Any problems tonight?

Started by Niall, May 16, 2011, 20:38:53

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Well I've finished downloading a file I didn't want, which is now deleted :D

The connection was fine, no drops, ping times to BBC are 29ms which is fine (although higher than they used to be by around 8-9ms).

Hopefully the lost connection this morning was just BT doing something during the night. I'll leave the router on while I go to work (VERY LATE NOW! :o) and see what the logs show when I get home from the gym tonight.

Tra for now (until break time on my phone :D)!
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Quote from: Rik on May 19, 2011, 13:00:30
BT are just toying with you, Bill. Wait till tonight.  :evil:

Something weird going on here... BQM when I logged on this morning:

(Looking at other BQMs showed it wasn't general, so local exchange work?)

Didn't bother with a BT speedtest, but showed about 27Mbps so rebooted the modem again. now gave >37Mbps, but BT gave a profile of 34565, another immediate run again gave >37Mbps.

Ignore that, problem caused by insufficient coffee. BT profile is back up to 38717, but still a lot of packet loss...

I wonder what tomorrow will bring? :dunno:
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Brian rather speedily replied to me this morning. Nice service from support as usual :)

Apparently my line wasn't showing any issues today, so hopefully whatever was wrong has now totally slung it's hook  :fingers:
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Mine seems to have settled down now.

According to the AAISP status page, the problems over Wednesday night/Thursday morning aren't fully closed off yet, so I think I'll keep :fingers: :fingers: for while longer...
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on May 20, 2011, 14:48:33
Mine seems to have settled down now.

According to the AAISP status page, the problems over Wednesday night/Thursday morning aren't fully closed off yet, so I think I'll keep :fingers: :fingers: for while longer...
Its the weekend, if its going to break thats when it will be, anyway its Apocalypse weekend.  According to this American guy the Rapture starts Saturday night so you may not have to worry  >:D Saying that he has been wrong three times before...
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I should have kept a couple of toes crossed as well... profile is still OK, but the damn thing has put me back on interleaved >:(

Ah well, good thing I'm not interested in gaming :P
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Do you know your distance from the cabinet, Bill?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Not for certain, but the most likely route is around 450-500 metres. When the engineer was last here he estimated about 20 other users on the FTTC cabinet.

The speeds I'm getting are OK, I just wish it would make its mind up!
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


It comes from BT, Bill, it can't. ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Hmm. Just checked my logs and the router was losing sync all morning up to 1pm. It seems to have settled from then on though.

Suppose I'll have to watch it all weekend now, just to see what's going on.
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Sat, 2011-05-21 09:52:46 - LCP down.
Sat, 2011-05-21 09:52:49 - [Internet disconnected]
Sat, 2011-05-21 09:53:50 - [Internet disconnected]
Sat, 2011-05-21 09:53:50 - Initialize LCP.

It was doing this all through the night too. Nothing connected to the router at all, just losing sync over and over.

If support say there's nothing wrong, and there's nothing wrong at my end, what am I supposed to do when there is clearly an issue? Especially when it isn't constant, so if I take up supports offer of an engineer (which I can't as I won't even be here to let them in...) and they find nothing wrong, which I fully expect them to say as they're bound to check something whilst the connection is running fine.

Having connection drops, which points to the exchange or external wiring on BTs part (as my sister is having the same issue with two different routers), is only happening occasionally, but it's effecting my profile now. As I've mentioned, everything at my end is brand new. Router, filters, PC, network cables. No interference, and nothing that I can do to solve anything myself.

I wouldn't mind but I can clearly see my line degrading and it concerns me that it's Russian roulette getting BT out.

Also, I can't find a congestion checker to look at the local WNWX exchange to see if it's that. Samknows used to have one on the status page, but it's not there now and I've searched google but can't find one on there either. I'd like to check this because as far as I'm aware BT don't do any work at the weekends, so my theory of them doing work is now out the window, and yet my line seems to go to cr*p around 11pm and stay cr*p for about 10 hours.

Maybe work was done and the line is recovering or something, but as I can't find anything to confirm or deny that because BT are bloody awful at keeping customers or the public informed, and IDnet don't have the respect of BT it seems, I've really got no idea where to look to find any info :(

I was wondering if the router is at fault, as this DGN 1000 did have reports of dropping connection, but it's been fine for 2-3 months, so I doubt it's that, but have no way of confirming it. I really don't want to buy a new router every time my connection starts dropping :(
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


After reading a couple more reports on this router, I'm now starting to think it is indeed the router at fault. It may just be coincidence that my sister is having similar looking problems, and they are having physical issues.

Ah well, looks like I'm going to have cr*p internet for well over a month as I can't afford to buy another router until the end of next month as I'm paying for a hotel in London & train tickets next week :(
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


I'm experiencing similar problems at the moment, Niall. I'd bet that the amount of work BT are doing has disturbed something, but there's no way to prove that. I am as certain as I can be that the fault is not local to me, eg I've tried three routers, three filters, I'm using the test socket and the MW radio reveals nothing in the way of local noise.

If BT come out, they may well not find anything, as the problem is intermittent, ie I tend to get a resync every 2-3 days. Do I risk the £200, or do I wait and hope that FTTC actually becomes available next month? I haven't decided...

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Actually I'm now back on the BT train of thought. The router wouldn't connect at all to the server on boot then, for well over 2 minutes.

God, why can't they sort this cr*p out during the night when people aren't off work and using it!? My profile just dropped to 5816. Soon my line will be unusable. Awesome.
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


There we go, no connection. That's my morning ruined. No connection = no authorizing with Drm servers for the games I own.

I wonder what BS they'll fob IDNet off with this time.
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Be grateful Niall, my profile dropped from 3.5M to 2M. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


2M is better than 0M.  ;)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on May 21, 2011, 10:50:08
Be grateful Niall, my profile dropped from 3.5M to 2M. ;)

2mb is better than no connection.
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


There's an echo in here.  ;D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Niall, don't rule your equipment out without checking. Just because it is new it doesnt mean it can't be faulty.

If your sister has two routers could you borrow one of them?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Niall on May 21, 2011, 11:40:58
2mb is better than no connection.

Ah, but some of the time I have no connection too. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My connection has been connecting, taking about a minute to go through the boot cycle, allows a net connection for around 30 seconds then dies. This repeats every 2 minutes. All day.

Oh and my sister doesn't have two routers. They had my old one, and I tested theirs with mine when they had issues before. I can't borrow theirs either as they have their own issues which they'll need to keep their router connected to monitor. Plus she's downstairs and her other half is away in work with the router locked in the back room to stop their cats eating the cables ;D
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


I've just noticed that my connection hasn't dropped since 12:31 when it reconnected. Only having a download speed of 8mb is a bugger as it was 14, but hopefully it'll creep back up now. That being said, every time I've posted in this thread I've been disconnected straight afterwards :D

/dons tin foil hat
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy