Anybody know anything about telephone sockets in your house ?

Started by Scott, Aug 15, 2006, 08:05:01

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My new house has the master socket helpfully below the kitchen window in a cr*ppy spot for siting my modem...what's the protocol for plugging this into another of the sockets in the house ?

Can I..?

  • Have another of the sockets designated as the master socket and get our old favourite the NTE-5 faceplate fitted ?
  • Do I just get a microfilter for the socket I want to put the modem and call that good ?
  • Option 3 ???

Any advice greatly appreciated.
Member of the IDNet Mafia
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Well I just moved the master socket from the main bedroom to my comp room by just re-routing the existing wire. In your case I suggest you buy the best telephone cable you can get and route it to where-ever you want it. just remember to take notes of what goes where  ;)


Alternatively, buy a replacement filtered faceplate from ADSLnation.

With one of these fellas you can split out voice and ADSL from the master socket. The replacement faceplate then provides you with:

2 x plugs on the front, 1 ADSL & 1 Voice.
On the rear of the faceplate more connectors provide for additional voice & ADSL extentions.

Using a filtered faceplate also means you dont need to use the external ADSL filters.

For more info...


or, proberbly not the best option but ill say it anyway! - get some Sheilded cable (rj-11) from adslnation and run that to your router - this way your still connecting to the master socket - and the extra length of cable between it and your router doesnt effect your SNR/Stability, without having the hassle of moving it/replacing it/w/e


Yeah I see what you're saying but the master socket is in a completely cr*p exposed and highly visible place in the kitchen and I'd really rather not use the damn thing at all...! I was kind of thinking I might be able to not use the master socket at all and just put a faceplate on the socket in the spare room or something and just bung the router/modem in there...?
Member of the IDNet Mafia
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Quote from: Scott on Aug 15, 2006, 12:51:46
I was kind of thinking I might be able to not use the master socket at all and just put a faceplate on the socket in the spare room or something and just bung the router/modem in there...?

Trouble is that the internal wiring between the master socket and whatever other socket you choose to use may not be of best quality.  If not it could add noise to the line.  If you are close to the exchange this may not matter, but if you have a long line or are close to interference which the internal wiring can pick up, then your adsl connection will suffer.

The general principle is to get your router plugged in as close to the master socket as you can.   Your internal wiring can act as an antenna and let fridges, microwaves, AM radio signals and the rest adversely affect your connection.


Jupiter is totally correct. The master socket ... I would hunt out the source of even the master socket, say from a wee box outside and rewire from there even. Use Cat5 cable and route it to wherever your choice is. Use a filtered faceplate and you don`t have to worry about the now non-redundant ringwire (no 3 orange). ;)


Thanks for the input guys. Turns out it's all line synched up on Friday night three days early and and getting really good throughput for a 512k product with no dropouts yet despite the adsl checker promising I wouldn't get 1/2Meg, might get 256k but an engineer visit would be necessary !
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Member of the IDNet Mafia
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Scotty, ya never know, ever changing. 512k is fine man ... I doubt you even notice whilst surfing, only downloading? ;)


Quote from: Jeff on Aug 21, 2006, 23:30:20
Scotty, ya never know, ever changing. 512k is fine man ... I doubt you even notice whilst surfing, only downloading? ;)

Surfing's fine - things only started burping and hiccuping last night about 7pm when the dreaded contention really kicks in. At that point I drew back offline and started sorting out my mp3's on my local network !
Member of the IDNet Mafia
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