Weird line issues.

Started by Gary, Mar 12, 2013, 11:34:48

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This web site has a lot of information on it which could answer some of your questions Gary,


Soooo Southern Electric came out and nope nothing wrong with the incoming power its a healthy 0.07 Ohms and a steady 238 Volts <sigh> which makes using a mw radio for fault finding as useful as a chocolate teapot, turns out most power supplies like laptop ones produce RFI noise at 612Khz on MW as you can see here So that's handy  :eyebrow:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well its all back to BT yet again, checked my home for Rein and god knows, I can turn the mains power off in the house and just have the Mac and router etc running off the Smart UPS and still get the issue, (APC UPS makes no weird radio noise) So its not coming from my home, tbh I don't think this will get fixed.  SimonM_IDNet is being very patient and helpful and doing all he can with BT but this is dragging on at some point I may have to make a decision now if its worth staying with IDNet or go with Sky/BT and pay less and careless for what may now be a permanent yet mysterious cr@ppy line. :(
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ah, the infamous "no fault found" fix. Blame performance-related pay. Engineers were marked down on the number of faults they found, supposedly to prevent them "inventing" faults to boost their apparent activities.


Quote from: nowster on May 18, 2013, 11:57:53
Ah, the infamous "no fault found" fix. Blame performance-related pay. Engineers were marked down on the number of faults they found, supposedly to prevent them "inventing" faults to boost their apparent activities.
Not really the case as I know it. I have a friend who works for BT he says the number of times they know it could be something that say a E side swap could cure but because they cannot find a fault they are not allowed to do the work because managers complain when they do something based on experience rather than fact, or they know its an change issue but since that could be sostly the notes seem to vanish between the engineer and the ISP about the issues  >:( Why would BT want to replace a line card if only a few people actually notice the issue, because people who visit forums like this are an exception to the rule.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Mate, reading through all of this, I know your pain.

Very similar situation here. Although, I have been lucky enough to pinpoint how to make the issue happen. And therefore, theoretically, one would assume easy to demonstrate and identify (BT engineer's experience permitting).

I haven't got any suggestions. But wanted to let you know, you are not alone. I have literally turned bald with frustration and sympathise 100%.

I hope you get it sorted. I will be going down the engineer route myself, once I speak to Nick on Monday (tomorrow). And I suspect a similar experience to yours.

Best of luck.


Quote from: RandomGeeza on May 19, 2013, 19:46:32
Mate, reading through all of this, I know your pain.

Very similar situation here. Although, I have been lucky enough to pinpoint how to make the issue happen. And therefore, theoretically, one would assume easy to demonstrate and identify (BT engineer's experience permitting).

I haven't got any suggestions. But wanted to let you know, you are not alone. I have literally turned bald with frustration and sympathise 100%.

I hope you get it sorted. I will be going down the engineer route myself, once I speak to Nick on Monday (tomorrow). And I suspect a similar experience to yours.

Best of luck.
Having had two engineers out BT got snotty and threatened it would cost if it was my gear causing REIN...but thats all been tested so many times it gotten silly. It all started with roadworks in the village, but BT deny any issue there, I'm left with its 'REIN' or munchkins biting the wires ;) after a lift and shift and so many line tests its maddening. My cable is underground so not much to look at although why they put the RF3 filter by the demarcation point in my property and not by the NTE5 socket baffles me, as the entire inside wiring can act as an aerial for RFI  ::) Glad you have isolated your issue, BT engineers are pretty good, mine all know my engineer mate, so that's been helpful but two months now and no resolution in sight is making me despair.

Hope your visit sorts your problem out.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Looks like I'm going to have to give up on my line issues. BT are being gits, the 'REIN Team' I have found out from my BT mate is one guy and he is not even fond of doing the job due to the fact his hands are tied in most cases and he has no remit to enter other properties if that's where its coming from in the first place. Example, new housing block, everyones connections goes flaky now and then, turns out its when people come out of the lift and the new style LED light bulbs come on in the hallways, but the building owners wont change them  :slap:

I am saddened I have hit a wall of impenetrable of cow dung so to speak where BT is concerned though... they say they can only look back a few days on my line history but the engineers can look back weeks, if not months it appears.  :sigh: I'll be staying with IDNet, at least they offer good support.

May as well close this thread now.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


That's a shame dude... Again, I sympathise and understand the frustration.

Have you tried naming and shaming on some of the social media BT may use... Twitter, Facebook etc. That tends to get the attention of the right type of people, who might be able to help you out... Just a thought, and one I would follow up as a last ditch attempt.

