No connection

Started by Joel, Dec 03, 2011, 14:46:55

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Seems to be a bit of a lag sometimes on all ISPs.


One last stab at my original suggestion of a 'phone messaage.
When the internet goes down I presume some poor sod at IDNet settles himself in for x number of hours fielding countless 'phone calls all rabbitting on about their failed connection. The message he gives will be 'It's BT again innit'!!!! and the punters will all drift off into the sunset happy as pigs in the proverbial.   :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap:


Quote from: sobranie on Dec 05, 2011, 00:15:17
One last stab at my original suggestion of a 'phone messaage.
When the internet goes down I presume some poor sod at IDNet settles himself in for x number of hours fielding countless 'phone calls all rabbitting on about their failed connection. The message he gives will be 'It's BT again innit'!!!! and the punters will all drift off into the sunset happy as pigs in the proverbial.   :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap:

    Seems a simple enough suggestion :)          I too look forward to a simple answer :eyebrow:


As has already been said, feedback is being passed to Support.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I don't want to prolong the agony, but last night showed a good example. BT's local Ilford mux had a problem at 1709, fixed just after 7.30pm, so when did the first BT fault notification reach my mailbox by the automated process, yes 20.09! I'm not sure how some poor IDNet staffer is supposed to know more about the current performance of BT's systems than BTs own systems reveal.

However, since we all want a miracle and to give us all something to do whilst t'internet is down, how about a seasonal challenge to find a way to turn water into wine?


The first notification was #3, so I presume that the first and second ones went astray somewhere.

I can turn wine into slightly polluted water easily, never managed to reverse the trick without the aid of grapes and yeast. ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


From some of the responses in this thread though it does appear some people want the moon on a stick and are completely infallible and completely savage those who are not.


Most organisations welcome and pro-actively encourage customer feedback. That said, reading through this and other forums whenever IDNet support gets a mention it inevitably seems to trigger a defensive response. It is clear that the level of Support offered by IDNet OOHs is at best a friendly voice on the end of a telephone who may or may not know that IDNet's network has a problem. If that is the case, then IDNet should just say so: if it is not, then IDNet should state clearly what its customers can expect from its OOH technical support service given Miriam's July statement. Personally, I have no difficulty with no OOH's technical support other than knowing that there are network issues. However, what I did find odd a couple of weeks ago was talking to the OOH's technical support person and finding that after 30 secs I might just as well have been talking to myself!

The key question that most people want answered is 'it is just me or is this a network problem'? Simple solutions are often the best solutions and an answer phone message with 'Houston - we have a problem' followed by periodic estimated repair times would go a long way towards resolving OOH support concerns. Even getting an engaged tone would suggest to me that I am not alone in having a connectivity issue.

IDNet you run a good network, which like all networks has occasional issues. That said, the test of a good organisation is how issues are dealt with and how the problems and solutions are communicated to customers.


Perhaps Ardua you could address your concerns to IDNet themselves ie: support at idnet dot com . Whilst we can provide feedback on occassions to IDNet I feel  that this primarily should come from the customer themselves.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Dec 05, 2011, 09:39:15
Perhaps Ardua you could address your concerns to IDNet themselves ie: support at idnet dot com . Whilst we can provide feedback on occassions to IDNet I feel  that this primarily should come from the customer themselves.

I am happy to do so; however, I am reluctant to post e-mail exchanges on a forum. As Simon-IDNet is a frequent visitor to this site I was rather hoping that he would respond and address the concerns expressed by myself and others


I agree,I would expect the contents of personal emails to remain private, but personnally if I have a grievance to air I go to the place where I'm most likely to get a response not the place where I can only hope I might get a response.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


As Steve says, Ardua, ultimately, the forum is a user-to-user forum, not an official IDNet channel and, while we work closely with IDNet, we can't guarantee they will visit or read any particular threads - it depends on what they have on their plate at the time.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Dec 05, 2011, 09:57:14
....  the forum is a user-to-user forum, not an official IDNet channel and, while we work closely with IDNet, we can't guarantee they will visit or read any particular threads ....

An unofficial arrangement seems ideal. I take the view, and I can say this because I post very infrequently, that this forum contains excellent customer feedback that is high on usefull content and low on rant. It seems to me to be a rich vein of advice and counsel and one would be hard pressed to ignore it. We sometimes see IDNET folks participate, but it is prudent not to get sucked in too much. Never-the-less I feel sure IDNET pay more attention than it might seem. Certainly if it was my firm I would stay close and be thankfull.


Time to draw a line under this particular issue as far as I am concerned. IDNetters is a valuable source of knowledge. Unlike some ISPs, IDNet does not have formal support forum such as can be found on the Aquiss, Zen, TalkTalk and BT sites. It does though link from its website to this one. Some ISPs do have an online support representative - some do not. Personally, I think in the interests of good communication and customer confidence it would be helpful if someone from the Company could provide feedback from time-to-time; for example, on 'what did cause this weekend's problems'?  The danger of not doing so is that some customers will just see all connectivity issues as an IDNet network resilience  problem; i.e., IDNet will be guilty by default. Remember, some of us who post here do not know our pings or trace routes from our elbows!


I agree with you.  I think everyone has had their say on OOH support, the original problem is resolved, and there's little to be gained in continuing the thread.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.