Please Keep On Message, Please!

Started by quandam, Oct 18, 2006, 19:25:47

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The thread entitled 'Contribute To Idnet FAQ's' has completely gone off message and any value to all concerned with this subject has been lost.

Surely it is fairly simple to keep 'on message'. The  aspect of keeping 'On Message' is very important for all of us and should be adhered to.

LET'S GET BACK ON MESSAGE and forward your ideas regarding FAQ's relating to IDnet.


I can see your point mate but the joke "sad lad" was taken as a joke and we carried on from there.

The forum here are light hearted and the mods don't step in unless it gets out of hand, i personally don't think it has ruined the thread in fact it brought a bit of a laugh to it.

Thats my view and you are entitled to yours  ;)


Hey Quandam, what Max, Sobranie and myself were trying lightheartedly to point out to Scott was that we could not spot the link to FAQ . As Max said there was no intention of going off message, and hopefully this Forum will allow us our little bit of humour once in a while. The point raised is still a valid one.
As and when other members, myself included, decide that a suitable suggestion comes to mind we will put it forward.


............... and the link has at last appeared too.



Quote from: wolverene on Oct 18, 2006, 22:41:57
Hey Quandam, what Max, Sobranie and myself were trying lightheartedly to point out to Scott was that we could not spot the link to FAQ . As Max said there was no intention of going off message, and hopefully this Forum will allow us our little bit of humour once in a while. The point raised is still a valid one.
As and when other members, myself included, decide that a suitable suggestion comes to mind we will put it forward.

Thanks guys, have been trawling the options for one's account and I can't for the life of me, spot an option that says 'don't show attachments' so I'm at a loss for explaining why you aren't seeing the FAQ link on the main post ! Might have to find somewhere else to keep it handy !
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


I was unable to see the link, as I was logged off. Once I logged in, I saw the link.


Hi Scott
Please dont lose any sleep over it but I think I may have sussed the problem. I reckon that Max and myself were looking for the link in the thread "Contribute to the IDNetter FAQ " where it says to post any suggesyions, and of course the link was in your main heading "IDNetter FAQ".
Many apologies oh Exulted One/


Yay...well done !! I'm always logged in so I never see the threads like that !
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


So this thread about keeping on message has gone off message!


"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


NO, messages in this thread are to do with this thread not the other thread - if you see what I mean. HUH?


The title is keep on message, but what is the message? Shouldn't that be in the title for ease of identification?



Nothing to do with "The Message",sorry, but is that the SallyandJames
that was on PN?



The message is, Yes it is the same sallyandjames who is STILL on Plusnet, where I've just come from (recognise the cat?)


Yeah I recognise the cat but Nerval/sallyandjames? - now I`m completely confused.

Think I might have another beer



I would if I were you!
I'm still at PN, but rapidly running out of patience on some aspects.
Fortunately, for various reasons, I am in fairly close contact with many of the staff at PN, so if I have problems, its often fairly simple for me to escalate most things.

I also have quite a few accounts with PN for folks with varying needs, so moving ain't as simple as it could be for me.

Consider my presence here as me 'dipping my toe in to test the water'


Now I get it. 

This is the multi-purpose on message thread about seeing or not seeing links, this thread and not other threads, people on PN, cat recognition skills, close contacts (kind not specified), toes and water.

I can do this!


See Jupiter, its easy once you get the hang of it.

Thanks for the explanation sallyandjames, for a horrible moment I thought I was back with PN,spent sooooo much time trying to get things sorted out with them, and still am as they shortchanged me on the refund. It seems their accounts can only work figures out that pull more into PN, they dont like giving any back. Its so boring over here on IDNet. BB works all the time (so far and touch wood), you can speak to CS who dont talk down their nose at you and certainly know what they are talking about. Might have to try out the MaxDSL again just to liven things up.

Regards to all who are wondering just where the hell this thread is going


Sooo...what was the message again ?
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


I dunno, but we'd better keep on it else there'll be all sorts of finger wagging going on. :police:


Please Sir/Miss -- whats finger wagging mean?


Dear sir or madam
I wish to protest about this thread not being on message. Unless it is.
In which case I don't. Difficult to tell really.
Tunbridge Wells.


 Well Disgusted, this message is on message, I know cause its coming up as I type it.
But I must admit I`m beginning to get confused again