Extremely slow broadband connection

Started by T_M_D, Apr 24, 2011, 10:33:59

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Quote from: Steve on Apr 25, 2011, 19:25:00
Perhaps Q you would like to put the hours in that the admins do on here for free. Perhaps then you might not be so perfect.

I cannot see for the life of me how my comments in this thread can be seen as being directed at 'Admins', the fact that you are an admin is totally immaterial, the comments were to an 'individual' or 'individuals' and 'admins' never came into my mind at any time whilst posting.

I do appreciate what admins have to do, and that is fine, but they surely are not exempt from an honest and truthful reply to one of their posts?

And, Simon, you may call it 'stirring', that's your choice, but I can assure you that my comments were intended to be honest, straightforward and, well meaning to all concerned. I don't think strong honest views (which were definitely not directed at Admins) should be confused as 'stirring'.

Strong honest views should be the life blood of a lively forum and if offered genuinely, as mine were,  should always be encouraged and not pigeon holed as 'stirring'. ;)


Quote from: wdforte on Apr 25, 2011, 19:13:21
Totally disagree. If you are going to reply to a sensitive thread such as this one then make sure that you have got your facts right. Two of you, including yourself got it wrong, badly! Getting it wrong can make the problem far worse.

Contributors here must not be so, so protective of IDNet in the first instance. Listen to and read what the poster has to say and give a fair and truthful assessment of the situation. This 'protective' stance is not useful and we again should address this position when a cry for help is received as in this particular case.

We can, rightly, praise IDNet for their overall excellent service but when a genuine problem arises we should look at it with a non 'protective' view.

I am aware that this may upset some 'protective' thinking contributors but I feel it has to be said. ;)

Who was the text I have emboldened directed at, Q?

As to protective, you are not in possession of the full facts. The forum staff have been very active outside the forum this weekend, trying to find out why Tina had not received a reply, and making sure that she got one. Sadly, we cannot always achieve what we would like, and that was the case this weekend.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



See Posts 11 & 17 apologising for missing an extremely important point from the OP. The 'protective' aspect of the post was a general observation and NOT, repeat, NOT directed at admins or anyone in particular. Please, please, do get this idea that I am pin pointing admins, out of your minds, I am not!

I love 'em really ;) :thumb:



Quote from: Simon on Apr 25, 2011, 19:26:45
I fail to see the point in bringing up again a mistake which has been acknowledged and apologised for a good number of posts previous to now, other than to stir.  You wouldn't do that, would you, Q?

Quote from: wdforte on Apr 26, 2011, 13:03:12And, Simon, you may call it 'stirring', that's your choice, but I can assure you that my comments were intended to be honest, straightforward and, well meaning to all concerned. I don't think strong honest views (which were definitely not directed at Admins) should be confused as 'stirring'. 

Strong honest views should be the life blood of a lively forum and if offered genuinely, as mine were,  should always be encouraged and not pigeon holed as 'stirring'. ;)

Given that I addressed my question to 'Q', and you have responded, as you have above, can we therefore assume you are indeed the member formally known as 'Q', or 'Quandam'?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: wdforte on Apr 26, 2011, 13:39:12
Sorry Rik, Posts 15 & 17 ;)

Two people who made a mistake but apologised, Q, and you feel that's protective?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This is all rather off the Subject heading. How many times have we been reminded by one particular individual to keep help threads on topic until the problem is solved. Anyway I feel I must say something off topic,this is the help section of the forum and the take home point to me is that a fellow member went to the trouble of finding two support numbers for IDNet as he (like me) at the time could see no mention of the OP having used this method.

The previous posts by Q or WDForte criticise the mistake; this mistake is completely immaterial in finding a solution to this problem. The plain basic fact is that potentially useful information was given. I can understand there being a case to answer if bad or erroneous advice had been given by either of us to the OP. This sort of criticism does not,in my opinion, encourage anyone to give freely of any advice or information to a fellow member of this community.

Likewise I also feel very strongly that anyone who criticises fellow members for trying to help others (not withstanding that most of us are amateurs at this; we are not paid I.T Network specialists and we will make some mistakes) should not be members of this community and unofficial support forum.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


 :slap: Sorry, can't explain any more :slap: :dunno:


Steve isn't looking for an explanation, Q. He's making the point that members and staff are not generally experts, they give of their time freely, and do not need anyone picking up on a simple mistake and rubbing their faces in it.

This forum is a little over five years old. When I joined the staff at the beginning of 2007, there were just two of us. Now there are seven. In that time, the present seven staff have put in more than 29,000 man hours to this forum - that's not far off the equivalent of three people working full time. We're here every day of the year.

We can give no more. If our best efforts are not good enough for you then the future of the forum comes into question. Alternatively, if you feel that the style or rules here don't suit you, then perhaps you would be happier elsewhere?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I am just finishing work for the day and off to do some food shopping before I can get home, so it will be later this evening before I can check things out with my internet. I will keep the forum posted over the next few days.

