Migrating to IDNet

Started by stevelondon, Aug 07, 2006, 10:26:45

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Hi There ,
I am migrating to IDNet Home Max tomorrow 8th August from the farce that is Orange/Wanadoo/Freeserve
ive never migrated before so i need a few tips please , i understand its usually done early hours of the morning so do i need to switch my router off overnight? and during the training period do i leave it on the whole time ? i am on 8Mbps at the moment with Orange my sync is a rock solid 8128 down and 288 up but my speed rarely reaches 3Mbps recent test is 2.6 Mbps down 0.2 Mbps up so obviously i hope that improves in a couple of weeks any advice and tips would be appreciated bearing in mind im no techie looking forward to the change thanking you in advance.


posted on adslguide.uk too


Welcome aboard Steve
I'll leave other more experienced migration-types to clue you in but whatever, think you've made the right choice !
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls



I migrated in a couple of weeks ago, I use a router, I found the migration had taken place early in the morning, I had not unplugged or powered down the router, I just thought lets see if it has happened at 07:30, I put in the new log in details and DNS servers that IDnet had emailed me and the router reconnected via IDnet. I have (and had) a rock solid 8m connection. Since the kids have broken up from school (could be just a coincidence) at certain times of the day speeds can drop to as low as 1 to 2mb but normally mine is around 5-6mb (around 900 metres from exchange as crow flies) It would be interesting to find if I am alone in this, or if there is a fault, sadly I think it is probably just contention at my exchange.

I have had a number of previous referrals from my last ISP move to IDnet in the last week or so and all had their migration happen early in the morning on the day it was supposed to happen. One is experiencing some drops in connection during the normal ten day training period; it is a shame that you have to go through this every time you change ISP. I did not reboot the router during the training period (I do not know whether this is right or wrong) When I asked if the their was a problem with speeds as low as 1mb I was advised to reboot router (this was after training period) but this has not made any difference long term.

I'm no techie either. I know there are more knowledgeable people on the forum here and I am sure you will get more replies and all of the people at CS are first rate, it really is worth a call or email if you have any worries.


Quote from: Scott on Aug 07, 2006, 12:20:44
Welcome aboard Steve
I'll leave other more experienced migration-types to clue you in but whatever, think you've made the right choice !

Thanks for the welcome Scott and hi
Hi Doug
Thank you for your reply its so refreshing to hear positive results about an ISP very rare lol and am confident i have made the right choice after a lot of research (avoiding jumping out the frying pan into the fire) IDNet came out tops by miles.

My speeds isn't my main concern as im only 70 metres from my exchange im sure it will improve , its the complete lack of CS and TS and continuous outages that was the problem . drops in connection (if any) is understandable during the 10 day training period i was with my last ISP for 4 years and am looking forward to this change.

Thanks for the advice about the router etc i will bear that in mind .
cheers to you both  ;)


Hi Steve and welcome m8 :)

I`m pleased you said it m8, if your exchange is suffering from some congestion at the moment, you may not see an improvement in throughput :\

FWIW, when I upgraded to Max, I was constantly rebooting to see if I could get a better sync, back in the obsessive days :D

The equipment used to set up your BRAS profile at the exchange "knows" if you`ve performed a manual reboot, or if your line loses sync due to perhaps too low of an SNR. You`ll be OK ... just remember to have your login details to hand so you can swap `em over when you can no longer connect to Orange ;)


Hi Jeff thanks for the welcome my migrations been delayed by BT grrr due tomorrow now.

Steve :-\


It`s tomorrow now ... are you here yet?  :laugh:


Hi Jeff

No i ain't i spoke to Miriam today and should be by monday now delays at BT also its a LLU MAC and i understand takes longer.


OMG ... don`t hold yer breath. Yip, I know IDNet can handle them ... I made a post some time ago in Announcements but these things can go mammaries skywards :\

Old timers here and more prominantly on AG will remember Keith_THFC being the first chap in the UK (that we know of) successfully getting an LLU Mac to work!

Keep us posted please Steve, this is a first for us lot :)


Yes IDNet are trying to get em to get it done , what makes me mad is i was never asked or even wanted to go on LLU we were just put on it last december and had nuffin but outages and problems since now its a bugger to migrate from what a palava.  >:(

Steve  ::)