Oh no, another stats question!

Started by Inkblot, Jul 14, 2009, 10:15:30

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Long time IDNet user but new(ish) to the forums - read them occasionally but not posted before :)

I recently changed from the ADSL Home Supermax package to the equivalent ADSL2+ package. On the old package I had (Theoretically) 8192 down and 832 up and I usually synched at around those speeds. With the new package I wasn't expecteing to get close to 24m down or 1.4m up (Although it would be nice!) but I want to make sure that I'm getting the best I can - I'm not complaining and not unhappy, just curious :)

I have a Belkin router, couple of years old now but never given me any problems, not sure how to link pictures from my IDNet gallery here so just hoping for the best...

Router status:

Speedtest.net result:

BT Speedtest result:

If anybody can spot any glaring problems I'd appreciate knowing!

Thanks in advance :)


Hi and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

Your profile is low for your sync speed, so if the latter stays stable, or increases, and your profile remains low after 5 days, you'll need to talk to support to get it manually reset.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



I've been on the ADSL2+ package for a month now, over that time my sync speed has varied between about 5800 and 11000, it seems to go up and down on its own - I don't check it every day but I would hazard a guess that it starts low (Such as after a router reset) and then goes up over a week or so until it hits the 10000/11000 mark when it seems to stabilise for a while until  I reset it - although on a couple of occasions the ADSL side has reset itself, I have been sitting at the PC (Router is on my desk) when suddenly the ADSL light flashes to indicate that it's establishing a connection. Is that likely to be a problem or is it normal? I'm guessing normal as I seem to remember something similar when I 1st went to the Max package, something along the lines of it would reset several times over the 1st 10 days and then settle at the highest stable speed?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Perhaps the best thing I can do is relate my own WBC experience.

Initial sync was at 4137/795. After a couple of days, interleaving cut in, and the sync dropped to 3846/762. After a couple of weeks, sync seems to have stabilised at around 4158/762. For you to have had such wide swings in speed suggests you have a local noise problem, so you need to look at your internal phone wiring, devices connected to the line and and mains-powered devices that may be causing noise.

Do you have an NTE5 master socket, the type where the bottom part of the faceplate can be removed. If so, can you connect your router to the test socket which is revealed and report the stats immediately after sync is achieved. How is the router normally connected, ie do you use an extension cable. What other devices are connected to the line?

What router are you using?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Had a look at the faceplate and it is the NTE5 type, I removed the faceplate and connected directly to the test socket:

                            Down                Up
Data Rate               10292               675
Noise Margin (dB)      6.3                  8.6
Output Power (dBm)  12.2                21.0
Attenuation (dB)       34.5                17.4

All that is connected to it is a single telephone and my Belkin F5D8631-4 N1 wireless router. There is a 2m extension that I use to be able to get the router and phone where I want them, the ADSL filter is connected to the extension and the router/phone to the filter. Other than that there is the usual paraphenalia close by - PC/Monitor/Laser Printer/Speakers but nothing unusual and nothing new! There are no other telephone extension sockets on this line.

Socket - 2m extension - ADSL filter - Belkin Router
                                               - Telephone

I was expecting to see a 5800 sync, perhaps the fact that it synced immediately at 10292 indicates that it's settled now, if so is it worth my calling support and asking to be reprofiled?

Thanks for all the help, once I work out how to give Karma I will take advantage of the system!

Edit: Worked out the karma system - not dificult I know, my excuse is old age!


My excuse for everything is old age. ;D

You'll need to give it time for the profile to catch up, BT won't alter it manually at this point, but it should be quite quick. Is the extension cable flat or round?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jul 14, 2009, 12:33:01
My excuse for everything is old age. ;D

You'll need to give it time for the profile to catch up, BT won't alter it manually at this point, but it should be quite quick. Is the extension cable flat or round?

I swear the 'give karma' option wasn't there before! In fact, I do know what happened - I never tick the 'always remember me' option of forums on the basis my brain has to have some exercise and remembering passwords is about all it gets these days! I refreshed the page afte my session had expired and there was no option. As soon as I logged back in again the option was there :)

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Oh, the extension cable is flat - not one of those new fangled ultra thin ones that resembles a bit of steamrollered spaghetti but flat nonetheless. If it makes any odds, the line was installed 6 years ago and I bought the telephone/extension at that time so whatever was popular back then is what I have! The router has been changed a couple of times, the current one is maybe 2 years old.


It only cuts in after you've made three posts. :)

Flat extensions don't use twisted pair cables, the kind that network and normal phone wiring is made from. That twisting cancels out noise pickup, so the first thing I would suggest is that you ditch the extension and either run a hard-wired kit (B&Q or Homebase) or you look for a dedicated twisted pair extension from a company like Belkin.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks Rik, I have a Maplin Electronics close by so if they don't have anything suitable I'll give adslnation a browse :)



if your router is only 2 metres away from your master socket then surely a standard adsl cable or twisted pair as rik suggests would do the trick?

plug your soap on a rope filter into your master socket, then the cable to your router and then your phone on the other side of the filter (on an extension lead as long as you like!)

i recently moved my router close to my master socket and am using the standard cable that came with the router (2m i think) and it seems to have made things that bit more stable and has probably accounted for my recent increase in sync speed and profile.