Looking to join IDNET

Started by Maverich, Mar 21, 2009, 17:38:00

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 :welcome: :karma:

Your ISP has a max of five working days from request to provide you with a mac code. Mention OFCOM if they start giving excuses.
Not sure about router for VPN but I would look along the lines of NetgearDG834G Speedtouch 585V6 or ebay for BT2700HGV ( beware v6 firmware and no UPnP)

Speeds not great here either  ;D mine stay as below for most of the day including evenings.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: sfawcett2 on Mar 27, 2009, 15:04:56
Currently using some awful sky router with in built aerial quite low range.

Sky are legally obliged to give you a MAC within five working days of your request. Whisper Ofcom gently in their ears, it usually works. ;)

There are three routers I'd recommend, the Netgear DG834 (which, I think, Sky use with modified firmware), the Speedtouch 585 v6, or the 2-Wire 2700. Many of us on longer lines use these, as their performance is particularly good in that situation. With the sync speed you have, I'd go with a 2-Wire (eBay only, no official support) or a Speedtouch.

Welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


 :welcome: sfawcett2  :karma: .  I think I'm allowed to welcome people although not fully migrated yet!  I would definitely start pushing more for the Mac code and get away from Sky as soon as possible,  It seems to be more the connect package sky have trouble with.  Although I'm unsure on what speeds and connection I'll get with Idnet I'm already impressed with the support and customer service being offered,  :)


If you are looking for a router to act as a VPN concentrator (= you login to the router to make the VPN tunnel, rather than a machine on the far side) you will need something like a Draytek 2820 or a Zyxel 662H/HW.  Neither are cheap, although both have good reputations.  The 2-Wire won't do this AFAIK, neither will the cheaper Netgears or the Speedtouch 585 - although the ST608WL will.

I imagine some of the higher priced Netgears will also do the same, but others will need to comment on that.

The only other way you could do it is to get a vanilla modem with a separate firewall such as the Draytek 2900 series or one of the Zywalls.  I imagine this would be even more expensive!


A belated  :welc: Maverich   :karma:    And a  :welcome: to  sfawcett2 have a  :karmic:   ;)

Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.


What a freindly bunch you are. Thanks for the welcome and opinions on routers. I hope to join you in the next couple of weeks after I get the Mac from sky. I emailed them last week for a MAC and rang them 2 days ago, she would not give it out verbally but promised to post it. I hope not via Australia! If nothing by next Tuesday will use the offcom threats.

My existing router is made by Sagem not sure of the model but the firmware has sky all over it. I gues then I cant use this on another ISP?
ADSL Link            Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 6080 kbps    448 kbps
Line Attenuation     43.0 db     25.0 db
Noise Margin           8.9 db     22.0 db

Since I know vey little about routers perhaps the speedtouch 585v6 would be the best bet. I can go to around £100 but can push for more as I expect you only need one and should last some years.
I dont fancy my luck on ebay , I wouldnt know how to configue it.
Emailing sky has taken 1~2 weeks for replies , I was amazed monday to get a reply from IDnet within 20 minutes! 


Quote from: sfawcett2 on Mar 27, 2009, 19:30:50
I can go to around £100 but can push for more as I expect you only need one and should last some years.
I dont fancy my luck on ebay , 

:welc: :karma: both sfawcett2 and Maverich.

I don't why you don't fancy eBay because I have had very few problems with the things I have bought!
Just this evening I have fitted another half a gig of RAM from an eBay Seller in my son's Sony Viao Laptop and he took it away saying that it had breathed new life into what is now an aging machine at coming up six years old. £5.21 inc p&p well worth the risk IMO.

That said I have two 2Wire 2700HGV ADSLModem/FireWall/Routers both bought on ebay getting on for twelve months ago at circa £7.50 each. Both work just fine and I can say that without any doubt or fear of contradiction that any number of folks on this forum would help you configure it.

I took a look on ebay and this one showed up almost without trying currently at a fiver but with plenty of time left to go up a bit. (£10 to £15 is really all you should find yourself paying for one).

Take a look here to see how easy they are to configure.

Many contributors to this forum use them so there is plenty of help and advice available. I know from the personal experience of the help and encouragement I was given. :thumb:



Thanks Lesd I might well go for that. Are the 2700 all the same do I have to worry about what firmware version I end up with?


