have been hit as well, so the blame gets transferred (as usual) to BT.
Quote from: Moonshine on May 19, 2011, 00:48:58
I lost connection a while ago for a bit....was wondering if it was just me, but perhaps not?? :)
I lost connection at about 12:30 for 10 minutes (give or take)
Quote from: zappaDPJ on May 19, 2011, 00:54:28
Well spotted, if there's a setting to adjust it and I'm sure there is, I've never found it :blush:
It took me a while to get it sorted on mine- I had to set Daylight Saving to Automatic and time zone to GMT (various, incl London). Selecting simple GMT didn't cut it.
Posting on 3G. I have sync but I'm being routed to BT Wholsale.
Another big spike of lost packets shortly after 2am, but the router not showing a disconnect.
I hate to say it, but a fibre LLU supplier would get serious consideration...
eta- but not TalkTalk, I'm not that unhappy!!!!!
And again:
May 19 02:37:35 daemon pppd[2622]: No response to 6 echo-requests
May 19 02:37:35 daemon pppd[2622]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
May 19 02:37:35 daemon pppd[2622]: Clear IP addresses. Connection DOWN.
I know it's not IDNet's fault, but my (premium rate) contract is with them and IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH :mad:
Later edit:
May 19 03:02:11 daemon pppd[2622]: No response to 6 echo-requests
May 19 03:02:11 daemon pppd[2622]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
May 19 03:02:11 daemon pppd[2622]: Clear IP addresses. Connection DOWN.
I've had enough, I'm off to bed >:(
@ Zap- I hope you delayed your forum update...
I wonder where I posted in my sleepy state last night :D
My connection was dropping over and over yesterday. All day and night. I've noticed my profile is dropping as a result too. My router is still off after switching it off before going to bed, but I'll have a nose when I get home from work & gym in 12-13 hours time. God it's going to be a long day! :(
Niall, you've got an issue with sync. It appears all other disconnects last night are ppp only.
Must be local then, as my sisters line has gone to pot completely. Awesome. They saw this happen until the line was at 3mb. When it happened to me before all I saw was my connection degrade. It seems that BT are getting awful around here. Ah well when I get home I'll see if it's still cr*p and email support again. It's 100% not an issue at my end.
From AAISP staus page:
Well, I suppose it's silver lining time... something caused a resync during the night and I came down this morning to a profile down from 35067 to 25815 >:(
Didn't think much of that, so rebooted the modem- showed a marked improvement. Had to wait a while for the BT speedtester to let me in again, but it reported that I'm back up to full speed of 38717 :thumb:
Just hope it stays there... :fingers: :fingers: :fingers: :fingers:
BT are just toying with you, Bill. Wait till tonight. :evil:
Trouble is, I know you're probably right :bawl:
I think they employ someone with a nobble desk, he just chooses a button at random and it takes down a section of the network.
Either that or the engineers at BT's Network Ops get really bored and start playing round with the equipment, like some Russian soldiers did with the circuitry on a nuclear ICBM launcher once apparently which sent it into 'combat mode' and it was a few seconds from firing at us when they managed to stop it,
Quote from: Lance on May 19, 2011, 08:10:01
Niall, you've got an issue with sync. It appears all other disconnects last night are ppp only.
Yep he's got that syncing feeling :out:
So apart from the 21CN-BRAS issue (I'm 20CN) was it confirmed as a BT screw up?
Hope so. Nothing more annoying than trying to load a webpage, or replying as your connection dies :(
Looks like a 3rd night of engineering works for me.
Look upon it as an investment for the future, Glenn. Your grandchildren will benefit from all this. ;D
We'll have 100 Gig fibre by the time I'm too old to care at this rate,
Been getting a good number of BT Wholesale messages this evening. (was happening between 7 and 7.30pm), on OpenDNS at the moment, the idnet dns addresses produced more bt messages for some reason.
Connection still dropping over and over. Profile dropping still, as a result.
Time to email support :(
Typical, my connection reset just before I posted that and my profile increased. Since I sent the email my line hasn't dropped at all. Hmm.
Its... *dramatic fanfare* a conspiracy!!!!
Ah well, I woke up earlier, checked the router and there was no connection. It was listing a hell of a lot of IPs as [DOS] attacks though. Some of which I recognise to be ID net IPs, so I'm assuming that's just the router being paranoid. No idea why there were loads of other IPs listed as the router wasn't even connected to anything overnight.
I'll just have to wait for support to check what's going on.
Now my router is being strange. I noticed the time was wrong before, by an hour. So I've checked the time settings section and it seems that you can't actually manually change it, just request the time to be updated. Anyway, I've done that now and now I've noticed an oddity in the logs:
Fri, 2011-05-20 07:22:20 - Send out NTP request to
Fri, 2011-05-20 07:22:20 - Receive NTP Reply from
Fri, 2011-05-20 07:04:45 - Router start up
Fri, 2011-05-20 07:32:44 - Administrator login successful - IP:
Why has it JUST recorded that the router rebooted at 7:04 when it's now 7:32 (or was)? I did a couple of tracerts from cmd, and viewed a few webpages etc, and the router doesn't seem to have logged those either.
Now I'm wondering if the router itself is at fault for all of this. And no, I don't have another router to test as I binned my old knackered one! It'd be a huge coincidence though that BT do work in this area, then my connection repeatedly falls over, almost immediately after their announced work in the area next to mine. The same day in fact, that the 01977 code had work listed when I'm in the 01978 area.
Hmm, well it seems the router is fine. There must just be a delay in the router reporting things. I just started a random download to see if the line drops or not, and it's logging that fine, and downloading fine. This is what it was like last night when I thought it was fine too. Maybe there was more BT work overnight or something?
01977 is a Pontefract code, so I doubt that work in West Yorkshire would be have an effect.
Well I've finished downloading a file I didn't want, which is now deleted :D
The connection was fine, no drops, ping times to BBC are 29ms which is fine (although higher than they used to be by around 8-9ms).
Hopefully the lost connection this morning was just BT doing something during the night. I'll leave the router on while I go to work (VERY LATE NOW! :o) and see what the logs show when I get home from the gym tonight.
Tra for now (until break time on my phone :D)!
Quote from: Rik on May 19, 2011, 13:00:30
BT are just toying with you, Bill. Wait till tonight. :evil:
Something weird going on here... BQM when I logged on this morning:
( (
(Looking at other BQMs showed it wasn't general, so local exchange work?)
Didn't bother with a BT speedtest, but showed about 27Mbps so rebooted the modem again. now gave >37Mbps,
but BT gave a profile of 34565, another immediate run again gave >37Mbps.Ignore that, problem caused by insufficient coffee. BT profile is back up to 38717, but still a lot of packet loss...
I wonder what tomorrow will bring? :dunno:
Brian rather speedily replied to me this morning. Nice service from support as usual :)
Apparently my line wasn't showing any issues today, so hopefully whatever was wrong has now totally slung it's hook :fingers:
Mine seems to have settled down now.
According to the AAISP status page, the problems over Wednesday night/Thursday morning aren't fully closed off yet, so I think I'll keep :fingers: :fingers: for while longer...
Quote from: Bill on May 20, 2011, 14:48:33
Mine seems to have settled down now.
According to the AAISP status page, the problems over Wednesday night/Thursday morning aren't fully closed off yet, so I think I'll keep :fingers: :fingers: for while longer...
Its the weekend, if its going to break thats when it will be, anyway its Apocalypse weekend. According to this American guy the Rapture starts Saturday night so you may not have to worry >:D Saying that he has been wrong three times before...
I should have kept a couple of toes crossed as well... profile is still OK, but the damn thing has put me back on interleaved >:(
Ah well, good thing I'm not interested in gaming :P
Do you know your distance from the cabinet, Bill?
Not for certain, but the most likely route is around 450-500 metres. When the engineer was last here he estimated about 20 other users on the FTTC cabinet.
The speeds I'm getting are OK, I just wish it would make its mind up!
It comes from BT, Bill, it can't. ;D
Ain't that the truth :P
Hmm. Just checked my logs and the router was losing sync all morning up to 1pm. It seems to have settled from then on though.
Suppose I'll have to watch it all weekend now, just to see what's going on.
Sat, 2011-05-21 09:52:46 - LCP down.
Sat, 2011-05-21 09:52:49 - [Internet disconnected]
Sat, 2011-05-21 09:53:50 - [Internet disconnected]
Sat, 2011-05-21 09:53:50 - Initialize LCP.
It was doing this all through the night too. Nothing connected to the router at all, just losing sync over and over.
If support say there's nothing wrong, and there's nothing wrong at my end, what am I supposed to do when there is clearly an issue? Especially when it isn't constant, so if I take up supports offer of an engineer (which I can't as I won't even be here to let them in...) and they find nothing wrong, which I fully expect them to say as they're bound to check something whilst the connection is running fine.
Having connection drops, which points to the exchange or external wiring on BTs part (as my sister is having the same issue with two different routers), is only happening occasionally, but it's effecting my profile now. As I've mentioned, everything at my end is brand new. Router, filters, PC, network cables. No interference, and nothing that I can do to solve anything myself.
I wouldn't mind but I can clearly see my line degrading and it concerns me that it's Russian roulette getting BT out.
Also, I can't find a congestion checker to look at the local WNWX exchange to see if it's that. Samknows used to have one on the status page, but it's not there now and I've searched google but can't find one on there either. I'd like to check this because as far as I'm aware BT don't do any work at the weekends, so my theory of them doing work is now out the window, and yet my line seems to go to cr*p around 11pm and stay cr*p for about 10 hours.
Maybe work was done and the line is recovering or something, but as I can't find anything to confirm or deny that because BT are bloody awful at keeping customers or the public informed, and IDnet don't have the respect of BT it seems, I've really got no idea where to look to find any info :(
I was wondering if the router is at fault, as this DGN 1000 did have reports of dropping connection, but it's been fine for 2-3 months, so I doubt it's that, but have no way of confirming it. I really don't want to buy a new router every time my connection starts dropping :(
After reading a couple more reports on this router, I'm now starting to think it is indeed the router at fault. It may just be coincidence that my sister is having similar looking problems, and they are having physical issues.
Ah well, looks like I'm going to have cr*p internet for well over a month as I can't afford to buy another router until the end of next month as I'm paying for a hotel in London & train tickets next week :(
I'm experiencing similar problems at the moment, Niall. I'd bet that the amount of work BT are doing has disturbed something, but there's no way to prove that. I am as certain as I can be that the fault is not local to me, eg I've tried three routers, three filters, I'm using the test socket and the MW radio reveals nothing in the way of local noise.
If BT come out, they may well not find anything, as the problem is intermittent, ie I tend to get a resync every 2-3 days. Do I risk the £200, or do I wait and hope that FTTC actually becomes available next month? I haven't decided...
Actually I'm now back on the BT train of thought. The router wouldn't connect at all to the server on boot then, for well over 2 minutes.
God, why can't they sort this cr*p out during the night when people aren't off work and using it!? My profile just dropped to 5816. Soon my line will be unusable. Awesome.
There we go, no connection. That's my morning ruined. No connection = no authorizing with Drm servers for the games I own.
I wonder what BS they'll fob IDNet off with this time.
Be grateful Niall, my profile dropped from 3.5M to 2M. ;)
2M is better than 0M. ;)
Quote from: Rik on May 21, 2011, 10:50:08
Be grateful Niall, my profile dropped from 3.5M to 2M. ;)
2mb is better than no connection.
There's an echo in here. ;D
Niall, don't rule your equipment out without checking. Just because it is new it doesnt mean it can't be faulty.
If your sister has two routers could you borrow one of them?
Quote from: Niall on May 21, 2011, 11:40:58
2mb is better than no connection.
Ah, but some of the time I have no connection too. ;)
My connection has been connecting, taking about a minute to go through the boot cycle, allows a net connection for around 30 seconds then dies. This repeats every 2 minutes. All day.
Oh and my sister doesn't have two routers. They had my old one, and I tested theirs with mine when they had issues before. I can't borrow theirs either as they have their own issues which they'll need to keep their router connected to monitor. Plus she's downstairs and her other half is away in work with the router locked in the back room to stop their cats eating the cables ;D
I've just noticed that my connection hasn't dropped since 12:31 when it reconnected. Only having a download speed of 8mb is a bugger as it was 14, but hopefully it'll creep back up now. That being said, every time I've posted in this thread I've been disconnected straight afterwards :D
/dons tin foil hat
And down it goes.
Won't say that again will you Niall
Given up now. I'm going to wait a few days and see what happens. Got too much to do this week, so don't have time to mess around contacting support. As I don't have access to a spare router for nearly 6 weeks there's nothing I can do.
Ah well.
Well I've had a nose on netgear's forums just now and there are a LOT of people having the problems I am. One post you'd swear I'd made as it was almost word perfect, and the logs match what I'm seeing. I've also noticed that at some point my router has autoupdated the firmware, so there must have been a brief power cut at some point to allow the download. I've actually turned off the auto update feature a while ago, so I'm wondering (hoping) that the .41 firmware on my DGN1000 is to blame.
I've just installed the .34 version, and I'll see what happens. My connection hasn't dropped while I've typed this, so that's a start :D
Bloody hell, disconnected straight away.
Ah well, I'm going to buy a router. Dunno which one now as I'm now totally put off by Netgear :(
I've never liked Netgear- always had the impression they're build down to a price rather than up to a spec.
