How to obtain line stats

Started by .Griff., Nov 15, 2011, 12:24:40

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The OR/Huawei VDSL2 modem has two LAN ports on the rear. LAN 1 is used to connect your router and/or for a direct PPPoE connection to your PC/MAC. LAN 2 is used to enter the modem CP.

The modem IP is and the easiest way to avoid any IP conflicts is to unplug your router from LAN 1 and simply run an ethernet cable from your PC/MAC to LAN 2.

WARNING - In this guide I have contained all of the information you need to obtain your line stats. However the modem control panel contains many more features I have not mentioned. PLEASE do not attempt to make any changes to the modem via any control panel options I've not discussed below. Some of the options, particularly the Firewall options, can effectively "brick" the modem!

Modem Control Panel

Simply enter the IP into your browser of choice and you should see the following screen -

Enter "admin" for both the Username and Password fields and press Login.

The next screen you will see is the default status screen. This simply confirms various software versions related to the modem and displays the modem up time -

To access the actual line stats select "WAN" from the menu on the left hand side and then clock on the "xDSL" tab at the top -

The "Line Status" will show the attainable rate for your line and the SNR margin. Unfortunately there is a bug with these modem that results in the Line attenuation from displaying correctly.

The "Statistics" section shows your actual line rate and any CRC/FEC/HEC errors on the line.


For most people the stats provided by the control panel are sufficient but there are a few TELNET commands which provide much more detailed information.

Although Windows contains it's own Telnet Client I prefer to use PuTTy as you can save the session log for easier reading afterwards.

If you wish to save a log file then select "Logging" from the menu, select "All session output" and then choose a save location for the log file -

Then select "Session" from the menu, select Telnet and enter the IP -

Click on "Open" and PuttY will open a Telnet window -

As before enter "admin" for both the username and password. At the ATP prompt enter "sh" and press enter.

You should now see the # prompt.

Enter "xdslcmd info --show" and press enter -

This will display a variety of stats but most importantly it will confirm your VDSL2 profile as either 8c or 17a (Links 1 & 2)

There are a few other Telnet commands you can enter but for the sake of the average user these offer little useful information.


1 -,27470.0.html
2 -,27527.0.html