Am now in the fold

Started by Cowie, Dec 13, 2007, 22:15:37

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 Just tried connectiong via idnet and wheyhey we're up and running,not wanting to tempt fate but here's my first logs how do they seem?



They seem pretty good! With a sync of 8,128, you'll have a 7,150 profile, but you have to deduct a bit off that for overheads, etc. I think give or take a couple of hundred kb/s, you're getting almost the maximum.


Stop boasting Ian, you'll upset Rik!  ;D  Welcome to paradise!  ;)
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Yeah, you're upsetting me too. I sync at 4,544 and get a 4000 profile.

Great speeds on IDNet, but I just wish I was closer to the exchange. It's almost a good enough reason to move...  :laugh:


lol like i say guys i don't want to tempt fate,but my ping rate has gone from near 100 down to 40 ish so well happy right now ;D



Hi Ian

I did check earlier, and I think you connected soon after we spoke in PM?

I'm coming round tomorrow to nick some of that bandwidth, I feel very under-privileged all of a sudden.

As Sebby says, you're pretty much at full speed, you may be able to improve things a little with some tweaking of MTU & RWIN, but it won't produce a huge return. You've got a healthy noise margin there too, so the line should be stable. I don't understand why interleaving is on, so you might want to call support and get them to have it turned off, you really shouldn't need it with those stats (I suspect that's come across with you from your previous ISP). With interleaving off, I'd expect your pings to improve further, eg by 20ms or so.

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Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Quote from: Inactive on Dec 14, 2007, 01:05:37
A full Welcome Ian..

thank you its nice to be here :)

Rik i had to go out last night and returning later in the evening i could still connect via my existing settings,but on reading your PM i tried the new login and bingo the rest is history,as for interleaving,it was 'on' with virgin tho i had asked for it to be changed to 'fast'  ???, so i will make a call to idnet this morning and asked for it to be changed,as for the tweaking of MTU and RWIN i'm not that fussed Rik as to be honest its the xbox that i need the best speeds and low ping rates for.I ran a ping test via CMOS to and returned an avg of 46ms.



Hi Ian

I average 21ms to the BBC with interleaving on, which in my case adds 4ms. However, I'm at the lightest level of interleaving, the average is 20ms.

Nice to see you here as a full member of the family. :)

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interleaving turned off in 24hrs,already a million times better customer services wise than that bunch of bungling bafoons at virgin ;D



Though, to be fair, that's not saying much. :) How's the ping time now?

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not sure Rik i am at work right now,but last thing last night it was in the low 40's

btw have you ever had a look at dan ellwoods speedtest site? it does quite a comprehensive series of speed and ping tests,its a small program you d/l,as a free version



I haven't, Ian. Got a url handy?

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here it is Rik ,and its Dan Ellwell,not ellwood ::) damn i need a holiday lol



Interesting, thanks Ian. :)

Maybe you've been watching the Blues Brothers too much? ;)

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Quote from: Rik on Dec 14, 2007, 10:12:23

Maybe you've been watching the Blues Brothers too much? ;)

My very first video that I watched on my Sony Betamax...yeah, I know..  :doh:
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


It was, and is, a great film - funny with a great soundtrack. :)

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Indeed Rik, one of the few American Films that I have really enjoyed.

Aretha Franklin rules..  ;)
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Aretha Franklin never achieved the prominence she deserved, imo - she is a brilliant soul singer. The soundtrack was a gem, the horns just drove the music onwards. I must add it to the iPod. :)

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The Blues Brothers was one of the handful of films I actually saw at a cinema.  Great movie indeed, and one which I must now seek out on DVD, as I've just been reminded of it.

Jeez... every time I come here, I spend money!  :lol:
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It's worth having in the collection though, Simon - great entertainment. :)

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Indeed.  A bit late for my Christmas list now though.  :(
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Rik have four shopping days left. ;)

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Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.