I usually go for a SOHO router rather than a "domestic" one, but it means spending quite a bit more. I'm pleased with the Billion 7800N I bought recently, but it's around £120...
I'd go for a Cisco if I could be bothered to learn the CLI.
And there's lots of CLI.
I know, I looked it up once :eek4:
I do think there is a web based config option on some of the routers but on the course that I got half way through they never use that.
Quote from: Bill on May 26, 2011, 20:48:43
I've never liked Netgear - always had the impression they're build down to a price rather than up to a spec.
I usually go for a SOHO router rather than a "domestic" one, but it means spending quite a bit more. I'm pleased with the Billion 7800N I bought recently, but it's around £120...
I'd go for a Cisco if I could be bothered to learn the CLI.
Well I was considering getting the DGN3700 until this happened, so £120 is less than I planned to spend anyway! I would see how things go, but as I'm not the only one that uses this network, I'll need to find a cheaper solution in the meantime as I'm forking out for a train to London and a hotel this month. Plus if Jessops *spit* are to be believed, the camera I ordered 30/04/11 might be in stock the middle of this month, which is another £208, so I'll be skint before I even think about the router ;D
Get yourself a Draytek Niall . Netgear routers really are the pits.
Well now my liver has been well and truly battered, arms stretched by lugging 30+ kilo speakers around helping set up an event yesterday and staying out until 1am (which I haven't done in years!) I'm knackered and back to nosing at my router.
For whatever reason, my router hasn't dropped at all since my last post, but I'm at a loss as to why. That being said, I just logged into my router to see weird log entries:
QuoteMon, 2011-05-30 11:13:01 - Administrator login successful - IP:
ion:,19976 - [DOS]
Very odd that!
It's having a bank holiday off. ;)
I would reboot the router, but as it's been up and connected for 2 days I'm leaving well enough alone :D I was wondering if there was no problem with the router after all, but that log entry doesn't fill me with hope.
Ah well, my hotel is booked for the B.B.King concert, as is the train. I got a bargain £72 hotel less than half a mile from the Royal Albert Hall, and return train straight from Wrexham to London. Tube or taxi from the station as there's a tube station within 200 yards of the hotel, but I'm unfamiliar with the London tube, so I dunno if I can get one from Euston station. One thing I found strange was that if I got the Virgin train as a one way affair it leaves at 9am. If I want a return ticket I have to go on a 7am train. How the hell does that work? :D
There's a Northern & Victoria line tube at Euston, Niall, then there's Euston Square a short walk away, which is Circle, Metropolitan and Bakerloo (according the map).
Or I could be lazy and spend £14 on a taxi ;D
Why not, you're there to enjoy yourself. :)
Indeed! That said, if it's only half a mile...
The hotel is half a mile from the Royal Albert Hall. I'm talking about getting to it from the station :D I just want the day to be as stress free as possible, which is why I got the hotel as near as possible to the R.A.H. That way it's impossible to go the wrong way as it's a short walk to a main road in any direction, and it'll be signposted :)
Oh, I see. In which case, get a cab. ;D
I think I'd save the money and get the Tube,you might even save enough for a pint.
I wont be drinking. I'll be going to the gym when I get back.
Hmm, actually as the return train is midday, I won't be home until 3pm so I might. It's also just occurred to me that I don't know what time I can check in at the hotel. I don't want to get there before the last person has left. It's making my skin crawl at the thought of sleeping in a bed that hundreds of other people have :bawl:
OK,take the tube and have a Coffee in Hyde Park ;D You'll need to check with the Hotel, rooms are normally cleared by 10.00am but not available sometimes until as late as 1600
I'll be getting there about 10:30 I'd have thought, so it should be fine.
I found out at the weekend that Bonamasa's band are playing (presumably without him) at a small gig in Llandudno in July, so I've bought tickets for that too :D
In my experience most hotels have a check in time of 3pm, but often you can check in early if a room is available.
Really starting to wonder if there actually was anything wrong with my router at all now. It's been online and connected for days with no problems and my profile is improving. It's already climbed up in speed by 3mb now, and only has 3 to go to return to normal.
I think the line drops must have been exchange side, otherwise I'd still be seeing the problem now if it was the router, surely? Nothing has changed at my end, other than me changing the firmware, which made no difference during the problems.
I think your probably right about the router it's ok
Just checked again and no drops at all. The router logs seem borked though. It works fine but when you log in, it interrupts the logging, seemingly halfway through. It logs fine when you logout though :D
Ah well, I'm all skint now so I can't afford a new one anyway. Bonamasa is playing in Llandudno (well his band is, still not sure if he is, but his site seems to indicate so) in July so that's another £44 spent. Not doing bad on music this month. £60 at the weekend, £72 on a hotel, £44 on a train £75 on BB King tickets and now another £44 on Bonamasa ;D
Spare food sir? :hungry:
Just noticed my line was down when I'd come back upstairs. Explains why my mums pc has been taking AGES to download windows updates.
QuoteSat, 2011-06-04 14:17:30 - LCP down.
Sat, 2011-06-04 14:18:30 - Initialize LCP.
Sat, 2011-06-04 14:18:30 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sat, 2011-06-04 14:18:31 - CHAP authentication success
Sat, 2011-06-04 14:31:47 - LCP down.
Sat, 2011-06-04 14:32:47 - Initialize LCP.
Sat, 2011-06-04 14:32:47 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sat, 2011-06-04 14:32:48 - CHAP authentication success
Sun, 2011-06-05 02:52:11 - LCP down.
Sun, 2011-06-05 02:53:12 - Initialize LCP.
Sun, 2011-06-05 02:53:12 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sun, 2011-06-05 02:53:13 - CHAP authentication success
Sun, 2011-06-05 03:00:40 - LCP down.
Sun, 2011-06-05 03:01:46 - Initialize LCP.
Sun, 2011-06-05 03:01:46 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sun, 2011-06-05 03:01:50 - CHAP authentication success
Sun, 2011-06-05 03:05:10 - LCP down.
Sun, 2011-06-05 03:06:11 - Initialize LCP.
Sun, 2011-06-05 03:06:11 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sun, 2011-06-05 03:06:12 - CHAP authentication success
Sun, 2011-06-05 05:50:13 - LCP down.
Sun, 2011-06-05 05:51:12 - Initialize LCP.
Sun, 2011-06-05 05:51:13 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sun, 2011-06-05 05:51:13 - CHAP authentication success
Sun, 2011-06-05 05:51:21 - LCP down.
Sun, 2011-06-05 05:52:21 - Initialize LCP.
Sun, 2011-06-05 05:52:21 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sun, 2011-06-05 05:52:22 - CHAP authentication success
Sun, 2011-06-05 09:23:13 - LCP down.
Sun, 2011-06-05 09:24:13 - Initialize LCP.
Sun, 2011-06-05 09:24:13 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sun, 2011-06-05 09:24:14 - CHAP authentication success
Sun, 2011-06-05 17:15:34 - LCP down.
Sun, 2011-06-05 17:16:24 - Administrator login successful - IP:
tion success
More worryingly it's now saying the profile is 8888 instead of the near 14k it was. No idea why it suddenly dropped, as it's been fine for days. On thinking about it, I was seeing Steam telling me last night that it was losing it's connection to the friends network thing, so there were probably problems before it actually started dropping. Why it was dropping all through the night I've no idea as I was asleep at the time. The connection was fine all day too.
Really getting fed up of this now. Hope it's just a blip. If it's the router I'd rather it just die completely, to be honest. If it's the line I've no way of knowing. Ah well, I'll just ignore it again. Really can't be bothered with this.
It sound like the line's losing sync, Niall. Any chance you could run Routerstats for 24 hours?
I've got nothing else planned, so why not? ;D
/me wanders off to find routerstats
It's one of the best tools available to us to judge the line's performance over a prolonged period.
Righty, think that's that running. I'll just need to remember to leave the PC on when I go to bed ;D
We'll let you turn the monitor off, Niall. :)
Just had a phone call from my daughter to say her connection has been really slow all week and now it is down completely, she is on a 01462 number. Any ideas?
If she has lost connection completely, she needs to call IDNet and leave a message stating that she has no service. 0800 331 7000
Oddly, as I started Routerstats, the connection dropped and increased slightly. It's now just over 9000 now. It's also showing noise margin of 12.5-12.6 since I last posted.
I've no idea what that means ;D
Quote from: annc on Jun 05, 2011, 19:32:49
Just had a phone call from my daughter to say her connection has been really slow all week and now it is down completely, she is on a 01462 number. Any ideas?
Sorry - that should have been 01403 number - was looking at the wrong thing :red:
See Glenn's post above.
Quote from: Niall on Jun 05, 2011, 20:35:14
Oddly, as I started Routerstats, the connection dropped and increased slightly. It's now just over 9000 now. It's also showing noise margin of 12.5-12.6 since I last posted.
I've no idea what that means ;D
Best guess - instability has lead DLM to increase your target noise margin, and when the router resynced last, the ambient noise was lower, so it was able to negotiate a higher sync speed, Niall.
Had a quick check this morning on the way out and the stats graph erm...thingy showed the noise dropped, didn't have time to check, but the line speed increased to 10000ish looking at the graph. It doesn't really give you much info other than noise and line profile/speed so I'm not sure how you'd know about line drops if they just go and come back with the same profile, which is was wad happening the other week. Whatever went on this time though, seems to be noise related at a guess as it increases a bit as the noise figure lowered.
That's if I'm understanding it right!
Ah well, back to my extrely cr*p day in work, doing 3 people's job and then the gym. Plus I've had no dinner as I was late because I was busy :( Quavers are not a filling lunch!
Post the Routerstats text log as an attachment, will you Niall?
Just got home from the gym.
Erm... *looks*
*looks some more*
Ah ha, there it is, all hidden at the bottom ;D
As you can see, it's slowly creeping up, which hopefully is a good thing.
Although the speeds are reasonably steady, Niall, that line is still quite unstable. :(
How can you tell? I've absolutely no idea, and IDnet told me the line was fine ???
If you run through the log, Niall, you'll see a number of entries like this:
Mon 06 Jun 2011 03:22:59, Noise Margin= 13.0, Sync Speed= 9016
Mon 06 Jun 2011 03:23:14, Noise Margin= 0.0, Sync Speed= 0
Mon 06 Jun 2011 03:23:29, Noise Margin= 0.0, Sync Speed= 0
Mon 06 Jun 2011 03:23:44, Noise Margin= 0.0, Sync Speed= 0
Mon 06 Jun 2011 03:23:59, Noise Margin= 0.0, Sync Speed= 0
Mon 06 Jun 2011 03:24:14, Noise Margin= 12.0, Sync Speed= 10040
Each one of those is a resync, five in 25 hours by my count.
Oh yeah, that matches where the log showed those disconnects I mentioned. It seems to do it each night when it happens. Also my noise thingy :D just dropped after posting those logs.
See attached :)
A couple of db's of noise have come onto the line, so that's not a good thing. Watch for that figure to drop, see at what point the router resyncs. The log suggests that it's not happening due to a decreased NM, it seems to come from out of the blue, so is possibly an error burst.
Oh, so it's worse if the NM is lower then? ???
I dunno how all this internet bobbins works ;D
Quote from: Niall on Jun 06, 2011, 19:27:40
I dunno how all this internet bobbins works ;D
Have a look around RobertoS's site:
In that case I'll leave routerstats running for a while longer before sending the logs to IDnet to look into.
Ah, it's going the other way now.
/me stares at stats
You'll be hooked before you know it! ;D
While I've been smushing baddies in Supreme Commander 2, something went pop :D
See attached :D
It was possibly a burst of noise and then you resynced. Certainly a dropped connection anyway.
Noise or errors, Steve, it has to be one of the two.
If it's errors I wonder if a router swap may be worth a trial.
Always. :)
I'm not sure which way to go, but am once again leaning to router issues. Routerstats stopping logging at 7:52 but I could still browse the web. I think something on the routers logging is knackered, and if that's the case it's not unreasonable to think the router is the source of all evil :D
Oh and my camera arrived this morning on the way out making me late for work ad I had to wait 10 mins for the bloke to get the delivery tool working! Not even had time to open the box. Roll on 5pm!
I'd have brought it to work with me. ;)
The box was huge! It's got a free bag, the camera, battery grip, memory card, battery and a free hd camera. Bit too much to carry on my bike :D
Oh the pain! Still, just 20 minutes to go...
Got it now. Had to charge the battery which took a while. Christ this camera is vastly different to the 30D. I can honestly say I have no idea where some of the functions are that I use regularly are! I like the flip out screen on it; that will be very handy for macro shots at odd angles.
Currently reading through the manual, which I didn't think I'd have to do! Oh, and I've suddenly got a cold out of nowhere. That's annoying!
Oh yeah, my connection dropped earlier too and it's back to what it was last night. Whatever is wrong, seems to go wrong around the same time each night. No idea why. Ho hum.
Which suggests cyclical electrical noise, Niall. Anything turning on in the house at that time?
Nope. Everything is as it was. I removed everything I could. Nothing below me and the router is in the corner of the room away from the electrics. I suppose it's possible that there's an issue with the wiring in the house, but I'd have thought that's unlikely as there's been no issues at all.
In a couple of months I'll be getting rid of my old TV and replacing that, which isn't anywhere near the router anyway. This room has always had electrical interference for radio though, I have to place the radio near the sockets, oddly. In the centre of the room it's a bit picky.
Despite that though, I only started having problems a while ago after years of trouble free internet. I'll be very surprised if it's anything physical in the house that's causing it, plus the router isn't sitting near any power sources, other than the cable it's powered by!
