Hmmmmmmm ........very inconsistent speeds for me lately !!

Started by Dont mention Talk Talk !!, Mar 09, 2008, 19:44:13

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Dont mention Talk Talk !!

The speed ive been getting has been fluctuating quite a bit , from a rock solid 6.5MB right down to a krappy 2.9MB  :eyebrow:.

Ive got my trusty DLink router up and running and connection hasnt had any interruptions in 220 hours and is 8128 sync with 7150k IP profile. Speedtest I just ran gave me a ho hum
Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    IP profile for your line is - 7150 kbps
    DSL connection rate: 448 kbps(UP-STREAM)  8128 kbps(DOWN-STREAM)
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 4933 kbps

when Im used to pretty unshakeable 6750k all day long.

Congestion indicator shows my exchange is green and uncongested, these up and down speeds have been happening for about the last week, is there anything else that could be contributory ? I know BT were scheduled to work on DSLAM`s but surely that wouldnt last for a week.



There's nothing obviously wrong, James, as I'm sure you know. It might be worth dropping support an email or giving them a call on the off chance that there is something wrong, but I suspect it's a case of exchange congestion (even though your exchange is currently green). There does seem to be a fair bit of this happening at the moment, and if IDNet can see no problem, I'm afraid you'll just have to sit tight and wait for BT to get their act together.

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

have there been others whose solid as a rock download throughput has been yo-yo`ing around as well ?




Similar problems here too, although I've only been with IDNet since beginning of Feb. 8128 sync for over 700 hours, 7150 profile, speeds never have been very good, but fluctuate even more wildly in the last week or so. BT Speedtester results for the last 12 days have averaged just over 2mbps.

IDNet say it's BT congestion, but I've no way of knowing if this is really the case as my exchange is showing green too. (can't remember the site I used for the congestion indicator - I followed a link in another thread somewhere)

It's all extremely frustrating, because although I'm not a big downloader, when I do download I want it at a faster rate than 2mbps, which at present is only possible in the middle of the night.


Of course you're right that we can only take IDNet's word for it in some ways, but you have to think that if it was an IDNet issue everyone would be experiencing it (or certainly everyone on a particular gateway), which is definitely not the case.

I'm on a 4000k profile, and a speedtest performed just now shows that I'm getting the maximum throughput possible. And that's always the case, whenever I do it. I can't be 100% certain, but I think it is BT, possibly to do with 21CN preparations.


This is the great shame of this whole internet "speed" issue in this country. There is so much dishonesty amongst some of the big ISPs that it taints everyone, which I'm sure is unfair to those like IDNet, who in my somewhat limited experience have bent over backwards to help me.

My view has been coloured by being repeatedly lied to, first by Pipex, then Tiscali, and BT throughout when trying to sort problems for my family.

If the network is congested to the point that 2mbps is all that can reliably be given to us, I would be happy to accept that if it were explained to me, but all of us as consumers are being promised the earth, and few are getting it. What we need is an advertising watchdog with some teeth, rather than the useless ASA we have at present.

Oh well, I should probably be pleased with my 2mbps. At least I can get broadband. Large sections of the UK still struggle to better 200kbps!


You're absolutely right. At Pipex or Tiscali, every user gets appalling speeds all the time, and they tell you it's not them. Like you say, IDNet do not seem to be a dishonest ISP and do everything they can (sometimes more than would be reasonably expected of a company) for their customers. If they say it's BT, I know I'd believe them.

I'm sure it's very frustrating for you, especially with full sync, and I guess it's quite frustrating for IDNet at times being held back by BT.


I read in the The Sunday Times today that the BT infrastructure is being stressed by the sudden popularity of BBC iPlayer, Channel 4 DOD and Sky anytime. Iplayer has seen 17million new users and some ISps claim there has been a 60% increase in internet traffic because of it.

This could be why many people are now suffering contention at their exchange even though Bt still show exchanges as being "Green"

Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?



Not forgetting the exchange data is often a week or two old!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


That's also true, Lance. And it's provided by BT...  :o



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

I have sent this mail to support, something is clearly wrong.;topic=6717.0;num_replies=11

my account is XXXXXXXXX@idnet.gw5

The link above shows that the speed variation and fluctuation is being felt by IDNet customers at this time where it didnt exist before.

there simply has to  be a significant contributory factor which is leading to most uncharacteristic download throughput . in my instance I am receiving between  2.9MB and 5MB on my 8MB Home Max package with  no continuity , one moment its up , the next, significantly down and so on.

Im very used to receiving solid as a rock 6.2MB - 6.5MB irregardless of the time of day. Please read the link above and give me idnet`s official view by return mail.

If there is nothing apparent showing on your internal systems at idnet, is it possible that you could liase with british telecom to establish exactly what is going on and relay such information obtained back to myself by email or if it is lengthy , by home telephone., I am aware that the projected by BT completion date at XXXXXXXX Exchange for work on 21CN is early 2009.

I await your timely response with anticipation.



I think this query should be followed up, we pay for a premium service , so its sit back and lets see what IDNet have to say. Watch this space guys.



Don't get your hopes up too much, James, as I know several people have had this issue and it has been down to BT. Unfortunately, IDNet can't get BT to do anything about congestion. But good luck anyway.  :fingers:

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

All the proof I need that something aint right is , its 11.30pm and take a look at this for a speedtest result

Speed Test Results
Date 09/03/08 23:32:44
Speed Down 2720.19 Kbps ( 2.7 Mbps )
Speed Up 372.09 Kbps ( 0.4 Mbps )
Port 8095

Previously it would have been 6,5MB all the way, a drop of 3.8MB is way too much of a hit.



No one's saying something's not right, James. I'm just trying to make you aware that if it's a BT congestion issue there's nothing IDNet can do.


I think IDNet are somewhat caught between a rock and a hard place.  We pay them for the service, so it follows that if there's a problem with that service, they should sort it, but they depend on BT, so if BT won't play ball, it puts IDNet, or any ISP in a similar situation, in a difficult position.  One grain of hope is that IDNet do seem to have a very good relationship with the right techies at BT, so they may have a better chance of getting something sorted than some other ISPs, but as Sebby said, don't get your hopes up too much, James, as they can only do what they can do.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

isnt part of idnet`s advertising that they guarantee no contention across their network ?



And they adhere to that. The congestion is in BT's network.


Quote from: Dont mention Talk Talk !! on Mar 09, 2008, 23:44:07
isnt part of idnet`s advertising that they guarantee no contention across their network ?


Across their networks, yes, but they can't control BT's networks.  Or what Sebby said.  ;)

We're not trying to defend IDNet here, James, and I'm sure if there is a fault somewhere 'at their end', they will do all they can to fix it.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Dont mention Talk Talk !!

"The congestion is in BT's network."

Abandon all hope just flashed across my mind

Always look on the bright side of doot de doot de doot...... :blush:



Apparently if you are on a product based on bt wholesale max premium your traffic gets priority in the BT network. It may be worth considering migrating to one (the cheapest IDNET package that uses BT wholesale adsl max premium is home supermax.


That's true, but it doesn't guarantee no congestion.


No, it doesn't, and recent reports suggest that congestion is affecting SuperMax too. :( As long as BT own the link from the exchange, plus the backhaul, every ISP has the same problem. It doesn't help that BT now say that speeds may be as low as 2Mbps at peak times (which are undefined, of course).

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.