Red Internet light on DGN2200 but can browse the Internet

Started by pctech, Apr 07, 2012, 22:50:41

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Does anyone know if this indicates its having trouble communicating with one of the DNS servers?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Got this form the router pdf file from netgear site, any help?

Chapter 9. T roubleshooting | 129
N300 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN2200
Troubleshooting with the LEDs
When you turn the power on, the power, LAN, and DSL LEDs should light as described here. If they do not, refer to the sections that follow for help.
1. When power is first applied, the Power LED lights.
2. After approximately 10 seconds, the LAN and DSL LEDs light as follows:
a.The LAN port LEDs light for any local ports that are connected.
b. The DSL link LED lights to indicate that there is a link to the connected device.
c. If a LAN port is connected to a 100 Mbps device, verify that the LAN port's LED is green. Note that if the LAN port is 10 Mbps, the LED is amber.PowerLAN Ports (1–4)USBDSLWirelessWPSInternet
Figure 23. Front panel LEDs
Power LED Is Off
If the Power and other LEDs are off when your modem router is turned on:
• Check that the power cord is correctly connected to your modem router and the power supply adapter is correctly connected to a functioning power outlet.
• Check that you are using the 12 V DC power adapter supplied by NETGEAR for this product.
If the error persists, you could have a hardware problem and should contact NETGEAR Technical Support.
Power LED Is Red
When the modem router is turned on, it performs a power-on self-test. If the Power LED turns red after a few seconds or at any other time during normal operation, there is a fault within the modem router.
130 | Chapter 9. Troubleshooting
N300 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN2200
If the Power LED turns red to indicate a modem router fault, turn the power off and on to see if the modem router recovers. If the power LED is still red 1 minute after power-up:
• Turn the power off and on one more time to see if the modem router recovers.
• Clear the modem router's configuration to factory defaults as explained in Factory Settings on page 138. This sets the modem router's IP address to
If the error persists, you could have a hardware problem and should contact NETGEAR Technical Support.
Alf :)


I've no idea I'm afraid Mitch. Mine is hidden behind my tv so I don't tend to see the lights so wouldn't notice if one went red unless it had an impact on performance.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for all the replies.

I did a bit of late night fiddling with DNS and it went back to solid green.

Also managed to get the router back onto ATM and fixed the operating mode to ADSL in the hope it'll improve stability, looks like I've had a dollop of interleaving added yesterday morning at 6.20 (BT's DLM obviously hadn't got anything else to do) though strangely its showing as opt in on the Zen portal rather than auto.


Sorry to bringing up this old topic, but I have exactly the same problem. Pctec can you give more details on what you did to remedy?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.