Anyway, below reinforces my thoughts that it's not that as there was nothing powered in the house today while I was at work:
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:01:03 - LCP down.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:02:06 - Initialize LCP.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:02:06 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:02:07 - CHAP authentication success
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:03:29 - LCP down.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:04:29 - Initialize LCP.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:04:29 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:04:29 - CHAP authentication success
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:04:47 - LCP down.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:05:46 - Initialize LCP.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:05:47 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:05:50 - CHAP authentication success
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:08:19 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Wed, 2011-06-08 09:08:20 - CHAP authentication success
Wed, 2011-06-08 10:15:00 - LCP down.
Wed, 2011-06-08 10:16:01 - Initialize LCP.
Wed, 2011-06-08 10:16:01 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Wed, 2011-06-08 10:16:02 - CHAP authentication success
Wed, 2011-06-08 10:16:55 - LCP down.
Wed, 2011-06-08 10:17:56 - Initialize LCP.
Wed, 2011-06-08 10:17:56 - LCP is allowed to come up.
And this makes me think it's the router:
Sat, 2000-01-01 00:01:26 - Initialize LCP.
Sat, 2000-01-01 00:01:26 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Sat, 2000-01-01 00:01:30 - CHAP authentication success
Sat, 2000-01-01 00:01:37 - Send out NTP request to
Tue, 2011-06-07 17:50:53 - Receive NTP Reply from
Tue, 2011-06-07 17:51:28 - Administrator login successful - IP:
Tue, 2011-06-07 17:49:15 - Router start up
Tue, 2011-06-07 19:01:08 - LCP down.
Tue, 2011-06-07 19:02:11 - Initialize LCP.
Tue, 2011-06-07 19:02:11 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Tue, 2011-06-07 19:02:12 - CHAP authentication success
Wed, 2011-06-08 00:55:28 - LCP down.
Wed, 2011-06-08 00:56:31 - Initialize LCP.
Wed, 2011-06-08 00:56:31 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Unless my router travels in time, it seems to be losing it's settings on a regular basis, which could realistically mean it's fooked!
Nothing powered?
So no fridge? No hot water?
I'm just highlighting that there probably is something turned on! Unfortunately, it could even be something kicking out noise at your neighbours.
As happened to me recently.
Thats actually quite possible. Since they moved in next door, years ago, that's when I started having trouble with radio reception when I'd had nothing troublesome for 20 years previously!
I'm pretty sure it's something to do with his huge DIY satellite dish.
That being said, my router being weird makes me look harder at that than something that's not effected 4 different routers previously.
Ideally, it's down to methodical elimination, Niall. Have you got a battery-powered MW radio?
Not any more. My grandad had it during his last days in the care home and the nurse dropped it :(
I have actually thought of something it could be. I've got a tower fan thingy here (like an obelisk that chucks out air :D) that I've only been using since it was hot. I'm wondering if it's shielded as that could well be the source of problems. I've unplugged it anyway and chucked it on the landing. Also I've noticed that my monitors screen has a slight flicker, so I'm now wondering if there's an issue with that, that could be causing it.
I'm buying a new monitor next month anyway, so when I get that I'm planning on pulling out all the cabling, getting rid of the analogue TV and using one of them as a TV. That way I can get rid of the DVD player and use the bluray on a monitor I have now which will instantly eliminate two power sources. I've also been pondering handing the router on the wall, high up, just to get it as far away as possible from power sources. Some plastic cable tidy things would make it barely noticable in the corner too, so that's a decent plan.
Then I shall cover my house in foil.
Aldi have battery-powered radios on offer Sunday, if you have a branch handy:
To be honest, I'm not really in a rush. Yes the problems are annoying as hell, but I need to watch the dosh this month for the London trip. I know I'll end up buying a B.B.King hat and T-shirt :D I'm off for two weeks as of the 24th, so I'll start playing around then :)
Well, fingers crossed, I think I've found the source of the problem.
Yesterday I decided to get rid of my old Iiyama CRT monitor that was taking up a LOT of space as I don't need the second monitor for what I was using it for, and the image quality is far too poor on it now sadly. Fantastic monitor for the best part of a decade that thing :) I was using the USB hub base for my printer, etc but I've now bought a dock for the front of the PC for that.
Anyway, after moving that the flickering on my main monitor has stopped and the router hasn't disconnected more than once. When it did re-sync the profile went back up to 14k with the good old 1100 upload again. Hopefully this was the source of my problems, but every time I post here with hope, something goes wrong. Time will tell (normally about 10 minutes after posting :D). Oh, I also upgraded the firmware too, which I'm sure is the same build number but has a different prefix on it. The logging is working again on the router too, with this new firmware.
It's a definite candidate for the source of the problem, Niall, the HT power packs on CRTs could pump out a lot of noise.
My cat is happy too. He can lay out on the desk now, all smug :D
Pretty sure the monitor was the source now. 72 hours up and 13k+ profile.
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Plus, 6 days time I shall be sitting in the Royal Albert Hall, giddy as a school girl :D
I'll be sitting next to the River Nairn as happy as a lark. ;)
I've got this cr*ppy little free camera bag that came with my 60D so I may take that with me with a single lens. Or the 30D with the nifty 50. Less to lose if I'm mugged. Although I'd probably squash any mugger as I'm back in the gym now :D Unless they cheat and use strong language and intelligent quips ;D
Quote from: Rik on Jun 22, 2011, 17:51:22
I'll be sitting next to the River Nairn as happy as a lark. ;)
Just as well the Nairn isn't in Italy, they used to eat song birds.
Got home from London late this afternoon, and just checked my logs. My internet has been dropping constantly all day. No reason for it at my end now. Everything was switched off, and it's been fine since I moved that old monitor, so I'm now back to having a useless connection with no way to test it other than to buy a router, in the hope that it's at fault. You know, because I'm made of money.
Just found this that someone else posted a link to on here a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure this matches my problems, which makes me wonder if whatever went pop, went pop again..
Hmm nope, that was 10 days after my problems.
Quote from: Niall on Jun 29, 2011, 20:04:46with no way to test it other than to buy a router, in the hope that it's at fault. You know, because I'm made of money.
Didn't IDNet have some facility in the past to lend you a test router in cases like this?
Yep, the customer just covers the postage. To be honest, a test router could be picked up super cheap from eBay anyway.
A fair point, but I know which one I'd have more confidence was in working order when I got it!
Well my router is well and truely knackered I think. Well, I've decided. I couldn't even browse the net when it said I was connected. I've just moved it and it's VERY hot. I've also noticed that the top is bowed out now, so I'm thinking it's overheating and killing itself. Yeah, thassit :D
Anyway I've bought a Billion router for £120 mentioned further back in this thread. Reviews for EVERY router there is, have people complaining about a problem one way or another with them. The Billion router reviews seem more favourable, with the main problem being peoples inability to port forward or install security packages on their PCs.
I also bought 27" Iiyama PLB2712HDS-B1 Black. Now I'm skint, so nothing else better go wrong as that's all my spending money for the month gone!
Oh I had to get that second battery for the 60D too. The flash & tripod will have to wait for ANOTHER month!
Just had my DPD email to say the monitor is being delivered today. Rather oddly, and a bit annoyingly, it says it'll be delivered between 8am-6pm. Erm, not a great deal of help when you want to go out! Normally their emails come through telling me within the hour when they'll be here. Boo and hiss!
Quote from: Niall on Jul 01, 2011, 09:52:23
Just had my DPD email to say the monitor is being delivered today. Rather oddly, and a bit annoyingly, it says it'll be delivered between 8am-6pm. Erm, not a great deal of help when you want to go out! Normally their emails come through telling me within the hour when they'll be here. Boo and hiss!
I hate the all day wait >:(
Perhaps you'll just have to monitor the situation. >:D
:argh: :getout:
Ah well, £120 spent on a router:
Jul 05 18:46:59 daemon pppd[473]: Clear IP addresses. Connection DOWN.
Jul 05 18:46:59 daemon pppd[473]: Clear IP addresses.
Jul 05 18:46:59 daemon pppd[473]: Couldn't increase MTU to 1500.
Jul 05 18:47:05 daemon pppd[473]: Connection terminated.
Jul 05 18:47:05 daemon pppd[473]: Connect time 17.8 minutes.
Still doing exactly the same thing. No idea why it can't change the MTU to 1500 because I could on the netgear. This router seems to try to change it to that figure by itself. Ah well I'll leave it over night, but I tell you what, I'm getting sick to death of this. I've bought two routers in a few months due to this problem, costing me £200 in total. Would have been easier to get an engineer out and risk the call out charge.
Router stats is now running so I'll see what's what. For what it's worth, my connection has dropped 4 times since I last posted. I've even unplugged my fan and moved it to a socket outside the room, and unplugged my old DVD player too. Tomorrow I'll get rid of the old TV and connect Sky to my HDTV so that will be one less thing to rule out. Other than that, EVERYTHING is new in this room now.
Oh and I've moved the router to the windowsill so it's cooler, not that this would have been an issue, but better off safe than sorry.
Other than rewire the house and pay BT £50,000 or more to lay new cable I have no idea what more I can do.
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:08:26, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:08:41, Noise Margin= 68, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:08:56, Noise Margin= 68, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:09:11, Noise Margin= 61, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:09:26, Noise Margin= 61, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:09:41, Noise Margin= 67, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:09:56, Noise Margin= 54, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:10:11, Noise Margin= 54, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:10:26, Noise Margin= 66, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:10:41, Noise Margin= 68, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:10:56, Noise Margin= 68, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:11:11, Noise Margin= 68, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:11:26, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:11:41, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:11:56, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:12:11, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:12:26, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:12:41, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:12:56, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:13:11, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:13:26, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:13:41, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:13:56, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:14:11, Noise Margin= 69, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:14:26, Noise Margin= 64, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:14:41, Noise Margin= 64, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:14:56, Noise Margin= 64, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:15:11, Noise Margin= 59, Sync Speed= 9723
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:15:26, Noise Margin= ., Sync Speed= 0
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:15:41, Noise Margin= ., Sync Speed= 0
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:15:56, Noise Margin= ., Sync Speed= 0
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:16:11, Noise Margin= 62, Sync Speed= 9724
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:16:26, Noise Margin= 61, Sync Speed= 9724
Tue 05 Jul 2011 20:16:41, Noise Margin= 61, Sync Speed= 9724
Out of curiosity, how come the netgear router said I had a noise margin of 12 and this Billion 7800N says I have 61? What's that about? ;D
I think it's a firmware bug Niall the decimal point is missing, upgrade to 1.06D
BTW I'm using MTU of 1500 I think , well it says 1500 . I think I hit apply from the basic menu
I thought it might be because routerstats is showing that when the noise reduces to 50, that's when the line drops. I'm just talking to my mate and he's saying that he had the same problem when there was damp in the box outside. It could well be that, so I think an engineer visit is in order.
New firmware installed.
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:11:19, Noise Margin= 6.3, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:11:34, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:11:49, Noise Margin= 6.3, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:12:04, Noise Margin= 6.3, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:12:19, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:12:34, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:12:49, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:13:04, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:13:19, Noise Margin= 6.3, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:13:34, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:13:49, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:14:04, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:14:19, Noise Margin= 6.3, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:14:34, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Tue 05 Jul 2011 21:15:03, Noise Margin= 6.2, Sync Speed= 9722
Now I'm REALLY confused.
I'd rather have noise margin of 12 than 6 at the same sync rate. How long ago did you have a sync rate of 14K ? Your line for whatever reason seems to have degraded and that's completely separate IMO from the bursts of noise that are causing a resync.
I'll get on to IDnet support tomorrow. I'm not putting up with it anymore. It's taking the piss now. I haven't had a stable connection for months, and as I was told the line was fine I've spent £200 on routers. As I mentioned, a mate says he had the same issue when the box outside his house was damp (according to the engineer). It's got to be external as I've removed absolutely EVERYTHING from the equation now, and run out of money to do anything more.
Well something has gone pop. On top of my constant disconnections, ongoing for 2 months now, I've lost my connection and have been given one of those 172. Ip addresses and can't connect to anything. This is awesome.
That's a local IP address isn't i.e issue between network adaptor and router DHCP server
It came back after a reboot. From looking through the forums, it's what happens when there's a problem at exchanges/hubs (or whatever they're called).
Hostlinks! That's the one. I think ;D to are the private IP addresses
What's that mean? ;D
Reserved for private networking i.e. within a house or small office when using NAT
192.168.x.x and 10.x.x.x are other examples (x can be a number between 0 and 255)
Is email down? email is down.
This is annoying....................
An unknown error has occurred.
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x80070057
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No
Quote from: pctech on Jul 10, 2011, 18:52:37
Reserved for private networking i.e. within a house or small office when using NAT
192.168.x.x and 10.x.x.x are other examples (x can be a number between 0 and 255)
I thought that's what they meant, but assumed I'd got the wrong end of the stick. If you scan the forums, you'll find a few people that have had disconnects being reassigned an IP like the one I had. I've had the same problem myself when there were issues a while ago. The IP I was assigned was from the ISP, not on the router as I set my own IP address (for the network at home), rather than leaving it as dynamic.
I'm assuming something has gone wrong as there are more people than just myself reporting a variety of issues.
Quote from: sparky on Jul 10, 2011, 19:52:21 email is down.
This is annoying....................
An unknown error has occurred.
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x80070057
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No
Seems fine to me :dunno:
Well it isn't working for me.
I have just tried logging in to my account via webmail and that isn't working either.
Well, now it is...........kind of.
I can check my inbox, but mail won't send..........................
OK. Sorry guys.
Looks like it was something to do with windows live mail trying to send pictures! ???
Deleted the two mails that had the photo's in and the rest went fine........
Still confused though as to what I did, haven't had that problem before.................
Were they large pictures?
Quote from: Niall on Jul 10, 2011, 19:59:45
I thought that's what they meant, but assumed I'd got the wrong end of the stick. If you scan the forums, you'll find a few people that have had disconnects being reassigned an IP like the one I had. I've had the same problem myself when there were issues a while ago. The IP I was assigned was from the ISP, not on the router as I set my own IP address (for the network at home), rather than leaving it as dynamic.
I'm assuming something has gone wrong as there are more people than just myself reporting a variety of issues.
And if you see a 169.254.x.x one and your machine is configured to get an address via DHCP from the router it means it received no DHCP response from the router.
My throughput is abysmal tonight. I don't have enough bandwidth to watch anything on BBC iPlayer and browsing is painfully slow.
( ( (
The post-midnight packet loss is bad tonight... BQMs in sig.
I still think IDNet need more bandwidth somewhere.
I don't seem to have the bandwidth to see your sig or anything else containing an image for that matter :(
I just ran a BT speedtest which prompted a 'Tap3 Test Configuration'. The result of that was...
QuoteThe system is currently busy. Please try again shortly, however if this problem persists, raise the issue with your service provider
I ran that error message through Babel Fish and it translated as
Your connection is shite, no test results for you :laugh: As we all know, you can't conduct another test for an hour or until your connection is running at or above acceptable levels. It's the best con in town!
Quote from: zappaDPJ on Jul 12, 2011, 00:52:27As we all know, you can't conduct another test for an hour
No, that's not true... there's only an hour delay after a
successful test (ie it gets as far as telling you your profile >:()
If it fails you can try again immediately. And sometimes it works!
What I'm getting when I try to retest is...
QuoteYou appear to be logged in as ********@*****.***. In order to run the next test you must login as speedtest@speedtest_domain.
Please wait while you are redirected.
It never redirects. I suspect it actually has logged test results though and will continue with that message until the hour is up.
You may well be right, I've never seen that message myself.
More evidence that, as a diagnostic tool, it's borked >:(
Email sent to support. It's engineer time. If BT say there's nothing wrong with the line, then good luck getting £160 out of me as I've spent all my money on routers ::)
My connection has dropped a few times since 17:00. Not a single day without connection problems. Fed up with IDnet. IDNet = bad
Do you mean sync or PPP?
I guess it's sync, Rik
If your guessing sync well that's more likely to be a local issue i.e between router and exchange.
I agree with Steve, that'sa problem between you and BT, nothing to do with IDNet as such, though they will obviously try and help you with it, as will we.
I forgot to mention that I had an email from Brian saying they'd asked BT to tinker with settings at their end to stabilize my line, and the work would be done yesterday most likely. Well I don't know if they did but I noticed my upload speed dropped by 33% ish, and my line was still dropping last night (5 times that I noticed when I wasn't busy doing other things, between 8-11pm).
I'll give it another few days and see what happens. I'm going to start looking at the lines outside the house myself if people keep telling me the line is fine! Although no one said the line was fine this time, in fact now I think about it if IDNet ask BT to alter something at their end then does that not point at an issue with them or the line?
QuoteWe have requested BT make some modification to the circuit to enable
some stability options on their systems to determine if this helps to
stabilise the line.
Ah re-reading that it's problem solving. Was way too tired last time I read it :D
I thought I'd add something I just this minute found out.
My mums phone line was knackered as I mentioned in another thread. The engineer was at the exchange today and said that someone had dropped something on the cabling there, damaging it, which caused problems. Now this makes me wonder if this could have anything to do with the problems I'm having with my internet dropping ALL THE TIME. The router is showing some drops today while I was at work, as usual, so I don't know if it was them fiddling that caused it or just the same old problem that wont go away.
So, are phone lines and DSL lines on completely different hardware, or could this have been a problem caused a while ago that slowly worsened, also causing my internet to get worse? I'm really getting desperate now as the line doesn't drop as much (this was before I contacted support) but is still dropping, and after I spoke to support (but as I said before I plan on waiting a few days to see if whatever BT do to attempt to solve the problem, works or not). It would be odd if the two things (phone and DSL) aren't connected, but who knows. Still, I'm starting to be more convinced as the days pass, that the issue is on the line itself as I've spent a lot of money replacing everything network related here. Twice. That hasn't made any difference at all and I've done everything in my power to cut out problems at this end, which I assume support agree with as they've gone to BT now rather than ask me to jump through the testing hoops you normally do (which I've done. A lot). This room has at times looked like NASA with 3 monitors and a TV, laptop, scanners and printer, speakers and a desk fan or two. Now I have my new lower power consuming PC, new monitor and got rid of all the rest. There's no reason I can think of that interference would be the cause :(
It's so damn irritating having absolutely zero control over a problem like this after 9 years of stable and fast internet. I really wish there was some sort of web page that you could look at to see the status of your line, so you could at least have a vague idea of what a problem could be. I've just bought a ventrilo server with a mate that I can't use as I constantly drop from it :(
Phone lines use common copper from your house to the exchange, Niall. There, the line splits to voice and ADSL equipment.
Could they not mean the ASDL equipment, as suppose to the line? The "circuit" includes the line, but also the machinery. Machinery seems to have a mind of it's own at times. ;)
Well I don't know what it is. No one seems to know what BT do, but I think they may have actually done something to my line today not monday as they told support. I came home and my router had disconnected at about 9:30 and as far as I can tell, it hadn't reconnected (the logs on these 7800Ns are a little cluttered with info for my taste, as I don't understand it all fully). I tried to force a connect when I came in and it wouldn't do it so I've rebooted the router and that's reconnected the line. That hasn't happened before during this problem patch, so I'm assuming something was done exchange side.
I really wish BT were as good as IDnet support :( At least IDnet support do what they say they'll do and are as transparent as they can be. BT seem to do what they want, leaving people in the cr*p :(
BT are, sadly, a law unto themselves. :(
I emailed support again this morning. My line is still dropping, but also the speed is degrading, up and down. Normally upstream is unaffected but since the end of last week (before contacting support) both have degraded. Also my my mums phone line isn't working again.
I really hope support can sort this out. There's obviously something wrong at the exchange. I'm actually on my lunch break at the moment staring at the exchange out of the window. I'm half tempted to go and have a word myself.
Anything wrong with IDNet email? Just tried to reply to support and got a message saying the email can't be relayed or something similar?!
Are you accessing the mail from your connection?
No, it was from my iphone. I'll send it again now that I'm home as it'll connect to my (painfully slow) connection.
Oh, nevermind. It seems that it went through despite that message. Ironically I just got a reply :D
Now, someone wave a wand and make BT be as good as IDnet support ;D
My line is nice and stable again. Speed still not back anything close to what it was, but it's getting there. It had recovered to just over 7500 last night, but it's very slow going getting back up.
Well my line s stuck at 888 up and 7.6 down. Brian has been helpful as per usual, however I'm now firmly at the mercy of BT ad I have to risk a call out to BT at £160 because it could be "line degradation". Nice catchall cop out by BT that. Basically their equipment is sh*t and not up to what I pay for and I'm the one that is at risk of what is essentially a fine for them not finding anything.
Seriously, how can this possibly be fair? I can't afford £160 to lose. I've had noise on the phone line, adsl plummet to pathetic speeds, my mums phone line stopped working completely and apparently the line into the house is fine? Do me a bloody favour.
BT are disgusting treating customers like this. They should be forced to give full details of issued on their lines so the customers can see if they are even worth using.
I'm so pissed off by the whole BT attitude thing I really feel like canceling everything and doing without.
It always comes down to this, Niall, BT are judge and jury, and seem accountable to no-one. :(
Don't BT have an obligation to provide a voice service at minimum?
And data at 28.8k.
Well, if it's any consolation I also have the same problem.
A solid 4Mb profile for several years, connecting at 4800 -5000 Mbs, now after one Sat/Sun night of resynchs on my router, caused by something on the BT line, my profile has dropped to 2Mb and I cannot connect at any more than 2528. (tried different router and cable into test socket) and still have a 6db noise margin, no audible noise on line etc.
Line degradation. What in one night! Especially a Sat night/ Sun morning. There aint no way I believe that BT haven't done something to my line. They've given half my speed to someone else I think :'(
Sadly no chance ever of cable where I live.................
Could it be your router sparky? Mine died/crashed one night and get stuck in a "reconnecting" loop, so the DLM (exchange) lowered my connection to 2mb. :(
But a swap to a working router and a few days later the exchange upped me back to 8mb.
The other thing is my sisters line that's had immense stability issues, as I've mentioned here a lot, has suddenly been fixed. Now they have a 14mb line and mine is cr*p. A complete reverse of the last 3 years.
It may be coincidence but I find that extremely unlikely that the identical issues I'm seeing to my sisters old problems are nothing to do with BT. I personally think they've switched around something in the exchange that was causing issues for one area, with equipment for my area.
As always I'm completely guessing as are IDnet, due to BT being lying, incompetent fools.
How the hell am I supposed to get my problem sorted if they say there's no line fault and I know for a fact there is nothing at my end causing problems? I've spent about £1000 including my PC rebuild (coincidental, I didn't upgrade due to line issues. Even I'm not that mad ;D) new monitor, 3 routers, 2 faceplates, 3 filters, every electrical cable (kettle leads replaced), network cables replaced, removal of all electrical items other than the PC and monitor, from the room. I've even bought headphones and removed the speakers from the room.
Seriously, if this doesn't convince anyone that I've done absolutely everything I possibly can to remove my side from the equation, what does?!
I lost 50% of my connection speed that was rock solid for years. I've even got problems with the upload speed which I've never had before. It's not like it slowly decreased, it just went one day out of the blue and has been sh*t ever since. I forgot to ask IDNet if interleaving was on but my line seems sluggish too, which doesn't help my mood.
I'm just so angry that I'm essentially being threatened by BT to pay them to do their bloody job, and have to rely on people that openly admit they haven't had the training to do the job in the first place. Even if they tell me there's nothing wrong, how the he'll are you supposed to believe them when there clearly is something bloody wrong, and they can't be trusted to either tell you the truth or have the ability to even find a problem in the first place?
QuoteCould it be your router sparky? Mine died/crashed one night and get stuck in a "reconnecting" loop, so the DLM (exchange) lowered my connection to 2mb.
But a swap to a working router and a few days later the exchange upped me back to 8mb.
Well, I am now using a different router, have been for two days. Brian tells me that BT can't cap your connection speed, only raise your target noise margin and mine hasn't been raised, it's still at 6db. I live in hope.......
Niall, you sound angry and I can't say I blame you for being. Half of the problem is not what BT engineers do, but the fact that they are answerable to no one and that nowhere is there a record of what they actually do in the local exchanges. If they swap a card for some other fault and it affects your line, you should be able to find this out and they should flippin well have to swap it again.
It's like fighting a secret service................
I just got home from work and thought I'd have a nose at the box at the front of the house. As it turns out, BT are effing liars. That box was absolutely smothered in cobwebs and dirt, and clearly hadn't been touched in years. I opened the box and it's got cut back wire, exposed, a load of things that look like LEDs (but are probably just joint seals type things - yes I'm an electronic wizard ;D) and there is damp in there; in fact there seems to be water in there and some form of grease that felt similar to WD40.
As I'm now skint (new clothes were the order of the month), I think I'll get IDnet to call out an engineer next month as I'm off in the first week of the month, so I can be home for the visit. I really think that it's damp in that box that's causing the issue (which is what my mate said it would be weekss ago!). Also, it just started peeing down, and my connection dropped again. Also I've noticed, when looking at the line coming into my room with the router in, that the cable pin things outside are really hammered against the cable, which could also be causing problems too if the line has been crimped (which it looks like it has been).
Yes I know I'm clutching at straws, but nothing looks as it should do out there. Why that BT engineer told my mum he's checked the box outside when it clearly hasn't been touched, is beyond me.
Most connections are crimps, Niall, usually filled with silicon grease.
Possibly what was leaking all over the place then.
I wish my mate that works for BT still lived around here :(
My broadband has just gone down in Weston-super-Mare, its syncing with the exchange so guessing an IDNET fault?
I am on a BT2700HGV though, is there any new firmware that's causing problems?
Call it in, they have a Out of hours support now,26389.msg628966.html#msg628966
Use the normal number 0800 331 7000
I can't see any reports of BT problems in your area.
Note just because you have sync it doesn't mean it's not something at the exchange gone wrong.
Its back now, who knows... just had a funny 20 minutes??? Strange as my line has been rock solid for nearly a year now.
Not to worry, thanks for the replies. :)
Im also haveing problems my routers give a red light but have sync now stuck on mobile
Have you tried powering down the router for 15 minutes.
it works now i think this is a bt advertising campaign
Or an OR flatfoot...
I now have an engineer booked for the 30th and a list of what they will charge me if they can't find a fault. It actually reads as if they'll charge me for each thing tested until a fault is found which I bloody hope isn't the case!
Does this (,23284.msg555625.html#msg555625)help, Niall?
