line training

Started by woppy101, Sep 26, 2011, 15:09:17

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is it normal when being in the 10 day training period for the line to fluctuate,since last last night the line has gone from 3552kbps to 2768kbps to 3242kbps to 2456kbps in that order. i spoke to idnet this morning and was told the disconnects are normal and dslam is the one causing them to get the msr?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Have a look at this page on which gives you a pretty good explanation of how ADSL Max works and what you can expect to happen during your 10 day training period.: -

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


so will i be stuck at 2456kbps or will it go back up


Quote from: woppy101 on Sep 26, 2011, 16:21:06
so will i be stuck at 2456kbps or will it go back up

It will bounce up and down during the 10 day period. No-one can tell you at this stage what speed you will end up with after the training period ends.


And the speed will change depending on line conditions every time you resync whether in the training period or not.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Lance on Sep 26, 2011, 16:42:11
And the speed will change depending on line conditions every time you resync whether in the training period or not.

Is it normal for the snr to rise it's now at 12 db


It's a function of DLM trying to stabilise your line. The training period starts with a target NM of 6db and interleaving off. If DLM sees multiple resyncs or errors, then it will move to stabilise the line by turning on interleaving, increasing its depth and increasing the target NM (to a maximum of 15db)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Sep 26, 2011, 17:36:58
It's a function of DLM trying to stabilise your line. The training period starts with a target NM of 6db and interleaving off. If DLM sees multiple resyncs or errors, then it will move to stabilise the line by turning on interleaving, increasing its depth and increasing the target NM (to a maximum of 15db)
So does that mean if it has set my snr upto 12 Its not going to up my speed at the end of the ten days?ATM I'm synced @2432 with 9 crc errors and 25936 fec errors after 6hours(if it does I will wait till the end of the ten days and put on my 834gt and adjust the snr to 6-9db)


Quote from: Rik on Sep 26, 2011, 17:36:58
It's a function of DLM trying to stabilise your line. The training period starts with a target NM of 6db and interleaving off. If DLM sees multiple resyncs or errors, then it will move to stabilise the line by turning on interleaving, increasing its depth and increasing the target NM (to a maximum of 15db)

You know, at no point have support ever told me this, despite me complaining that my nm went from 6 to 15, and sending multiple emails about it.  :sigh: That would explain why my noise margin literally doubled over night, which means there's still hope for it to return to normal. Maybe.
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Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Maybe they assumed, wrongly, that if complaining about an increase in noise margin and it's impact on your sync that you understood about what affects noise margins.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well that's a silly thing to assume. Making an assumption that everyone knows what support knows, is the worst way of operating any support! You don't know things until you're told them, and as I've never said anything along those lines, I'd like to think they don't assume I know all there is to know about ADSL and it's faults.

I've spent months trying to get info, and have been given so much incorrect information on various boards, these included, that it's taken me a long time just to get a basic understanding of how things work. This is just another example of something I didn't know until I stumbled across the info. How would I search for this info if I didn't know what to search for in the first place?!
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


In my opinion to complain about something changing such as noise margin implies you have an understanding of what it is and how it impacts your connection. Otherwise, how would you be able to complain about sone number changing (and not knowing whether increases are good or bad).

I'd be surprised if you've received incorrect information on this forum. I'm not saying that people don't make mistakes but normally when they do on here another member is able to politely correct them. 

If you've not read the FAQ thread on this board, I suggest you do as that will aid your learning.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I know how the training period works, but only because Brian emailed me this weekend to tell me. I didn't know what was posted above, as I said.

If you look at all my posts throughout my problems you'll see all the info I was given, and what was incorrect. I'm not lying if thats what you're implying, as all info is on these boards. What would I have to gain by doing that? I'm quite baffled why you'd even mention that in such a bizarre defensive way, when I'm making a simple observation. If people made mistakes it wasn't pointed out. It was only after someone posted conflicting noise margin info that I went to look the facts up, and found them to be the opposite of what was said. It's no problem now, just another annoyance along the long road of annoyances during all these problems.

If people tell you things on a forum like this, why would you not believe them if no one corrects them?

Anyway, that's dragging the thread way off topic, so enough of that.

The simple fact is I know about the 10 day retraining period but at no time on any forum have I ever been told or read that info that Rik posted as I wasn't aware it happened I wouldn't look for it. All I saw was noise margin doubling for no reason as far as I was aware. Also no one posted telling me why it could be happening. To this minute, no one had said that to me!
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


Just to be clear, at no point was I suggesting you were lying, just expressing my surprise that incorrect information has been given and not corrected.

As for the rest of your post, In the first paragraph you say you know how the training period works, and end your post saying you didn't know a relatively fundamental part of why happens during the training period.

In any case, this isn't helping to get your line sorted! Are you still using routerstats to log noise margin and sync changes?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yeah, sorry if I was accusatory there, but was speedily trying to post via my phone on a break, with 2 mins left! ;D

I've left my PC on for 3 days now, with routerstats running, which seems a little depressing as nothing seems to be happening. I'll just wait and try not to stress over it (as much!) :D
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy