Another strange disconnects/line noise query

Started by InSaNeCaT, Feb 28, 2009, 15:25:37

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My line has been suffering badly from noise for the last few days, think it started around Wed and it's worse than ever today (Sat).
See attached image. The start of the graph (1st 8 mins or so) is how my line usually sits 99% of the time. But check the massive variations and disconnects that follow.

Nothing has changed at my end. No new equipment anything moved etc.  I've tested with 4 or 5 different microfilters and both my Netgear DG834Gv4 (used for the graph shown) and my Linksys WAG200G show the same issues. Also tried with and without my I-Plate, connected directly into the master socket and using different modem cables including a new high quality shielded one.  So it's defo happening outside...

Also my Downstream Attenuation has gone from 30db, which it's been steady at since I got first DSL a few years ago, to 32db.

Also noticed my phone line is noisier than usual on voice calls most of the time. Crackling/hissing type noises. It's worse and constant while dsl router is connected but also seems to be there to a lesser extent when phone and nothing else is plugged straight into the master socket. Just worries me that a BT engineer would test it during a few minutes of silence.

So before I waste time and effort on the phone to BT, it would be useful and appreciated if anyone could give me some advice or suggestions as to what might have caused this and whether it sounds like a fault that BT should have to fix on my line.  I don't want to call them out and then have them say there's nothing wrong with my line and charge me for the privilege.

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Holy smokes! Since posting that first comment I've just noticed I've been disconnected and reconnected again with my noise margin now up to 24db and my sync hammered all the way down to 3500 *meep* :(


Welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

I looked at the graph before reading through your post and had already decided that you were using a Netgear, that graph is typical for the router.

What is your sync speed? From the graph, you look to have a target noise margin of 15db, the maximum, which will have been set in response to instability on the line.

To check whether it's a voice fault, dial 17070, then select option 2, quiet line test. If you can hear crackling on the line, then report it as a voice fault on 151, making no mention of ADSL. Caveat: Repeat the test with the router unplugged, if it improves, then your filters are not doing their job.

Do you have hard wired extensions (I'm guessing yes if you're using an iPlate)? If so, what is connected to them.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Your follow up post tells me your line is not performing at all well, for an attenuation of ~30db, I'd expect sync speeds at 5Mbps or better, not 3.5M. BT's target noise margin doesn't go above 15db, so a NM of 24db suggests a huge burst of noise which has affected the sync speed on reconnection, and then abated, giving the higher margin.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Welcome, InSaNeCaT! :welc: :karma:

Things are fluctuating wildly, but then Netgear routers often report in this manner, and a different router might resolve this to an extent.

You're already using an iPlate, which will have removed a lot of noise from your internal wiring, but it might be worth giving the test socket a try.


Thanks for replies already :)

I used to sync at 8128 steadily and without any disconnects when I was with Pipex. Then around the time Tiscali took them over I also started getting lots of disconnects and my SNRM went from 6 to 15 and my syncs dropped accordingly.  But I would usually still expect a sync of around 6000 give or take 500.   Even with some noise and the odd disconnect.  That was why i tried the iplate to try and make things 100% stable but it didn't make any discernable difference.  No hard wired extensions btw.

This held while I was with ADSL24 for while.  I would regularly log my line staying up for several days at a time but never long enough for BT's system to drop my Target Noise. (funny how they increase it instantly but take forever to drop it again and vice-versa with the IP Profiles - but don't get me started on BT ;)

I then got the DG834Gv4 after hearing good things about it and the fact it worked with the DMT tool and for the last couple months I've been syncing at typically 8000-8128 with max tweak using the SNR reduction slider which took my noise down to around 9-10db usually.  This was still staying up for long enough periods that I regularly had an IP Profile of 7000.

That was until this week. I've attached a graph showing a sample from last Saturday showing better conditions...

My Linksys WAG200G graphs show much wilder variation typically... baselining around 12 or 13 but going up and down by a full 1,2 or 3 db most samples every 15s.  The Netgear I've found shows much steadier lines varying by only 0.1 or 0.2 most samples....
I'll attach a quick sample from my WAG which I just plugged in too.

I have tried the quiet line test from the master socket and there is *some* noise there, but not as much as when the dsl router is on.  But I've tested with 2 BT filters and 2 speedtouch filters from older dsl modems and also with the ones included with my more recent Linksys and Netgear routers and they all show the same symptoms  ???

I'll try your suggestion and report a voice fault and hope for the best.

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The iPlate is a waste of time, I'm afraid, if you have no extensions, so I'd remove that in case it's adding to the problems. It might be a faulty connection within the master socket, so removing the faceplate and trying the test socket would be worthwhile. If the audible noise is worse when the router is on, it suggests a poor quality filter, and it might be worth trying an ADSL Nation xf-1e:

Overall, though, it sounds like a bad joint or leak on the cable.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Cheers again.  btw my bad... everywhere I said Master Socket should have read Test Socket.  :blush:


NP, I get the two confused all the time. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.