There is no clear outcome yet, but I am satisfied that my issue is being investigated fully by IDNet and that everything is being done to ensure I don't suffer a repeat performance this weekend. BT are slow responding, by the looks of things as we wait to get a response from them regarding possible congestion due to my Virtual Path.

I have just checked into the forum before leaving work and I would just like to say to everyone, please could we put aside differences and move on to a more relaxed position with each other?

Everyone who takes part in this forum has had valid points to make and there are many differences of opinion that have arisen over the last few days.

Can we all just take a deep breath now and step back a bit and resist the temptation to bite back at each other please?


Thanks for that, Tina, sound advice.  :thumb:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


 :dunno: :slap: There does seem to be a gulf and severe misunderstanding here, I only post as I feel without any animosity to anyone (or group) and always with an honest intent, if that does not pass muster then I have to say that there is little else I can do :slap:

Honest and above board posting seems to be taken as an affront to the 'admins' who appear to boringly repeat the mantra "You have no idea what we do", " We do it for nothing" etc etc. Admins are there to encourage lively interaction and their 'duties' are, after all, voluntary and should encourage input from contributors rather than stifle it if it slightly criticises IDNet.

There is a serious problem with sycophantic IDNet leanings here, where in fact a forum should be a forum where genuine comments should be encouraged whether in favour or against provided they are without, swearing or rudeness to an individual etc etc etc.

IDNetters, although a good web site tool does not provide a true outlet for honest comments relating to IDNet. This weakness, should be looked at in detail and rectified for the benefit of free speech.

So, it's goodbye from me and goodbye from him  ;) :slap: :dunno:


We rarely pull posts, we have criticised IDNet ourselves when we feel it justified, Q. The forum is here for honest comment, in the fullest sense of the word. It's not here for individuals to have digs at others.

Quote from: wdforte on Apr 26, 2011, 19:08:06
Honest and above board posting seems to be taken as an affront to the 'admins' who appear to boringly repeat the mantra "You have no idea what we do", " We do it for nothing" etc etc. Admins are there to encourage lively interaction and their 'duties' are, after all, voluntary and should encourage input from contributors rather than stifle it if it slightly criticises IDNet.

If you feel attacking people for a simple and genuine mistake is acceptable, you really need to read the rules. Admins are, contrary to your belief, there to administer and, if necessary, police the forum. We try, though, to walk lightly. I've pointed out to you how much effort goes into the running of the forum in the hope it would give you an idea why we don't always take kindly to certain members telling us how to do the job. In practice, we do participate as much as possible. No-one has complained to you that you criticised IDNet, we have pointed out that you criticised an admin and a member for making a mistake. It was neither necessary or helpful.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: wdforte on Apr 26, 2011, 19:08:06
So, it's goodbye from me and goodbye from him  ;) :slap: :dunno:

I think you're missing the basic point that this is not an official support forum, but run by a bunch of people who spend a lot of their own time using their best endeavours to help fellow users.

As you don't appear to appreciate this, it's just as well you're saying goodbye.

I'm not an IDNet fanboy, but I like most other visitors to this forum, appreciate the hard work and honest toil put in by the guys.


Quote from: wdforte on Apr 26, 2011, 19:08:06So, it's goodbye from me and goodbye from him

We have taken that as 'wdforte' / 'Q' / 'Quandam's departure from the forum, so, for security, have locked both of his IDNetters accounts accordingly.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Just to clarify and in case anyone was wondering, we've established that 'wdforte' and 'quandam' are one and the same user. Posting under two identities is expressly forbidden here and on most forums, not just because of the obvious deception, but also because it creates a potential security issue.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Oh hum, here I am again.

My reply today from IDNet:=====

BT have come back to us late last night confirming your VP is not over utilised. As such we will now need our attention to causes of local interference.

The next steps are to test the following:

Disconnect all devices from all sockets in the premises except the filter and router which should be in the master socket, I note from your posts you do not have a test socket.
If you have Sky Plus now is the time to disconnect it.
Take portable radio tuned to white noise on Medium Wave and walk around the premises, when it comes near anything kicking out interference it will make a squeeling/static noise.
An alternate filter
An alternate modem/router (if you choose, a test kit can be with you by tomorrow afternoon if we get it out to you before 3pm today.)


Roughly what my answer will be:

I only have ONE socket, the only devices in it are the filter, the 'phone and the router. I have not had Sky + connected to the socket for a good year now.

I already tried a new filter.

I was too late seeing the email to take up the test kit offer, though I thank you for the offer.

The only two things I have not done are change the router or walk round with a radio.

I am not going to walk round with a radio checking for noise and I do not believe it is my router. I do not believe it is interference or my router because my router is behaving fine.

The BT speed tests since the bank holiday weekend have all been fine and consistent. I simply do not see how the router would misbehave or interference manifest itself over a three-day period solely at the start of peak time then suddenly behave itself once peak time dwindled. I just cannot see the logic of it being my router or interference.

