IDNet Peak/offpeak Bandwidth Notification‏

Started by sparkler, Aug 14, 2011, 15:00:00

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how do it turn this off?? its not very accurate last month my peak estimate was 70GB at the end of the month it was 38-39GB


re: your broadband line number

Your monthly allowance is 180GB, 40GB of which can be used during the Peak Hours of 9am to midnight and 140GB of which can be used during the Off Peak Hours of midnight to 9am.

Based on your current level of usage, your projected bandwidth use (data download) for a 30 day time period will be: 187.99 GB.

If your current bandwidth usage continues then this would equate to an excess bandwidth charge of: £48 [£1.00/GB] for this month.

You can monitor your bandwidth use online daily in the Customer Account section on the website:

Kind regards,

The IDNet Support Team
(open Mon-Thurs 08:00 to 18:30, Fri 08:00 to 18:00)


re: your broadband line number

Your monthly allowance is 180GB, 40GB of which can be used during the Peak Hours of 9am to midnight.

Based on your current level of usage, your projected bandwidth use (data download) for a 30 day time period will be: 70.54 GB.

If your current bandwidth usage continues then this would equate to an excess bandwidth charge of: £31 [£1.00/GB] for this month.

You can monitor your bandwidth use online daily in the Customer Account section on the website:

Kind regards,

The IDNet Support Team
(open Mon-Thurs 08:00 to 18:30, Fri 08:00 to 18:00)


I don't think you can, but I guess you could ask IDNet.  It's just a warning that if your current download level continued, the likely cost would be...  It's not meant to be 100% accurate, just a guestimate. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


From what I remember it's based on the last 7 day's worth of usage? So something like a big update such as a service pack/new OS/New game would skew the figures, particularly if downloaded in the 1st week of the month.

If you really want to get rid of it and IDNet can't help you could always setup a mailbox rule to delete it - won't stop it being sent/received but means you won't have to see it either :)


im going to get alot then as i usually try and batch my downloads so its probably doing to keep triggering also idnet usage gadget seems to be down


Quote from: sparkler on Aug 15, 2011, 09:38:19
also idnet usage gadget seems to be down

I find networx is deadly accurate - just make sure your computer's clock is correct or you may get a slightly skewed split between peak and off peak.


thats not very useful for me as i frequently reset to backup and use multiple OS's