Internet is at crawl.

Started by adamr8965, Apr 30, 2010, 19:53:18

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Hey guys my internet comes to a complete crawl most nights at the moment around 5ish. I cant work it out it when the pages are loading takes ages.
Downloads are fine running around 800k/bs normal speed. Its very weird.
Changed router, changed filters, in the master socket, no p2p running, av switched off.



Run a BT speed test, Adam, let's look at your profile.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Exchange congestion glenn wouldnt it slow down the download speed.


One would expect if downloads are at that speed,that surfing the internet should be quick as well. Is it a particular website that's slow? It may be worth clearing the browser cache
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Not necessarily, it could be making DNS lookups and the routing slower. Does it affect all sites?

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here we go guys


Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.

Download  Speed
5897 Kbps
0 Kbps 7150 Kbps
Max Achievable Speed

Download speedachieved during the test was - 5897 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 1200-7150 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :8128 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 832 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 6500 Kbps

Not all websites are slow just some, more the ones with photos or pics.


That speed also takes into account the fact i have had 5 power off with the router in an hour swapping stuff around.


That looks fine, so it suggests either exchange congestion, unlikely, or sites being busy, or your browser is a bit cluttered.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


how do unclutter a browser? Just checked that yvonnes netbook is fine.


Reset and clear cache are the usual options,check you know your login details and passwords if wish to clear the cookies as well
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Which browser and OS Adam?
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Windows 7, and explorer or firefox, both the same.



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And also try setting the DNS on the machines network adaptor. The instructions here will give you Opendns on that machine only.
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Done that aswell still to no effect


Hmmm things are looking up now, seem to getting some speed back, now its just some sites are slow,


Anything else been running in the background i.e virus scan although probably worth a malware check.
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I've had this issue myself and it's been on-going for quite sometime now. It's the strangest thing, speed tests including those to BT are fine, there's no latency or packet loss in the system but websites are horribly slow to respond and in recent weeks I've also found major issues with traffic to a communications server which appears to coincide with the web issue. It's certainly not congestion local to me because it quite often occurs very late at night/early in the morning. Streaming services like BBC iPlayer tell me that I don't have sufficient bandwidth to view and yet a speed test will say I'm running at full tilt.

The comms issue is particularly perplexing because the client displays ping and my ping is 9ms at worst. However the delay or lag on a round trip to the server can be measured in minutes, not seconds when the issue is at its worst. At first I didn't connect this to a broadband issue but I've been monitoring it for the last couple of days and when the problem occurs it does appear to do so when web sites are slow to respond.

I haven't contacted support because all the usual tools that you would use to monitor the health of a broadband connection tell me it's running perfectly. It's an issue that is highly sporadic, I've been on comms for the last seven hours and it's happened only twice but when it did I checked the web and pages were taking between five and twenty seconds to load. The speed test website was also slow to load but the test was absolutely fine. I have other ways of monitoring though put and during that time there was an indication of a total loss of connectivity but absolutely nothing in my router log.

It's a perplexing problem because I don't know how to proceed with it. It's nothing to do with my PC(s) because my daughter often complains she's having problems with websites, Facebook and other applications. I've tried three routers and changed the filter. There's been no changes my end and there's nothing at all plugged into the phone point apart from the filter which is currently plugged into the test socket. In short, I'm at a loss  :dunno:

[EDIT] I should point out that although this has been going on for a couple of months I don't recall having any problems of this nature prior to that other than temporary issues reported by others at the same time.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This is the same as what is happening to me, but it's only some websites and usally around evening times, yet downloads are running as fast as they can go.


It may be the routing to specific sites is running poorly. If you both can let support have examples of the sites affected they can check it out.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Same issue here at the moment, but BT speed tester giving me this error and speedtester, bith giving 1.5mb down 786 up,

WEbsite latency very poor, and downloads only averaging 35k


Performance Tester was not able to find all the network details required for telephone number:0131*******. Please check that it is the correct telephone number for your service, and ensure that the PC you are using to run the speed test is connected to your broadband connection. Try again and if the problem persists then please contact your service provider.

The phone number is correct, tried 5 times so far same error!
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


If the number is the same one as is returned by dialling 17070, and is also used to log in to IDNet, then something is screwy with BT's database.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


As ever, I can't use BT speedtest, I always get

QuoteSystem Error Image not loaded

The Performance Tester is currently unable to run a speed test for your broadband connection. Please try again shortly, however if this problem persists, raise the issue with your service provider.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.