My theories are that one of these was responsible:

- There was a problem with IDNet's network, one that was not obvious.
- BT were responsible in one way, shape or form.

I appreciate that if IDNet has tried to detect faults on its network and found none, and BT come back saying everything is fine (I personally would not trust them as far as I could throw them) then it makes it difficult to nail this issue.

It does feel to me though, that IDNet has simply batted this problem back to me, probably because they have exhausted their own resources for discovering the problem.

How do I feel about all this? Anxious and worried that come the weekend it is going to happen to me again. I feel that because I will not walk around with a radio or try another router that IDNet will not bother to assist further if it happens again until I do walk round with a radio and try another router. But at the risk of sounding monotonous, I do NOT believe it is my router or interference - if the problem was regular and consistent no matter what the time of day was, then I would have been happy to do both and I would have seen the logic of doing it.

I need to have full and working access this bank holiday weekend to do my online CISCO Academy CCNA course and NetLabs- I have an online TMA to complete and submit by Tuesday. I am sincerely hoping that this problem does not arise again, because if it does and I suffer the same lack of support as last weekend, I will seriously consider moving to another provider asap for both my broadband and phone line.

What am I hoping for? That it was a one-off incident and will not happen again.



If you wont look for interference or try a different router just to see, then you are not going to get any further, it could be interference and you don't know your router is really running fine unless you are an engineer and have tested it, by doing what IDNet asks you will confirm or deny if these are the problems. Its up to you but I would take the test kit when you can and try it out, only then can IDNet say for sure what the issue is, also you should not really print out what idnet send to you, I'm guessing that's part of "Please note that the content of any personal message you receive is confidential and may not be revealed to a third-party, or posted in the forums" although I could be wrong and an admin will have say over that.

What have you got to lose? If you do find its your router of interference then you are sorted, its not like its hard work, excuse me for being blunt but these people are trying to help, and if you wont try the tests out you cant really expect anymore help from the forum, or IDNet.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


The tests IDNet have asked you to do are standard procedures designed to eliminate any faults with your own equipment.  If it comes down to a BT visit, you would be liable for charges of around £160 if a fault was found with your equipment, or indeed, if no fault is found, and that's what IDNet are trying to avoid for you.  If you won't do the tests, then it will be difficult for them, or us, to help you any further.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Emphasis on what Simon said, if you're overconfident that it is not a problem on your part then go ahead and tell IDNet you want a BT engineer to visit. Keep in mind that they will charge in most cases if a fault was traced in your home.


Might be a good idea to run Routerstats for a while and see how (or if) the noise fluctuates.  It might give you more insight into what's happening and when.  


If this is a local problem, Tina, it will move with you if you change to another BT-based ISP. I'd advise you, therefore, to avoid getting tied in to a long contract. A change may cure the problem, it may not. OTOH, using a comprehensive self-test routine will establish if there is an issue. If you don't want to follow the advice - which is the same that I would have given you - then neither IDNet nor we can help you further.

QuoteThe BT speed tests since the bank holiday weekend have all been fine and consistent. I simply do not see how the router would misbehave or interference manifest itself over a three-day period solely at the start of peak time then suddenly behave itself once peak time dwindled. I just cannot see the logic of it being my router or interference.

The neighbours may have been running some noisy electrical equipment -  I know this because I did wander around with an AM radio, it happens every Sunday.

QuoteMy theories are that one of these was responsible:

- There was a problem with IDNet's network, one that was not obvious.
- BT were responsible in one way, shape or form.

The first hypothesis is highly improbable. A fault that affects just one or two users isn't feasible, given that we all share most of the components on the network. The second is possible, especially if BT are carrying out an exchange upgrade.

QuoteIt does feel to me though, that IDNet has simply batted this problem back to me, probably because they have exhausted their own resources for discovering the problem.

IDNet will be happy to get a BT engineer out to you, but there's a real risk of it costing you some £200. If you won't try the self-diagnostics (which are designed to minimise the risk of you incurring that charge) then that's all they can now do.

QuoteHow do I feel about all this? Anxious and worried that come the weekend it is going to happen to me again. I feel that because I will not walk around with a radio or try another router that IDNet will not bother to assist further if it happens again until I do walk round with a radio and try another router. But at the risk of sounding monotonous, I do NOT believe it is my router or interference - if the problem was regular and consistent no matter what the time of day was, then I would have been happy to do both and I would have seen the logic of doing it.

I didn't believe it was my router either when I had a problem. Until I did the radio test and found the power supply was generating RFI noise. The power bricks are very cheaply made in most cases.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I would do the tests and save the money, as Rik said. Home routers can do odd things and are cheaply made, their power supplies can cause all sorts of issues and probably produce weird harmonics, in this day and age and with such costs involved, problem solving yourself is a much better idea.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I was looking back at some old posts and see you suffered badly during some of the football matches with very poor throughput,although I've never seen exchange congestion cause the problems you experienced at the weekend plus with the fact that BT say the Exchange/VP is not congested.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.