Or even an MD/Press complaint, which having worked for a big corp and dealing with MD/Press complaints. The remit is often, get it fixed regardless.


Quote from: RandomGeeza on May 22, 2013, 10:11:22
That's a shame dude... Again, I sympathise and understand the frustration.

Have you tried naming and shaming on some of the social media BT may use... Twitter, Facebook etc. That tends to get the attention of the right type of people, who might be able to help you out... Just a thought, and one I would follow up as a last ditch attempt.

Or even an MD/Press complaint, which having worked for a big corp and dealing with MD/Press complaints. The remit is often, get it fixed regardless.
With BT now trying to push though the cost of the two visits on us, even though that makes no sense as a lift and shift was done and a RF3 filter was fitted on the second it seems rocking the boat may not be the best thing to do  :-\ We have enough stress in our every day lives right now and my Osteoporosis is getting alot worse so I have to prioritise what is best for my health and my wife's stress levels, without BT adding to it tbh.  :( Thanks for the thoughts on the subject though.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Sorry to hear that news, Gary.  I guess, as you say, there comes a time when other things in life take priority. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on May 22, 2013, 11:50:43
Sorry to hear that news, Gary.  I guess, as you say, there comes a time when other things in life take priority. 
Exactly, anyway one day FTTC will appear and if I'm brave enough (or silly enough) I may jump on board unless my line has somehow fixed itself by then  ;)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Quote from: Gary on May 22, 2013, 14:00:27
Exactly, anyway one day FTTC will appear and if I'm brave enough (or silly enough) I may jump on board unless my line has somehow fixed itself by then  ;)

My feelings exactly. Although, rather than wait for it to come to me, I think I will go to it. BTW, my issue ain't fixed. Three drops last night, all random... back to square one. Been here, done this already... *Tuts!*


Quote from: RandomGeeza on May 23, 2013, 09:11:55
My feelings exactly. Although, rather than wait for it to come to me, I think I will go to it. BTW, my issue ain't fixed. Three drops last night, all random... back to square one. Been here, done this already... *Tuts!*
I wont get FTTC till 2014...bit of a wait. I had to do some cabling, well my carers had to do some cabling and my line is wizzing along at 14.5Mbps and later today my SNR will drop to less than 1 and ill have no thoughput, where upon ill have to reboot the router and then sync at about 11.3Mbps that's a fair whack to lose for a fault no one can cure  >:( but I just cant be bothered anymore. IDNet did there best but BT are a a hellish company and as I said I have other things to get on with. Sorry to hear yours is not cured. Seems to be alot of this going on at the moment, maybe its a side effect of  FTTC being rolled out, who knows.  :dunno:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Well after a long Chat with Brian it seems the DLM never kicked in on my line  :dunno: you would think it would with an snr going from 6 to 0.9db in about a minute at random times. No interleaving it was turned off and that was after a new ten day training period! So he suggested a Super Stable profile to see if that kicks the DLM into life on my line, then we can fiddle next week if that does not work out, failing that another Engineer visit, and not to worry about BT trying to charge, as its not my equipment. Must admit its given me more hope and more options just when I gave up. IDNet are doing there best. Trying to sort this out with BT would be hell. Luckily my line had gone bonkers when he looked yesterday as I could not load pages as my snr fell to 0.8 with virtually no throughput, which helped.  :fingers: 
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Well I have noticed FTTC cabinets going up (one by my cab) I'm wondering if all my line issues are being caused by FTTC being put in and somethings cocked up my line in the process. Brian put me on Super Stable and its upped my snr to 9db but im still swinging 5db...I think Super Stable will just keep knocking the snr up because the issue is not being fixed by increased snr  :-\ No idea when FTTC goes live. Its meant to be by end of 2014 but I have no experience from when cabinets first appear to when the service is available. Also dreading upgrading with this issue, and also the cost. Infinity 2 would looks more promising if I didn't know what BT are like to call up when you have an issue  >:D So it will be fibre with IDNet.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Round here, the cabinets were live about 3 months after appearing. During that three months power was installed and the fibre fed through and then, finally, equipment installed in the exchange.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Lance on May 27, 2013, 23:08:34
Round here, the cabinets were live about 3 months after appearing. During that three months power was installed and the fibre fed through and then, finally, equipment installed in the exchange.
Cheers Lance, so many of the roads in the village have been dug up I'm thinking this is more my issue than anything else as it all started when the first roadworks happened and it still seems to much of a coincidence its been worse these last two days with the BT work over the bank holiday. Cheers for the info on the roll out, I'll keep my eyes open for end of summer/autumn time. Of course we need a summer first  ;)
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