Tweaking For MaxDSL

Started by Jeff, Apr 03, 2006, 14:44:46

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MTU 1430
Receive Window (RWIN):  176528
Window Scaling:  2
Path MTU Discovery:  ON
RFC1323 Window Scaling:  ON
RFC1323 Time Stamping:  OFF
Selective Acks:  ON
MSS requested:  1390

Seems to yield best results so far. My sync speed is 7008kbps, Downward Att. 47dB, SNR 9dB.


Hi Jeff,

I am able to set up my broadband connection fine, but all those figures up there ^^^^^ mean absolutely nothing to me.

I only have a BT Voyager 100 Modem, am I able to change the settings?  Can't seem to find out how.

Thanks, Danny.


First, download Dr TCP.

Run it and enter all the values I have posted above. Reboot and try.

If you ever want to return to default, just run the utility again and leave boxes blank.

You will notice that there is a dropdown box "Adaptor Settings". Make sure you click save on every listed item.


Is it best to do this after the 10 days syncing?


No, do it now ... don`t worry, you won`t knack yer connection up stopping and starting your router (have noted your concerns in other threads). IMHO, this will help you :)


 :D im scared of wot i can do
blew up our psu once  ;D


btw i dont get
Window Scaling:  2
MSS requested:  1390
on my version of dr tcp
i have a speedtouch 580 so is there any way to insert these in config?


These stats were pasted from DSL Reports. In DR TCP, enter into TCP Receive Window something between say 75000 and 177000, I chose 176528, Window Scaling :Yes , Time Stamping: No , Selective Acks: Yes , Dial Up MTU:1430 , Path MTU Discovery: Yes , Black Hole Disc: Default , Max Dup Acks: 2 and MTU: 1430 , click save then select other devices from drop down list that may be there and click save on each one too. Close and rebott PC, reboot router too :)


So. what do you adjust when you have a router? Do you set the router up to these stats, the PC, or both?

Used to use DrTCP when I relied on the good old frog, but never gave it a second thought since I went wireless???
If you can't be good, be kind, and if you can't be kind, be home alone...


Yorkie, most routers only have the ability to adjust MTU and that`s about it basically. TCP/IP configuration looks to PC first so I personally set router MTU at 1500, only because if PC MTU is set higher than router MTU, there may be a problem.

One must remember that, tweaking may give you only a slightly better performance or adversely, a slightly worse one. If you`re looking to gain an extra 4MBit then forget it ;)

Think of it as Redex for an internet connection :)


Thanks for that.

I only asked as I noticed from the last check @ DSLreports that I was getting a few retransmits, never had that before I had the router.

Just checked again  however and all seems OK, so must have been just one of those things...
If you can't be good, be kind, and if you can't be kind, be home alone...


How about the optimizer from speedguide. i think ill wait for my connection to settle down then use that as my settings with drtcp just aint saving. i am also using pppoe which is an option in the speedguide tool - changes mtu by 64!


just womdering - when will i know my max speed by? its all over the place atm at a max of 5mbps even though im synced at 8000kbps. this must sound really n00b


10 days after you're 'uncapped'

and your speed after that will most likely be as jumpy as it is now ;)


10 days up and...IM STILL AT 8MBPS WOOOO



Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice.


I think he is synced at 8128 Mark.......doubt very much he is downloading at 8mbps  :P


as much as i hate to agree - i still havent made it past the 5mbps mark  :(
know any good server to download from to test me connection?


there you go use europe. Been told that is the best one.

Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice.


ahhh 2.5mbps atm  >:( I WANT TO SEE 8MBPS IN MY LIFE TIME lol


Sorry mate but i don't think it will ever happen  :'(

Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice.


Quote from: mrapoc on May 04, 2006, 20:35:57
ahhh 2.5mbps atm  >:( I WANT TO SEE 8MBPS IN MY LIFE TIME lol

If you live forever you wouldn't... 8128Kbps includes DSL overheads, perceived wisdom reckons the most you'll ever get is about 7200Kbps on data.

Most I've ever seen (apart from an occasional very brief blip) is just under 6600.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


ok ill correct my statement
i would like to say 6mbps+  :D


Quote from: mrapoc on May 04, 2006, 21:27:37
ok ill correct my statement
i would like to say 6mbps+  :D


You should see that OK, but you'll probably need to get up very early one morning to do it.

Which is probably why I've only seen it once  >:(
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


hopefully some magical technology will be developed so that we all may see that - AT NORMAL TIMES >:(