That's what IDNet sent me, but I'm not sure if it's saying they'll charge for each bit tested that a fault isn't found on, even if a fault is found on say the third item they test.
Common sense says they won't as they'll have found a fault, but as it's BT you never know.
I have no idea what a pre-ordered co-op call is, but the way I read it is that if they find a fault on their side of the line, no charge will be raised, but if it's on your side, then anything up to £230+VAT can be charged.
It looks like each part is chargeable... ???
It is, but the checking on the BT side of the test socket is not chargeable if they find a fault there.
Well they'll have nothing inside my house to check as it'll be an empty room by the time they get here. Anything broken will belong to BT.
The one thing that concerns me, and is making me worried to the point of cancelling is that they've done something to the line to stabilise it, so they wont see errors on the line or anything. This is annoying as it had to be done so my line stopped dropping over and over. In doing that, my speed halved overnight, and upload dropped from 1100 to 888. Oddly it is stuck on 888 and 7600ish. The figures don't move at all, which I find strange.
Did you ask support whether you were on a banded profile, Niall?
I didn't ask but my connection has gotten worse since I posted, ironically! Down to 6mb now and the nm has dropped from 14.5 to 7! I hasn't even been anyone here using anything so god knows what caused it!
Ive had three disconnects this morning so far.
any one else?
All OK here.
No problems here.
stoopid internet ;D
Quote from: Niall on Aug 20, 2011, 13:47:51
I didn't ask but my connection has gotten worse since I posted, ironically! Down to 6mb now and the nm has dropped from 14.5 to 7! I hasn't even been anyone here using anything so god knows what caused it!
I've just been talking to a local business chap/musician around these parts, who happens to live across the main road from me (which, despite following his band for over a year I didn't know!) and he has been having problems to such an extent that he has also been in touch with BT who swear blind there are no problems on his line. Hmm, familiar story?!
I am now finding it more and more difficult to beleive that the problems on the Chester road that have stopped in the same week my problems started, are not connected to the absolute cr*p people on the main road I'm based on are experiencing. It's way too much of a coincidence. My sisters line, which had problems for years is now lightning fast, and the phone line is clear as a bell. Suddenly I'm having phone issues, so is my mums line and the internet sucks.
So what's a person supposed to do when BT are telling people and ISPs there are no problems with the lines, when there clearly are? I'm getting more and more worried by that list of charges that BT apply if they don't find a fault. I honestly can't even rely on them to tell the truth, so how am I supposed to beleive the engineer, no matter what he says?
This whole thing is annoying me more and more as each day passes.
Sounds like they have swapped cards in the exchange.
That's what I was thinking.
Exactly where can I (or the ISP support) go to resolve this? There is CLEARLY an issue with something going on in the exchange or on the lines, and yet BT say there isn't. My line is supposed to be giving me 14mb down and 1.1mb up, which I think is pretty poor as it is considering I live within a mile exchange, but I was happy with the increase anyway, and my sisters line is now getting IDENTICAL results, where my line is seeing what theirs was!
I'm now at risk of being charged for quite frankly what seems to be BT's incompetence. I suppose I'll have to beg support to have a word with BT to ask about this.
It seems to be a no win situation for the customer. Even if you sued BT, they would just claim they are delivering an acceptable service. :(
One of the best things you can do is treat the engineer like a god. Drinks and offers of bacon sarnies work well. Remember the engineers can often be the good guys within BT and they are not the ones responsible for the management decisions taken.
I've sent support an email. Talk about feeling powerless.
Incidentally, since I sent support an email I've replaced the adsl cable on the router to the filter to see if that helped. Nope. Another pointless expense. Also, while I was doing all this someone that I don't know replied on the blokes facebook page that I mentioned earlier saying that they're having problems too. These are BT internet & phone customers too, so BT will have a record of faults being reported, so I've asked IDnet to check with them. If BT say they've had no reports of problems, we'll know straight off that they're lying, as BT replied to that chap today, by text as his phone line wasn't working.
Whatever BT did, it's taken out phone lines and knackered ADSL. EXACTLY what was happening on my sisters line.
I feel like a stuck parrot (erm, stuck record of a parrot? :D) saying the same things over and over again, but I'm really pissed off. It's like dealing with corruption, knowing you'll get nowhere because it'll be swept under the carpet.
Any chance you can get a list of names and addresses of people down your street that are having problems, presenting them all to BT may help your case.
It would be nice if you could persuade your neighbours to get BT out and see if they have any success before you risk your £200.
Quote from: Niall on Aug 18, 2011, 19:35:13
Well they'll have nothing inside my house to check as it'll be an empty room by the time they get here. Anything broken will belong to BT.
That means nothing, for my Engineer visit last November there was nothing connected to the line and the electric supply was switched off at the meter, the engineer said that he could not carry out all the tests using his equipment since the line SNR was stuck at 15dB. BT billed Idnet for £110 because there was no fault found during the visit. The line only returned to working properly at the exact moment I was moved to a new ISP and the Idnet/BT view is that it was a coincidence.
Expect to be charged the full amount and gain no improvement at all.
ps In my case too a number of neighbours were initially affected, but their lines were either repaired or went back to normal of their own accord after a few days.
That sadly is my fear as well.
Quote from: Glenn on Aug 22, 2011, 18:12:00
Any chance you can get a list of names and addresses of people down your street that are having problems, presenting them all to BT may help your case.
Unfortunately not. For one thing I'd have to walk door to door asking people, and also the people that reported problems that posted on a Facebook page are not people I actually know. The only things I can say with absolute certainty are the chap up the road has problems and did register a problem, and apparently has been doing for a while now. Trouble is, getting hold of him is nigh on impossible as he runs a shop during the day and his band is out gigging by night! The other certainty is that I've spent nigh on £1000 sorting this out, which frankly is absolutely pathetic service from BT. Whilst IDnet support have been their usual helpful selves, I have to ask the question why support is actually needed because the way BT work, you could submit your queries through a website and be lied to by BT ;)
Seriously though, barring knocking on every door, getting every neighbour to give me a report of their network status, and performance over the last 4 months, there is literally nothing I can do to prove what shouldn't need to be proven by me.
All this wasting money and time testing things, emailing support, checking exchange status updates, having to use other ISPs websites to locate reported faults as there is no public facing reports like AAISP seem to have (for better or for worse), double checking all software and hardware and then replacing hardware on advice from several sources (still annoyed that people were adamant that my router and equipment were at fault, resulting in me spending a fortune on routers; THREE OF THEM, over several months) and even replacing all PC hardware in an upgrade (unrelated to internet, just needed one)which actually reduced power consumption across the board, further ruling out electrical interference, and yet I still have problems and STILL I'm threatened with a bill for BT, which they must damn well know most people can't afford.
Incidentally this month I'm paying off a credit card, due to an unexpected expense, so if I get a bill, I don't have money to pay the bloody charge now. I think I might as well just ask IDnet to get my line reset completely again, which in the past reset everything to the speed it should be (but if the card swapping at the exchange idea is correct, this will result in my line repeatedly dropping again, finally reducing to absolute shite). If that happens, quite honestly I think I may be forced to move ISP. I can't say I want to as IDnet and their support have been great for me, but if that's what it takes to get BT to fix the bloody line so I get what I pay for and what my line supports, then sadly that's what I'll do. With me using more and more web based things, videos for training, guitar lessons, photography tips/processing videos and iplayer, etc and not to mention the photography side of it needing a line that won't result in me spending half my life queuing up up/downloads and having to wait, or restart them all when the line drops. Then there's the website I'm planning on building, which will need a stable connection.
All of that is just causing me more and more stress. Some people would love to have the speed I have now (currently down to 6mb, from just under 15mb), but it just isn't quick enough for me to get what I want done, in a short enough period as I have very limited spare time as it is.
Oh, and since my last post my line has dropped 3-4 times. But hey, the line's fine.
No need to risk any money you can't afford. Try AAISP's "we'll fix your line" Free Trial ( and you can still return to Idnet later, if you so wish.
Absolutely no risk and at no cost.
I'm not sure where you are located but I do know that the BT infrastructure in the Rhonda Valley is terrible. We have a large number of relatives living in that area and their landlines are all so atrocious you can barely hear them over the background noise. Broadband is not an option for any of them. We regularly report line faults to BT and they do come out but it never seems to improve the line quality.
I just don't know how BT get away with it. If Shell or BP sold petrol that made a Ferrari only go up to 40mph, there would be uproar.
Especially at Spa this weekend. ;D
Quote from: kinmel on Aug 22, 2011, 20:48:39
No need to risk any money you can't afford. Try AAISP's "we'll fix your line" Free Trial ( and you can still return to Idnet later, if you so wish.
Absolutely no risk and at no cost.
I'll have a nose at that later when I'm home. Yet again I can't download my emails from IDNet on my phone. I think due to the size, so I'll see what their reply is before doing anything. Quite honestly, if AAISP can sort the problem that BT tell IDnet doesn't exist, I'll gladly pay a premium to move there.
I've accessed my email now, and I've asked support to contact BT again regarding my line as it seems they didn't from my last email. Probably because I was too busy ranting about how sh*t BT are ;D
Anyway, I've asked support to ask BT to do something and if they come back with "there's nothing wrong" I'm going to move ISP. It's not IDnets fault, but at the end of the day what can I do if BT just bullshit IDnet?
Well, after my line dropping repeatedly last night and IDNet telling me it was BT that told them to request an engineer I've decided to wait for this engineer next week.
Also, I looked into AAISP and they have a hidden charges page which lists the BT charges too, so their guarantee on their site, to fix your line or pay no migration fee, is purely a boast that they've got a better system for fault reporting and a visible ticket system. I would still be liable for BT charges if no fault found so their boast seems more of a confidence of their pressure on BT rather than any actual money saving promise.
IDnet really need a public facing ticket system so we can see what is being reported and what BT are saying.
Oddly my nm has increased from 5.4 to 20 while I was out last night ??? However my speed has dropped to 3mb. Wouldn't it be ironic if it fixes itself just before the engineer arrives when it's too late to cancel without being charged? :)
Keep records...
I am doing. I've got logs from various days and I've had routerstats running for a day and a bit now, then about half the day before, so there are records of it being weird.
I have to say, when Zen opened a fault with BT to get my socket replaced I got a link to a fault tracker running on their secure server which all parties can add relevant information to (that is, the customer, Zen and BT) so I could at all times see what information was being passed to BT.
Quote from: pctech on Aug 28, 2011, 16:40:39
I have to say, when Zen opened a fault with BT to get my socket replaced I got a link to a fault tracker running on their secure server which all parties can add relevant information to (that is, the customer, Zen and BT) so I could at all times see what information was being passed to BT.
This is not Zen though, Mitch.
Indeed Gary, but it is something IDNet should consider doing and I was making the point that its not just AAISP.
Quote from: pctech on Aug 28, 2011, 20:33:40
Indeed Gary, but it is something IDNet should consider doing and I was making the point that its not just AAISP.
I agree with you on that, Mitch. The info on the AAISP pages are very useful, IDNet should offer the same service tbh, its something that sets nice ISP's apart from the bigger ones who don't even know what's on their main page as deals half the time.
Well I just got ready this morning and the engineer phoned, and was here in 30 mins. I've gone through all my tests with him, power use, removal of electrical items and pointed out I've got three routers and three faceplates and filters he's welcome to test. He declined and ran a line test, looked at the box outside and disappeared in his van. I'm assuming he's found a fault and has gone to the exchange a mile down the road. Fingers crossed.
Anyone seen my engineer? I've lost him :o
You should have promised him lunch if he came back. ;)
He must be having problems. Routerstats is showing he's reset the line several times now. Noise margin went up to 30 at one point but now back to 22. Speed still 3mb!
I don't understand. The line just reset to a nm of 4 but is giving nearly 15mb speeds. How?!
Lower margin, higher sync speed, Niall.
Really? Good grief someone on here told me the opposite a while ago. What about the attn on the line then? Mine is 17up and 30 down. Does that match my speed (currently) of 1.1up and 14.23 down?
Whatever the engineer has been doing for the last two and a bit hours, seems to be working :)
I've been reading definitions, etc on the kitz site, among other sources and one thing I will be taking away from this is to not believe what people tell you, read up fully on the subject (rather than blindly take the word of someone you don't know, who claims to know what they're talking about!), and record every routerstats log for safe keeping.
It seems people can assume you mean one thing when you're talking about another.
Still, these forums have been a MASSIVE help, so no matter what the outcome, thanks to one and all! IDnet support have put up with a lot of emails from me too :)
I still wish there was a more transparent way of doing things though. I've had an engineer here and he immediately dismissed the fault being at my end before starting testing, but I still have no idea what he's actually done or is doing, ad I've heard nothing from him in over 2 hours since he left!
The only time a high margin is good is on a full sync with adslmax, you'll rarely see a full sync on adsl2+. What we never know is the overall noise on a line as all a router tells us is the noise margin required to run the broadband signal.The noise margin is more dependent on variations in the noise than it's overall level.
I'm actually surprised that an engineer came out on a Bank Holiday!
You and me both. I thought he wasn't supposed to be here until Wednesday, but he said he thought it was tomorrow but had a spare couple of hours so came today.
Despite my line now being fixed, which I'm grateful for, the fact he hasn't bothered calling me on my now noise free phone line, is a little annoying. After 4 months of cr*p, I still don't know what the problem was. All I do know for certain is nothing was wrong at my end, or outside the house. 45 minutes after he left to go somewhere, my line returned to normal after repeated drops while he was doing something either at the exchange or the box at the top of my estate.