Quote from: sfawcett2 on Mar 27, 2009, 20:19:02
I might well go for that.

If you are interested in buying a 2700 on eBay try a search on eBay for:

QuoteBT Business Hub 2700HGV

and it should get you here where there are quite a few more, some starting as low as 99p. I always check out the sellers reputation by looking thoroughly at his feedback from other buyers before deciding where to buy.

Quote from: sfawcett2 on Mar 27, 2009, 20:19:02
Are the 2700 all the same do I have to worry about what firmware version I end up with?

There are Single and Dual SSID ones. That is ones that support one or two wireless connections. My two are single SSID ones with just the one wireless connection. (One is in the cupboard as a spare just in case)

I would expect 2Wire 2700HGV's branded with the BT Business Hub label to have the BT firmware in them unless they are stated to be unlocked. My 2700 has the BT firmware in it and I have it configured to connect to IDNet no problem at all.

The details are:

QuoteHardware Version: 2701-100588-005
Hardware Options: Wireless present
DSL Modem Type: ADSL
Current Software: 
DSL Modem: 7.2.2

I am sure we could help you to do the same.




If you happen to get a brand new 2700, with V6 firmware, things may be a little more complicated, in which case, you might want to have a read through this thread, and this post for more info.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: sfawcett2 on Mar 27, 2009, 20:19:02
Thanks Lesd I might well go for that. Are the 2700 all the same do I have to worry about what firmware version I end up with?

If you need UPnP its not supported on any firmware although a work around can usually be achieved by port forwarding.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on Mar 27, 2009, 23:20:08
If you happen to get a brand new 2700, with V6 firmware, things may be a little more complicated, in which case, you might want to have a read through this thread, and this post for more info.  :)

Futher to what Simon says above this link takes you straight to the "tripod" V6 firmware set-up instructions as of today's date. Having had a look they seem pretty comprehensive but the proof is in the pudding so it would be good if someone who has used them successfully could post.



Quote from: LesD on Mar 28, 2009, 21:02:37
Futher to what Simon says above this link takes you straight to the "tripod" V6 firmware set-up instructions as of today's date. Having had a look they seem pretty comprehensive but the proof is in the pudding so it would be good if someone who has used them successfully could post.

I hope I can help.

My own 2700HGV has V firmware and I have configured it using the information on the 'tripod' pages and also the data from our own 2700 section here on IDNet.

However, I have just set up a 2700HGV for a friend who uses Newnet as his ISP. He bought the 2700 on Ebay and it came supplied with V firmware. I followed the procedure on the 'tripod' page for him and it all works fine. The important part seems to be to enter a fictitious username like 'onlyme@btinternet.com' so that the checking script accepts the entry. After a while it does pop up with the screen described on the 'tripod' page which reports a connection failure and allowed me to enter his Newnet username without error checking. His 2700 has been running for a couple of days now and V6 firmware seems to work fine for him.

Leaving for Spain in the morning so if any further info is needed I'll be on again in a day or two when in situ.

'Keyboard not detected ~ Press F1 to continue'



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi guys, sorry to break in on conversation!

I'm still waiting for the switch but have noticed after doing a speed test,

The ISP is being show as easy net  ??? is that part of Sky?

edit: just tried another site and it's showing Sky again.


Quote from: Rik on Mar 29, 2009, 00:48:23
Have a good trip, JB. :)
Thanks Rik.

Rain forecast. Bl00dy typical  :sigh:

'Keyboard not detected ~ Press F1 to continue'


Quote from: Maverich on Mar 29, 2009, 09:30:35
The ISP is being show as easy net  ??? is that part of Sky?

edit: just tried another site and it's showing Sky again.

Sky bought Easynet to provide their ADSL services. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yep, Sky use the Easynet network. :)


That makes sense then.  Not long to go now... :)


Easynet are Sky's LLU service

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thats strange because my exchange isn't even set up on LLU. 

Outta curiosity when my Sky changes over to Idnet on Tuesday I'm assuming my Sky router will not work...is it easier enough to configure the new router?


Should just be a question of user name and password, then setting up the security, but not necessarily in that order.  ;)  What router have you got?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I do hope its that simple! I've got a Netgear DG834GT.


Unless I've forgotten something crucial, it shouldn't be difficult at all.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.