Started by jmagla, Sep 03, 2006, 16:45:39

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Hello All,
             I am new to IDNET having joined on Friday to the MAX service.  Having looked around I knew that there are fluctuations in speed etc and drop outs for the first ten days or so.  However my internet seems to be off as much as it is on, i.e. if I switch the computer off (or leave it on for a while) and then go back to it generally I cant access the internet, I then have to switch off the Netgear router and then back on , this seems to sort it most times but not all, sometimes it takes a long time to come back up.

I have transferred from the Pipex 1MB service and BT's website said I should get about 2.4 MB on the MAX service. It started off around 1.8MB and has dropped to about 1-1.2 MB, as I say it seems to be dropping  out regularly.  I realise that I am only two/three days into the 10 day period. I suppose what I am after is a little bit of reassurance, is this seemingly constant loss of the internet normal in the first ten days and has\anybody else got speeds of less than that quoted on thye BT site? (all the posts I have read in the past say that they generally get higher than that quoted by BT.

Cheers  Michael


The quote from BT is just an estimate. It all comes down to the quality of you line and distance from your exchange.

Some people have had an improved compared to the quote.

When I was on max the BT quoted 4meg for me, but I had to have it reduced due to refrequent disconnections and interference. Even that didn't stop so I moved back to a fixed rate line.


Quote from: jmagla on Sep 03, 2006, 16:45:39
I suppose what I am after is a little bit of reassurance, is this seemingly constant loss of the internet normal in the first ten days and has\anybody else got speeds of less than that quoted on thye BT site?

It will work out in the end  ;)

I cant remember getting a quote from BT but o get between 4000 & 5500 kbps depending on the time of day.
I have seen it drop to the low 2000's but its always sorted itself.
Give it time  ;)



What line stats do you get from your Netgear router?

If you could respond with info like SNR, up and downstream noise levels (dB) etc.

This would help us give you some help  :)


I have had continued problems today again, unable to connect etc (i have had to reset my router over 50 times to get the internet back up), so I upgraded the firmware of my netgear router.  The line attenuation before the upgrade was 57 db.  After the upgrade it has reduced to 15.7db with a noise margin of 5.7db (download).  I am now concerned that the initial 3 days of the 10 day training period has been done at a very high line attenuation which may affect the final speed available, I have emailed IDNET to see if it necessary to restart the training period.  Since upgrading the firmware the connection has been up all the time.  Any thoughts on the possible need to start the training cycle again?.

Cheers  Michael