So now I have no idea what's happened, or why. I did tell him though, that the previous engineer told my mum someone had dropped something on the equipment at the exchange when he originally phoned, but I don't know if he looked in to that at all as he never mentioned it when he got here. All I got out of him was that my side was fine as I've known all along. I don't know if he found a fault at the socket outside as he didn't say anything when he left, and I've not seen him since :(
Ah well, I hope it is fixed. It doesn't look like I'm getting charged anything as the fault was clearly outside my house, so woo and yay :)
I'm wondering that now it's fixed, if I can claim the money back for all the needless filters and faceplates and routers I bought to rule out problems at my end, now they sorted it. Just for the routers and filters I'm out of pocket over £300.
No, in a word.
I think he's gone along the line re-crimping joints, but that's just a guess. Support should get a report back from BT.
Hope so, it'd be nice actually knowing what the hell was wrong. I'm certain it was something at the exchange as nothing changed until 45 minutes after he drove off. Unless he fixed something outside, then reset things at the exchange. Whatever it was, my line is now IDENTICAL to how it was pre problems.
Woo and yay! ;D
I just wished I could get those sort of speeds of the Gresford exchange Nial. How about I run a cable from your house to my house it's only about 2 miles as the crow flies. ::) :D
Congratulations Niall. it is always good to here of someone beating the odds :thumb:
I've had a couple of emails from support today. Apparently there was a fault with the dside link at the exchange. I would have posted earlier but was waiting for support to tell me what that actually was ;D
Have they confirmed that no charge is being raised?
Nothing has been mentioned by support and as the fault was actually at the exchange, they can't possibly charge me a penny! Stop trying to ruin my happy! As I say, the engineer didn't test anything at my end. He did the silent line test (I assume), then plugged his little tool into the line, said "hmm", went outside and then drove off in his van. At no point did he say there was any problem here. Besides, you can clearly see that there was no problem at my side, and as that link above shows that the error was with cabling at the exchange, it's nothing to do with me.
It does beg the question however, how BT can say the line is fine when it clearly wasn't and an engineer immediately located the fault and fixed it within 2 hours!
The strange thing is that when I mentioned this to my mum, she said that this is exactly what they told her was the fault when her phone stopped working, so it seems they bodged it rather than replace it last time. It explains why my line was down for about 20 minutes before a couple of resets. My phone line is incredibly clear now, too.
All is well, it seems, but now you've made me worry, I'll have to bother support again :(
If it was D-side wiring, that is, I understand, between your house and the cabinet. The E-side is cabinet to Exchange.
It seems pretty clear to me that if BT were to raise a charge (not that I expect them to) there is clear grounds to dispute it on the basis they have confirmed there was a fault and there was no work completed within your house.
God I hate the web based email system. It's so slow it's silly. My iphone wont download large emails, so I have to log in to that. Plus Firefox refuses to remember not to block the pop up windows on there, or remember my email log in details.
Really not looking forward to installing a new system when my SSD arrives, and setting up all my email accounts again! Argh!
This is truly a bizarre way of doing business. BT man comes and plugs his test kit into the Test Socket which, in effect, eliminates any router and internal wiring issues and goes away never to return. Says nothing but line improves shortly after his visit, but householder is still left to worry about a bill. At this point, IDNet should step firmly into the fray and tell Niall that any question of a bill, if there actually is one, is a matter between the ISP and BT to dispute and resolve. I sense that ISPs see the 'pass-through of charges' as something of a cop out. Surely, there has to come a time when ISPs say something along the following lines: OK, you tell us that your wiring etc is OK and we will take this on the trust. In our technical opinion, the problem is X,Y or Z and we will inform BT accordingly. If in the event, X, Y and Z are proved to be OK and BT can demonstrate to us that the fault actually sits on your side of the Test Socket, then a pass-through charge will be levied on your account.
Getting back to an earlier point mentioned on this site, is it not time for IDNet to have a formal technical faults log which is visible to its customers which show the recording and progression of all faults - both internally and externally. ???
This is why ISPs ask you to connect to the master socket before calling BT in, if the fault is apparent while plugged into the test, there is no charge.
You can have any extension wiring worked on by a telecoms engineer of your choice, its just the main wire coming into your home or office that noone bar BT can touch as up to that socket the wiring is considered part of BT's network.
I am, via a filter. I've got two faceplates (BT and ADSLnation) and three filters (also two additional ones that came with various routers that I gave away to my sister, were also tried), which I pointed out to him so he didn't have to test anything himself. I don't think I've ever been as prepared for anything as I was for this engineer visit!
Just got a reply:
QuoteHi Niall,
Any charges BT attempt to apply to the case we will gladly dispute on your behalf, they stand very little chance of upholding them.
Kind regards
This pleases me. Although it does suggest they may actually be attempting to charge something. Still I'm paying nothing as there were no faults at my end, plus I've spent over £300 on routers and faceplates, so they can whistle :D
My noise margin has dropped even further today too. It's down to 5.5 now. Being paranoid after all this, I've left routerstats running :D
I really should stop staring at routerstats, and I did last night, but this morning my connection dropped and the noise margin has doubled almost, to 9.2db, knocking 2mb off my speed. The phone line is still clear as a bell though, which is nice. I can't remember the last time it was this clear :)
Christ, I just phoned a taxi using my mums phone and the line is the noisiest I've ever heard one! Suppose we'll be raising that next!
Quote from: Niall on Aug 31, 2011, 15:09:49
Christ, I just phoned a taxi using my mums phone and the line is the noisiest I've ever heard one! Suppose we'll be raising that next!
Perhaps the engineer just switched your line for your Mum's. :'( Only joking - honestly. :angel:
I was wondering the same thing actually. It's settled down now though.
My noise margin seems stuck at 9.2db though. Absolutely no idea why/when it changed as I turned off routerstats last night, but my line dropped this morning changing from 5.4 to 9.2 when it reset. Something is well and truly borked in that little green box at the top of the estate.
I wonder if it could be leaking water in? We had a similar problem with one of our green boxes, but fortunately, it didn't affect me, and I only found out they can leak by chatting to the engineer, as his van had blocked me in!
Well as my upload is still over 1mb I'll wait to see what happens. 12mb down is good enough for me really, but if it carries on dropping I suppose I'll have to report it again. Although I doubt BT would do anything if an ISP reported a possible fault with the green box at the end of the road!
Well my noise margin seems to be increasing by 3 every four days, for god knows what reason, since the engineer came out last Monday it's increased from 5.4 to 12.2. My attn up and down hasn't moved, but my speed has dropped from 14k profile to 11133. My mums phone line once again has loads of noise on it.
Bizarrely she tells me that the engineer actually told her that something in the exchange or box is melting the fuses ??? I'm sure she's got that slightly wrong, but she said something was melting and running over the circuit. I'm wondering if BT are just totally BSing people ???
So now it looks like I'm going to have to play a waiting game until my line reduces to cr*p again, looking at it, and also contact IDnet about the fault on the phone line again. The two must be connected because as soon as her phone line goes cr*p, my speed starts decreasing (same line into the house, split outside).
Oddly, I just picked up my phone to check for noise, and it seems okay, but on picking up the handset the upload noise margin dropped from 6 to 2, and back up to 6 when I put the phone down. I really have no idea what's going on anymore :(
This is just about the same symptoms as i had, the noise on my phone line was unbearable to the point where i could hardly hear people when they rang me, and my profile was going up and down more than I was happy with at all.
In the end it took a total fail of my phone line and a call raised with bt for a voice fault to get them to fix it.
So far mines ok, but i'm not going to hold my breath because after the 4 year fiasco i've just been through this 'happy time' can last only moments. No idea what fixed mine though, but whatever he fixed he went to the box by the side of the road to do and not anywhere near the demarcation point at the house.
Hope you get sorted.
To me it seems they are swapping things around. My line was bad, BT did something that did nothing to dive it other than stop line dropping, then my mums phone stopped working. They fixed that and my line speed dropped further. They then finally fix my line and now my mums line is really badly noisy and my speed is dropping.
Ah well, a waiting game it is.
Any other issues with the phone and broadband? On mine whenever i had phone calls, my router red lighted on me.
Could well still be a HR Fault, or earth issue even. Sadly they do not make all BT engineers equal and you hopefully will get someone really thorough one of these days :/
I never had the line drop on calls or anything like that. I'll have another nose when I get home tonight, to see what the noise margin is.
Well I've sent off another ticket to IDnet. I've gotten home to discover my noise margin is 15.1 and my speeds have dropped to 9555, and my mums phone line sounds like someone is eating crisps on it, while my phone line itself is near silent.
I'm sick to death of this now, it's getting beyond a joke. Why can't BT check the work they do before reporting it's fixed? Do these engineers not know how to do their jobs properly? I've asked for them to sort this without an engineer coming to the house as the last visit confirmed there is no problem at this end....
Oddly, my mum has just said she tried phoning IDnet before and got the message that the call couldn't be transferred. Also, her phone is now pretty much useless as you can't hear the person on the other end!
Good luck.
Got a reply from Brian again. A new ticket has been opened as that last one was closed as you'd expect. He didn't answer my question querying whether they can cross reference the fault my mum is seeing, with mine. Don't know if they can, but pooling info would seem to be sensible. That being said I don't know if my fault is with the voice line or broadband, and my mums clearly is with the voice line.
Ah well, time to wait to hear BTs latest lie.
Noise margin has dropped to 9.9 but speed has now also dropped to 6mb. Awesome. The attn up/down hasn't budged at all through all this.
Apparently my mum has now emailed IDnet support (last night) so hopefully both faults will get looked at, at the same time. I phoned her land line from work on my mobile before and my god, the noise on the line! It was so bad and so loud that I couldn't stand it and couldn't leave a message :(
Well I'm friggin livid at the moment. My mum had just had an email back from IDNet, and BT have told them the line is fine it must be my mums phone. **** SAKE!
They said that about my completely buggered line. I don't care if the line is fine, there's a ******* fault which is why we're reporting it. Jesus Christ what a ***** joke.
I'm still waiting to see what bullshit BT come up with about my fault.
Right, slight correction. I've just accessed my mums email account (glad I set it up) and support have asked my mum to check her phone and use an alternate handset to make sure it's not that. The phone still has immense noise and is unusable. So I suppose that means another engineer will be needed. Hopefully they'll sort out the issues for both lines. I doubt it though.
I swear to god this shambles is making me ill, I'm so blood angry all the time at their incompetence, fobbing off IDNet who can only jump through hoops. Always having the threat of charges is really pissing me off. It's like being accused of something despite there being numerous records of problems.
My phone is still getting the same problem on my mums line I've just been told via text, so another email to support by my mum it is.
I'm starting to lose the will to live now. I've been waiting for a reply from IDnet since raising the ticket, and had no reply. I've just accidentally opened my IDnet email on my phone (which only works when I'm connected to wifi), and support had replied to that account despite me specifically asking them to reply to my hotmail account.
I think people are just taking the piss now.
Guess what? BT say there's nothing wrong on the line. I swear to god I feel like punching someone in the face. Does no one listen anymore? Does no one keep records of fault history tickets? Do BT not track the work they've done? EVERY TIME it's "there's no fault on the line". WE KNOW THERE IS NO FAULT ON THE LINE, THE FAULT IS IN THAT BOX AT THE TOP OF THE ESTATE. The engineer has even told us so and reported this last time.
What hope have I got if absolutely no one is bothering to record and pass on information? Now support want to arrange a visit and I don't have a day off until February now. Does this mean I have to have a sh*t line until next year because BT can't check their own damn equipment?
Jesus christ, it's pathetic.
Quote from: Niall on Sep 07, 2011, 14:23:45
Got a reply from Brian again. A new ticket has been opened as that last one was closed as you'd expect. He didn't answer my question querying whether they can cross reference the fault my mum is seeing, with mine. Don't know if they can, but pooling info would seem to be sensible. That being said I don't know if my fault is with the voice line or broadband, and my mums clearly is with the voice line.
I know that Simon at IDNet is a frequent visitor to this and other forums where IDNet Support is mentioned. Given the issues that Niall has raised, it might be helpful to other IDNet customers if Simon could explain how Support progresses complex technical issues such as this with its wholesale provider. For example, what level of technical logging is undertaken within IDNet to ensure that BT does not treat each event as separate event? Does IDNet offer BT its thoughts on the likely cause of the problem? What follow on action does IDNet take if it is not happy with BT's fault progression and the outcome?
All I want is for BT to send the engineer to their equipment at the top of this cul-de-sac and replace whatever they've already told us is broken. It seems that they only told my mum this, not BT and not IDnet. No one is feeding information back to me, apart from last time I was told what the Dside link was. There's clearly problems worse than just that, and it seems to me to be far too coincidental that they fix my phone line and my mums goes abysmal. The fact that BT just blankly replied that there's no fault on the line is just friggin insulting. Surely to god IDnet told them that the engineers that I and my mum had out have already ruled out the physical line from the house is fine. If they don't believe that then they should fire the two engineers they sent out in the first place.
Once again I'm under threat of charges from BT as they've done nothing to fix the issue, and to compound the insult, so is my mother.
While support have been very helpful, when I'm left getting more and more stressed out, when I don't get an answer to a question I've asked in an email all I feel is that I'm being completely ignored and support are just going through the scripted fault process. I've asked twice, or possibly three times now if both faults can be looked at, at the same time (and have emailed again tonight asking) and this question has not been answered. So far, the only question I've had answered is "what is a Dside link?", to which I got a helpful link with the info I needed.
