BlackBerry email account setup nightmare

Started by Noelle, Apr 29, 2012, 22:22:51

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We don't work for IDNet, and I suspect they would give us the same answers that they gave you, but I can drop them an email referring them to this thread.  :-\
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I agree Simon,hopefully now there's a second Blackberry on a different network they may dig a bit deeper.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'm going to direct James and Brian to this thread too.
Thanks Guys!


Quote from: Noelle on May 03, 2012, 00:20:28
I'm going to direct James and Brian to this thread too.
Thanks Guys!

Think about this logically: your emails sit in your mailbox on the server called and your emails can only be accessed using the correct username and password. You have told your BB what your username (email address) and password are but you haven't told your BB where those emails are = the server that your BB will have to send those login credentials to.

Until you give your BB the name of the mail server then RIM cannot know where to fetch your mail from so that they can then push them to your BB.


I have to admit, whenever I've set up email on a phone, it's automatically been able to find the settings for most email accounts, other than IDNet, which I have to enter the details of manually.  I do therefore think that there must be a manual setup option somewhere on BlackBerrys as well, and this is possibly what you need to find.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


If you are entering manual setup options can you supply details of the POP/IMAP and SMTP server details that you've tried please.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for all the help guys.

I have setup idnet BB email many times in the past and without a problem. This is a very recent issue. Noirmally BB will make a guess at the pop server and does it pretty well. When it fails to do this it gives you further options of entering the server details manually. I have also tried this and tried it with many varieties of idnet server ranging from the pop3 address which used to work, the new format (which idnet say should be used against my account details) and many other combinations. Still to no avail. I will queury Idnet again today!

Thanks again



Is it possible to tell whether it's failing on the incoming or out-going server addresses.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Forgot to say that I had when I first went into BBS config online earlier in the day it was asking me to validate the password  against my original settings and this is only a case of entering a pass for the mailbox that had been working fine an hour before but it rejected that password even though I know it to be correct. I have also been getting intermittent BBS activvation server emails for about a week on my other device but emails still came through. THis usually only happens when something changes at the mailbox and is quite rare. It seemed to coincide with the other idnet changes regarding being able to send smtp mail and changing outlook server settings. Hence why i'm pointing at idnet.


BB doesnt use the outgoing server as it sends via iyts own and only updates ypur sent box if using IMAP. TRherefore its failing on the pop side for definite.




I guess you've  tried this one  -  (ssl port -993)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on May 03, 2012, 09:45:54
I guess you've  tried this one  -  (ssl port -993)

Yes thanks Steve. No joy with that one either.  ???


Quote from: Simon_idnet on May 03, 2012, 02:49:44
Think about this logically: your emails sit in your mailbox on the server called and your emails can only be accessed using the correct username and password. You have told your BB what your username (email address) and password are but you haven't told your BB where those emails are = the server that your BB will have to send those login credentials to.

Until you give your BB the name of the mail server then RIM cannot know where to fetch your mail from so that they can then push them to your BB.

Simon, I've tried for 10 days to setup manually instead of relying on the push technology of BB. NOTHING WORKS. Orange has tried for hours both by phone and in-store. Everything fails because our Idnet passwords are not recognized. The message I and Orange gets over and over again is "wrong password, contact your ISP". In the meantime, I've been able to setup my hotmail, the Sky email account of my neighbour, the BT account of a friend: all email accounts can be setup by simply entering the email address and the password EXCEPT Idnet email accounts.
She should contact BlackBerry, they're unable to find you as an ISP. Setting up an email account on a BB is very simple : email address and password, that's all.


Quote from: Noelle on May 03, 2012, 10:51:39
Setting up an email account on a BB is very simple : email address and password, that's all.

On many other phones, that is also correct, as it will automatically find the email account server details.  However, on any phone I have used for email, this includes a BlackBerry Storm, some years ago, I have always had to enter my IDNet account details manually, including the POP3 server details, and possibly SMTP, but I can't be certain of that, as it was a while back, and I've had several different phones since. 

I am fairly certain, though, that there is a manual set up option within the email setting on BlackBerry phones, and it seems that this is what you should perhaps be looking for, to at least check if the server settings are correct.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on May 03, 2012, 11:13:40
On many other phones, that is also correct, as it will automatically find the email account server details.  However, on any phone I have used for email, this includes a BlackBerry Storm, some years ago, I have always had to enter my IDNet account details manually, including the POP3 server details, and possibly SMTP, but I can't be certain of that, as it was a while back, and I've had several different phones since. 

I am fairly certain, though, that there is a manual set up option within the email setting on BlackBerry phones, and it seems that this is what you should perhaps be looking for, to at least check if the server settings are correct.

The manual options get the same result "wrong password, contact your ISP".


So, what are the server settings in the advanced options?

I'm having trouble believing this is a general issue, otherwise, I would have thought we'd have had more BlackBerry users posting, but I'm yet to be convinced either way.  :-\
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on May 03, 2012, 11:36:13
So, what are the server settings in the advanced options?

I'm having trouble believing this is a general issue, otherwise, I would have thought we'd have had more BlackBerry users posting, but I'm yet to be convinced either way.  :-\

It happened to both Spencer and I when we bought a new handset. My old BB used to work fine.


Right, OK, but what are the server settings in the advanced email set up options?  I think this is key to resolving this issue.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Noelle on May 03, 2012, 11:46:58
It happened to both Spencer and I when we bought a new handset. My old BB used to work fine.

I wonder what has changed in the handset, if you were both able to get your emails using an older model BB, but can't now on the latest model?

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I would try this myself, as I still have my old Storm, but unfortunately, I don't have a BlackBerry contract any more, so I can't use the BIS. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Glenn on May 03, 2012, 11:54:07
I wonder what has changed in the handset, if you were both able to get your emails using an older model BB, but can't now on the latest model?

Its not a handset issue as the BBS is indepenedent of the handset and can be set up from both the handset and a web browser on a pc. I have tried both to no avail and diffferent PC's and browsers. Additionally if I switch back to my old handset it still will not work. As said previosuly all other providers I have tested work fine, its not confined to O2 as Noelle is on Orange. Idnet has been playing up on BB for a week or so previosuly to switching and when I intially switch handset my previous idnet settings were still in the BBS system but it still would not accept the password.

The message initially says: "The email address or password is incorrect, or we need more details to set up this email. Retype the information or provide additional settings."

Here is a screenshot of the additonal BBS setting screeen and as you can see it only applies to POP and doesn't use SMTP. I have tried all combinations of various Idnet pop settings.



Are you able to view the incoming and outgoing mail setting when it fails to connect?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.