Hi all,
at present I have a comp connected to Idnet via a wireless dongle to a Netgear router.
I would like to get my recently acquired new pc connected too,hopefully to be able to interchange the wireless dongle between pc's as and when they are in use(only one at a time of course).
Question...do I have to go through the same set up procedure with my router as I did with my old pc? I do not have an internal modem in my new pc,therefore no internet connection at present.
Hope you understand my question :)
In my (limited and not very technical) experience I get a much better result from a desktop PC using a wireless card. It was a doddle to fit, has a nice adjustable aerial on it, and I never get less than "excellent" connection with it. From memory it cost less than £15 from either dabs.com or ebuyer
I use a dongle one my ageing laptop and the signal strength on that one is only "excellent" when I have it balanced on my knees in an upward direction, or when I'm within a few feet of the router. :)
As far as I'm aware, you'll just need to install the dongle drivers on the new PC (that's if it doesn't do it automatically when you plug the dongle in obviously)
Hi Alan
You can connect more than 200 computers to a router at the same time, though you would notice things slow a bit. ;)
Like Simon, I would suggest a wireless card (or ethernet cable) for the PC, dongles are a bit variable. If you do go for a dongle, look for one which has an extension lead - that will allow you to position it better.
Hi guys,
thanks for all your prompt replies.I have in fact installed the driver for the dongle on my new pc and it goes thru all the motions of searching etc,but does not log on.That is all I have done,should I have done anything else.Thick are'nt I :laugh:
Hi Alan
One the dongle is installed, you will need to create a new connection, Start > Settings > Network > New connection wizard.
Does your router have wireless security turned on?
Thanks for that Rik,I will have a go a bit later :).
Hi Cavillas,yes my router does have security turned on.
You'll find it easier to set the connection up with security off, Alan, then secure it once it's working.
Beat me to it Rik. But I am tired today. ;D
Sorry, Alf, you should have said and I'd have put the wrist weights on. ;)
Ah,that could be the "won't connect prob then"cos everything else appears normal ;)
Thanks again guys, Rgds.....Alan