Stats ok billion 8800NL R2 latest firmware

Started by stevie1978, Mar 10, 2018, 11:52:00

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I live in GL19 4EJ
Are these stats ok?  Is the error rate acceptable the snr is set to 4091.

Mode   ADSL_G.dmt
Traffic Type   ATM
Status   Up
Link Power State   L0
Downstream   Upstream
Line Coding (Trellis)   On   On
SNR Margin (dB)   3.6   7.0
Attenuation (dB)   46.0   27.0
Output Power (dBm)   19.8   12.5
Attainable Rate (Kbps)   6752   980
Rate (Kbps)   6208   800
K (number of bytes in DMT frame)   195   26
R (number of check bytes in RS code word)   16   16
S (RS code word size in DMT frame)   1.00   1.00
D (interleaver depth)   32   4
Delay (msec)   8.00   8.00
INP (DMT symbol)   1.21   0.10
Super Frames   15153854   15153854
Super Frame Errors   1812   245
RS Words   1030462038   128808592
RS Correctable Errors   145322722   449
RS Uncorrectable Errors   6822   0
HEC Errors   6000   202
OCD Errors   1   0
LCD Errors   1   0
Total Cells   3771867744   0
Data Cells   1160367844   0
Bit Errors   305161   0
Total ES   1149   0
Total SES   0   0
Total UAS   14   14



I'm not really one for the technical stuff, but I'm sure somebody will be along with some comments soon. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


SNR Margin (dB)   3.6   7.0
Attenuation (dB)   46.0   27.0
Output Power (dBm)   19.8   12.5
Attainable Rate (Kbps)   6752   980
Rate (Kbps)   6208   800

These are the key bits.... What they show is that you have a downstream SNR margin probably set at 3db which is the lowest possible and gives the best performance. Forcing a resync when the SNR Margin is at its highest *might* result in a slightly higher rate but might also bring a little more instability.

Generally the numbers look fine so just enjoy :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


DLM has implemented interleaving on your line as a result of the error count.

You have a downstream error count of 1149, however we can't tell how good or bad that is without knowing how long your router has ben up and whether that is a steady error count of whether the errors are happening at certain times, which might help you analyse what is causing them.


if you're using the d10 firmware,I had an issue with that and went back to the d5 firmware(was provided by billion tech support but never released)which seems to perform better, using the d10 firmware I lost around 8mb on a 70 mb connection,if you'd like to try the d5 pm me and I will send a copy to you