Why is everything being made so difficult? Surely it's a simple case of reading a query and answering it. Why do BT check the line and say there's no fault when that isn't the problem I have, nor is it the fault I've reported, and BT have told us 4 times the line is fine? Exactly who do you have to speak to/deal with for BT to do their job properly and be given the information informing us what the actual problem is and why they're looking at problems that they should know don't exist.
Niall - good morning. I standby my earlier question to IDNet; that said, as BT seems to be the problem then why don't you email the CEO at BT and outline the issues and your obvious frustration. It can do no harm. Almost to a Company, independent ISPs complain about the hold that BT now has over them but there seems to me to be an innate reluctance to do anything about it. I can think of a number of reasons why this might be the case.
Hi Niall
We do understand your frustration and we can assure you that we will not rest until we have resolved the problem for you. Most BT engineers are very good at reading our notes and are mostly grateful for the background information that we provide. However, it must be remembered that it is impossible for us to request the same engineer that you had previously and so we have to start from scratch with every engineer appointment in order to ensure that they do have notes detailing the background history (should they choose to read them). The only way that an engineer can finish the job, once he has carried-out remedial work, is to then visit your premises to test the line. He will therefore require access. You do not necessarily have to be home but there will have to be someone there who can let him in.
Thanks for the reply :)
As I asked via email, the only way a visit is possible is if support arrange it to coincide with the one you're sending out for my mums issue. I literally have 0 days holiday now, until February. There's no way around it for me. I had to arrange the last visit while I had my pre booked days off.
Hopefully it'll be resolved via the email I sent last night.
X2 engineers now booked for the same morning. They'll both be looking at the same cabinet at the end of the road, but BT are retarded after all....
This is the same frustration I was going through. When you know there is a fault there which can be fixed, and when you know you've done everything your side of the demarcation point to make sure its not your fault causing it, all you want is it resolving so you can finally receive a decent and hopefully uninterrupted connection again.
4+ years i got fobbed off with this problem you describe, and i'm extremely I.T. savvy too, its my day job to look after IT hardware and networks, so when i was getting home i was trouble shooting my internet connection and litereally trying everything. I bought 2 'brand new' routers, recabled my house with 2 completely fresh runs of twisted pair, and also replaced my faceplate with 2 different adslnation plates, and still my problems went on.
I know the frustration Niall, I was fuming many a time, and i was getting more red lights from my router than i was getting from the motion sensor in my hall everytime i walked past it lol
let us know how you get on, would love to see some resolution for you. I would definitely be interested to know what if any interaction goes on between isp and bt for such faults if at all, as i got the impression that the ball was placed well and truly in my court for dealing with BT.
Well it's Wednesday morning they're both booked for, so we'll have to wait and see. The only thing that worries me is that I won't be here, so I'm going to have to get my mum to get the engineer to leave a note to say what the problem is so I've got some sort of record. It was bad enough last time when I was here. He just checked the phone for noise, ran a test on the line from this end, found nothing, said there was nothing wrong and then said the line would be dropping for a couple of hours. That's the last I saw of him, and it was only me querying IDnet support that got me any info. All we know is that the cabinet at the top of the estate has a problem, which begs the question why did they not fix it last time, the time before and the time before that, when they were here?
One thing I do know is that they won't be getting a penny from me for the visit, nor my mum as they've already told me there's nothing wrong in the house, so that's something at least.
Lost connection about 2 hours ago, rebooted router no effect. I'm synced just can't connect to idnet.
Area code 01759.
I think BT are having issues. My connection has dropped multiple times since 2.00am and I'm experiencing very high packet loss. It appears to be affecting a number of ISPs.
Quote from: zappaDPJ on Sep 13, 2011, 03:47:21
I think BT are having issues. My connection has dropped multiple times since 2.00am and I'm experiencing very high packet loss. It appears to be affecting a number of ISPs.
All ok here, just checked my logs and router has been up for about 509 hours, no drops at all :dunno:
AAISP's automatic fault reporting system pick it up. I've no idea at all what it all means but it was reported as...
QuoteLines: 100% 21CN-REGION-21CN-BRAS-RED11-L-NWS and 94% 21CN-REGION-L-NWS dropped at 2011-09-13 01:51:39
We have advised BT
This is likely to have affected multiple internet providers using BT
Personally I prefer to stick to pretty (or in this case not so pretty) images which I do understand :laugh:
( (
Well the engineer for my mums phone line turned up at 8:05 this morning as I was about to leave for work. He told me that BT hadn't given him any info at all regarding my mums line fault and hadn't been given any info regarding all previous visits. He also told me that FTTC has been enabled in Chester and they are having massive problems as the cab FTTC cannot handle the additional speeds being forced through them, and the people getting fiber direct to the property with no cab, are seeing slower speeds than adsl2.
He also said (I grilled him for 10 minutes :D) that he wasn't an underground engineer so if there's no fault at the house or in the cab, he'd have to request another engineer. He also pointed out that the grid on the pavement was FULL of ants, where the lines connect.
I haven't seen my engineer so god knows what'll happen, but I asked the engineer to leave a note so at least the next engineer knows what he's looked at/done.
Time will tell.
Well, my engineer didn't bother turning up. Awesome. Can I charge them a fee for pissing me about?
Sadly, no. :(
Still no engineer & no reply from support to my email sent (only sent 2 hours ago to be fair).
They're probably trying to find signs of intelligent life in BT. ;)
Is there any? Rik, :whistle:
Can't begin to describe how angry I am at the moment :)
Quote from: Ray on Sep 14, 2011, 15:45:35
Is there any? Rik, :whistle:
The search parties are still looking, Ray. ;)
Quote from: Niall on Sep 14, 2011, 13:56:14
Well, my engineer didn't bother turning up. Awesome. Can I charge them a fee for pissing me about?
I think I've read before there is the possibility of £10 compensation :shake:
BT claim no one was in. Bullshit, two people were in the house. They claim the rang me. I'm in work as I told support when they booked the appointment so I wasn't there to answer the phone.
I hope they don't think I'm paying them when no one bothered actually going to the house. Lying *******.
So here I sit with a sh*t line, no note was left by the engineer I spoke to as he said he would, no one phoned me on my mobile even though when reporting the fault I told IDnet I wouldn't be in and definitely no one came to the house as my mum AND aunt were sitting in the front room which is next to the door.
So great. Where does that leave me? Yes that's right, with a sh*t connection, no engineer and no time off work to wait for another lying prick to not turn up, and seemingly no one that gives a flying ****. Awesome.
BT engineers can be like carriers, Niall. One swore he'd tried to deliver here and had left a card as no-one was in. As it happens, I would prove I was in from the timestamp on one of my posts here.
What am I supposed to do though Rik? I'm at the end of my tether. I don't want to phone support as I know I'll end up screaming at them. I'm absolutely furious. BT are utterly incompetent and no one even bothered phoning me on my mobile despite me telling support I was in work, so the BT engineer phoned my landline. Great, they knew I wasn't in and even if my mum was here (she was, with my aunt, sitting 5ft from the door), and yet here I am with degrading service, noise on my line increasing all the time, I've spent a bloody fortune doing BTs work for them and now it seems that even support are conspiring against me. I'm not even getting questions answered in my emails to support anymore, just one line replies as if from a script.
Seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do if absolutely no one is doing anything to help me? Support say they can't get an engineer this afternoon so imply I'll have to ask for another visit, but I can't do this as I previously told them I have no more days off work until February. I imagine BT will try to charge me but I'm telling you now, I'm not paying a friggin penny as they DEFINITELY did NOT attend this house. Why did support not give my mobile number, or ask for it if they new I wasn't here and the engineer was going to call despite me telling them I won't be here. You can't hear my phone from downstairs and if my mum has to wait downstairs for the fictitious engineer to appear, she wont. He's obviously phoned, got no answer and gone home or whatever these slacking POS do.
I honestly can't see a way out of this other than to migrate to another ISP.
Migration may actually do the trick, Niall, but then again it might not. I sympathise with you, but I also know that support are stuck with what BT tell them, most of their testing facilities were withdrawn earlier this year. Is LLU an option for you?
I don't think there is LLU here.
Oh, actually there is. Sadly, the better of the bunch is Sky. I suppose I could just cancel everything completely and get Sky with my mums line, but that would then mean having the router downstairs, which brings it's own problems. Plus the quality on her line is worse than mine (even though it's the same line, split outside).
Actually sod that. The first post I found about them is that they heavily traffic shape, and I've yet to find a decent ISP that traffic shapes.
The problem is, of course, whoever you go with, the line from exchange to house is still with BT. OTOH, if you're connected to someone else's hardware at the exchange, it might improve things. Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing in advance.
Plus you have to pay to come off LLU if I remember rightly. That may have changed over the years though, I dunno. I just always associate LLU with nightmare issues as all my mates in various parts of the UK have had nothing but problems with it over the years, then moved back to cable, then ADSL2 when cable went poo :D
IDNet didn't use to charge for incoming LLU migrations, though some ISPs do.
Quote from: Niall on Sep 14, 2011, 18:43:33
Plus you have to pay to come off LLU if I remember rightly. That may have changed over the years though, I dunno. I just always associate LLU with nightmare issues as all my mates in various parts of the UK have had nothing but problems with it over the years, then moved back to cable, then ADSL2 when cable went poo :D
Sky LLU is not bad, Ted joined them from IDnet and he seems happy enough, its the BT service that sufferers I think, these peeps seem happy enough.
Engineer turned up at 8am! I'm in work so I'll have to guess what he's done when I get home tonigt.
Good luck!
Could you get him to call you, Niall?
I'm in work, so no :(
Bugger. :(
My mum just text me this little gem:
QuoteEngineer's still here said theres a prob with outside line. Another engineer has come to help him.
Well, well, well.
It must be the exchange pair. ;)
And now this:
QuoteJust finished. They dug a hole and found some corroded cable so they replaced it
So what I said right at the beginning before being forced to spend hundreds of pounds on equipment I didnt need, was actually the case.
If this clears everything up I think I'll be looking for some compensation for all this.
Quote from: Rik on Sep 16, 2011, 10:35:41
It must be the exchange pair. ;)
Ha, that's terrible ;D
If that turns out to be the problem, it does smack of incompetence that it hasn't been found until now.
Oddly I've had another text saying that IDNet phoned my mum suggesting an underground issue is the problem and they've booked an appointment for an engineer tomorrow between 1-6 for her line. I imagine this is something crossing as I mentioned the fault wasn't totally fixed on her line, to support yesterday.
I hope they know what they're doing as from what I currently know, that sounds like an unneeded engineer visit ???
Quote from: Rik on Sep 16, 2011, 10:44:58
wasn't the twisted pair.. cabling then?
My noise margins are down to 4.6 down, but the upstream has rocketed to 10 now ??? Maybe there is additional work needed? Who knows!?
{edit} Brian knows!
QuoteBT Openreach have booked another appointment for the noise on the
phoneline (01978******) for tomorrow 17/09/2011 between 1pm and 6pm. If
this is not suitable please let us know and we can re-arrange the
appointment for you.
I should be out of bed then I hope. I'm off in to the town now to wash away this awful week. Actually I've just noticed that this is for my mums line, so I'll stay in bed ;D
I think you owe Brian a drink at the end of this, Niall. ;)
Oh I dunno. It seems BT only know about the actual problem, not through IDnet telling them, or me telling them, but finally an engineer listening to what I said for a change and looking deeper into the issue. No offense to support but if I'd left it to them, all that would have happened would have been engineer after engineer, which is what has been happening :(
I was reporting fault after fault and all support were doing was telling me BT say there's no line fault. That is literally the extent of the feedback I got.
And that's the problem with communicating with BT, information doesn't get passed to the engineers, neither does fault history. Talking to the guy when he arrives is always the best method, sadly.
Today's appointment was cancelled. They phoned to check we were in but there were no problems in my mums phone since they replaced/patched the cable, so they said to call them if there is a problem in future.
As usual it looks like BT didn't tell support so an engineer was needlessly requested.
On the bright side my line is seemingly firmly stuck at 15m which is actually faster than it's ever been, although I'm slightly concerned that the upstream nm has increased to higher levels than it's ever been, although it's dropped to 9 now, the speed is lower than it's ever been at 888, which is a concern. All attn figures are the same too so I'm wondering if all I'm seeing is a line reset with the problem still there, waiting to rear it's ugly head as the line retrains.
It could be the higher d/s speed is impacting on the u/s sync, Niall.
Oh yeah, I never thought of that. In my defense I'm immensely hungover :D
So am I, but in my case it relates to stomach and waistband. ;D
Mushroom top? :laugh:
Perfectly put. :)
Just rebooted the router as my mums PC couldn't connect to messenger (incidentally the hotmail site is flagged as untrusted at the moment, for some reason, and the certificates are all kaput).
I lost 1mb in speed, the upload didn't increase and the noise margin has increased from 4.6 to 6.1. This is how it started last time :(
I just did the quiet line test and there's a low hiss on there, but it's very quiet and the call quality is very good otherwise. Also, can anyone tell me why my upstream noise has risen to 10db when it used to be around 4 or 5, and when I picked up the phone to do the silent line test, it dropped to 6.5db? I'm baffled by that ???
Niall you may need to update the root certificates via Windows Update and just check the system time and date.
Possibly, I'm currently letting PSI update stuff on there. Her PC is 9 years old and VERY slow. Even more so now I'm spoiled by an SSD drive and 16gb of ram :D
Quote from: Niall on Sep 17, 2011, 21:07:49
I just did the quiet line test and there's a low hiss on there, but it's very quiet and the call quality is very good otherwise. Also, can anyone tell me why my upstream noise has risen to 10db when it used to be around 4 or 5, and when I picked up the phone to do the silent line test, it dropped to 6.5db? I'm baffled by that ???
I'm puzzled, as you seem to be saying you have different NMs in quick succession. Is that the case?
Yeah. Since the problems started, when I pick up the phone the upstream noise margin drops. The downstream is 6.6 today, and the line isn't dropping anymore since they replaced that dside link, and the current downstream is the max of what I've seen on this line. I just find it odd that the upstream speed is stuck at 888 when that's always been better than it should be (around 1.1mb).
I'm just worried there are still problems waiting to surface. Normally during retraining the line retrains every 3 days in my experience, so I'll wait to see if anything changes. That being said, before when I downloaded something at the max of the line it'd retrain over night or even drop an retrain, but last night I randomly downloaded a few well seeded torrents and maxed out the line with seemingly no ill effects as of yet.
Guess it's a waiting game :)
Have you swapped filters, just to eliminate that as a possibility, Niall, phone as well, ideally.
Oh, the problem with my mums PC is the bios forgetting the date, which apparently knackers certificates. Set the date and all updates downloaded, and it was able to access certain m$ sites again :)
Quote from: Rik on Sep 18, 2011, 11:42:15
Have you swapped filters, just to eliminate that as a possibility, Niall, phone as well, ideally.
Yeah I've gone through all that before when I had issues first time round :)
But have you repeated it?
Christ, I just swapped filters and my downstream nm dropped to 6.1 and the upstream went up to 13db!
I'll try a third filter for giggles :p
I forgot to mention I've unplugged the phone and that makes no difference to up or downstream noise margins.
Okay, adsl nation faceplate instead of either adsl nation filters = 5.9db nm d/stream and u/stream 11.4 now. Still no phone connected with those figures. Connecting phone each time on all three filters makes no difference at all, so the phone isn't an issue.
But it sounds like you may have a duff first filter, which is a start.
Depends on your point of view really. First filter had a low noise margin on upstream (well, 2 lower) and these others have slightly lower downstream but higher upstream noise margin.
I wouldn't really consider a 0.5db change much of an issue really.
So you haven't tried the phone when changing? Be careful not to make too many changes, btw, you'll be getting near triggering DLM.
I've just noticed that the attn has changed fro 17 to 16.8 (up) for the first time ever. Dunno what that means but hey ho ;D
I'm not touching it any more. It's all within a db when filters are swapped so there's nothing I can do. I dunno why I tried really as I've already ruled out all my equipment months ago.
It means that you've probably got a different group of frequencies picked up at the last resync. :)
Think I'll go back to lying in bed, playing with my ukulele, and no it's nit a metaphor ;D
Whatever made you think we might think it was? :evil:
argh, and i was thinking you were totally fixed now, :( that hiss you can hear on quiet line is still of note though, my quiet line test is totally silent these days, and before i had horrendous noise.
I'm not actually having issues yet, and the noise margin downstream has lowered slowly since I last mentioned it, to 5.8db. Before when there were problems, if the nm went up, it stayed there. Hopefully this is a good sign, plus I've not had any line drops, sync issues or anything sucky since they dug up my garden. It was looking like there might be a problem but maybe not.
It would seem your noise margin at sync is currently set to 6.0, if this value is shown to increase by the router then it is picking up less noise on the line, if it is showing a decrease as in your case that means more noise on the line.
In saying that a 0.2 drop in value especially in the evening is fine and would not cause any problems.
It's the upstream noise that I find odd. Why would it be so high for upstream, when downstream is much lower? I've noticed from a few people posting recently that they have high upstream noise margins too, but mine was always half of what it is now. It's a bit odd that I've been stuck on 888 up throughout all my problems, and now they're gone I still have that upstream speed, when the downstream has recovered.
It seems no one knows this either as I can't find a reply anywhere about this!
I'm not sure Niall how the upstream margin is set, someone may know if it is dynamic or set by BT like the downstream margin. If its any help mine is 8.0db and 936kbs.
Quote from: lozcart on Sep 18, 2011, 21:44:41
I'm not sure Niall how the upstream margin is set, someone may know if it is dynamic or set by BT like the downstream margin. If its any help mine is 8.0db and 936kbs.
Well that does seem to point towards the upstream noise lowering the speed as mine is around 11.2 at the mo. I'm just baffled why as the line is now better than it was, so should have improved if anything. The other thing is when I pick up the phone, the noise margin drops massively, in fact it almost halves. I'm baffled!
Maybe if I leave my phone off the hook forever, the speed will increase ;D
And you won't get any nuisance calls. ;D
Got up this morning and downstream noise margin was 9.9 (line dropped at 6am apparently) and I've lost 2mb in speed. No idea why 6am but I have noticed resyncs seemed to happen at this time before.
I hope this improves, as this is what it was doing before. It dropped every two to three days until it was cack again :(
Quote from: Niall on Sep 19, 2011, 14:51:46
Got up this morning and downstream noise margin was 9.9 (line dropped at 6am apparently) and I've lost 2mb in speed. No idea why 6am but I have noticed resyncs seemed to happen at this time before.
I hope this improves, as this is what it was doing before. It dropped every two to three days until it was cack again :(
Is there any significance of 6am? Your heating doesn't come on at that time does it?
Nope, there's no reason I can fathom for this. It just seems to be the time things go pear shaped, or resync. I know there are builders working on a house across the main road from the cabinet. I've briefly wondered if they have a generator that could be causing it, but this was going on before they were there, so I think it just happens to be the time my line resyncs :shrug:
Possibly, just possibly, that's the time when DLM makes changes. For me, it tends to be about 8:30.
ANy electric alarm clocks going off at 6?
What in the heating system causes interference I suffered a 11db drop in noise margin this morning(good job my snr is set to 15db ATM)so no drop out, thing is the boiler and switch are around 6m away from the router/socket can the interference spread that far?heating now permanently switched on lol
Any of the electrical items of the heating system can cause interference, such as flue fan, pump or motorised valves.
Quote from: lozcart on Sep 19, 2011, 20:16:18
Any of the electrical items of the heating system can cause interference, such as flue fan, pump or motorised valves.
How come it only seams to happen when switching on or off
Thermostats have been found to cause problems see the link below, on heating or hot water startup the motorised valves (if fitted) open and the motors on these can also cause interference.
Quote from: lozcart on Sep 19, 2011, 21:37:28
Thermostats have been found to cause problems see the link below, on heating or hot water startup the motorised valves (if fitted) open and the motors on these can also cause interference.
Hence the reason have told my mrs to leave the heating on 24/7 and just turn the radiator down and up when we need it
Even so, the boiler will shut down from time to time, as will the pump.
Quote from: Rik on Sep 20, 2011, 10:15:47
Even so, the boiler will shut down from time to time, as will the pump.
so what is the best way to rectifie this is there a way to block out the interferance,or is it a case of not having it on
The first thing is to establish whether it is causing a problem. Do you have a battery-powered MW radio?
Quote from: Rik on Sep 20, 2011, 10:45:09
The first thing is to establish whether it is causing a problem. Do you have a battery-powered MW radio?
I have walked around but can't find any bad interference,there is a plug socket next to the master socket which sounds a bit funky when the radio is next to it.will a shielded twisted cable rj11 help?
I didn't have time to check this morning. I got up early so thought I'd be a loser and get in work early and clear some work :(
I did notice last night that the upstream noise was up to 12?! I have no idea why it's behaving like this. I even turned the outside security light off to see if that made a difference, but it didn't. I knew it wouldn't ad that's been there for ages with no I'll effects.
We've got nothing on timer at home and nothing comes on or is switched on at 6am. It's s total mystery ???
I wouldn't be surprised if there's still a fault on the line, which is magnifying something that's always been there. I guess I'll never know unless the line completely deteriorates again and I'm forced to spend months dealing with muppets from BT again.
It may not be a problem in your home, but one that shares the electricity phase with you.
Say what now? ;D
Try unpluging the fridge and the freezer they are often the cause of spikes and have greater cappacitors than the boiler controls.
Not permanently, though. ;)
Quote from: woppy101 on Sep 20, 2011, 12:57:54
I have walked around but can't find any bad interference,there is a plug socket next to the master socket which sounds a bit funky when the radio is next to it.will a shielded twisted cable rj11 help?
It certainly won't hinder, and could well work.
Our freezer is (trapped) in the garage. I may have let the wind slam the garage door shut, which ripped it off it's hinges. In my defence the counter weights had broken so there was nothing to stop it going at the speed of light. Those doors weigh a tonne with no counter weights I can tell you! Currently waiting for a new one :D
Anyway, there is nothing in the house that could cause this as I went through everything during the last 4 months of problems. I've run out of things to check!
Ah cr*p, noise margin up and down is 12 now, and I've lost another 2mb while I've been in work :(
Is there anything I can tweak in my 7800n that could possibly improve things?
Quote from: Niall on Sep 20, 2011, 17:47:22
Is there anything I can tweak in my 7800n that could possibly improve things?
Smashing it to pieces might make you feel better for a second but I can't help much more than that.
:rofl: :karmic:
The DLM is obviously seeing something on your line and increasing your default noise margin to give a more stable (in theory) connection. If things remain stable for 2 weeks plus, then the noise margin may decrease again.
Sure enough, noise has increased by 3 every 2-3 days. I'm now back up to 15db and my line has lost 3mb in speed overnight.
Yet ANOTHER engineer will have to come out. I'm wondering if I need to sue someone to get this sorted properly. It's a bloody piss take now.
Oh goody, the webmail isn't working properly either. How fun.
It's fine here, Niall, what's happening (or not happening) for you.
Mine is. :dunno:
Yes, but how's your webmail? ;D
The webmail was really, and I mean REALLY slow. Was taking about 2-3 minutes to open and then about 30 seconds to a minute to open a mail. That being said, my internet hamster is fooked, so who knows :shrug: Gave up trying to read my mail in the end, but managed to send off a rather grumpy email to support :(
Also, I seem to have picked up a bug in work that can only be described as a hangover without the joy of drinking the night before.
I can only think it was your connection, Niall.
Quote from: Rik on Sep 24, 2011, 11:45:21
I can only think it was your connection, Niall.
I wionder who he connected with at work? :whistle:
I had an email from support today, which I only just noticed. Apparently they wont do anything because my line is in the training period, despite them confirming my profile is for 8mb and it's currently 9mb. It seems to me that this is completely ignoring my point, which is there is clearly a fault on the line still as my line is supposed to get twice that, and have more than 888 up. Friday night, the line was dropping over and over, but router stats didn't show any actual drop so it must have been reconnecting immediately, but I was losing connection to messenger, websites, Steam, etc. I initially thought it was the line retraining but nothing changed at all, and since Friday my line has been somewhat sluggish.
Really getting the feeling that I'm being fobbed off now. But hey, it's okay, at least I get to pay to be ignored.
I've just noticed, looking through my routerstats log, my line dropped 10 minutes before I got the email, so I'm assuming IDnet did something at their end. Hope that hasn't messed things up further.
So what do I do now? Do I just bend over and take the indifference of support, or do I move ISP? I'm sick to death of sending email after email, trying to get this sorted out, and to get a straight answer is seemingly impossible. From the answers I'm getting, my line has magically almost halved in speed, is now sluggish when it's never been before. Also when I asked about getting some form of compensation for spending so much wasted money on items I was told I needed, which as it turned out I didn't (routers, etc) that part of my email was ignored. That also seems to be a theme with support recently too. I'll email asking something like 10 questions and get a generic "BT report no faults on your line". Is anyone even trying to resolve this for me? It doesn't seem like it :(
Honestly Niall I would go to a LLU supplier if I was that unhappy. You have to do whats right for you, no fault/ISP should ever be get to the point that things are this stressful as I see it.
BT wont do anything during a training period.
Quote from: Gary on Sep 26, 2011, 07:38:27
Honestly Niall I would go to a LLU supplier if I was that unhappy. You have to do whats right for you, no fault/ISP should ever be get to the point that things are this stressful as I see it.
It's not the speed that's the problem, well it's obviously a part of it. The thing that is really angering me is that I've gone from a flawless line to an utterly cr*p one, then had the line physically replaced outside as it was corroded, and during all this, all I get back from support is "BT says there's no fault on the line". Clearly there's a fault as everything has gone pear shaped. Now when I say there's something wrong I get "BT say there's no fault". It's utterly disgraceful that a problem that actually exists is being ignored and/or IDnet are being lied to. Obviously the faults and FIVE engineer visits were to look at nothing then ::)
I want what I pay for. I want people to stop ignoring my questions when I email. I want the problem fixed. I want The engineers to tell me what's happening (to date I have been told nothing. I only know the line was replaced because my mum was there!). I want IDNet to insist BT fix the damn problem. I also want some form of compensation for being told to try new routers and filters when that wasn't the problem.
To be honest it's getting so pathetic I'm seriously considering passing all my emails and story to a friend that works in the Welsh assembly. To say I'm disgusted at the treatment you get when you have a real problem, is an understatement.
If I was to switch to LLU it would be with Sky, but I'm reluctant to do that as at the end of the day there is still and will still be a fault.
I would still give AAISP a try