Does the size of the exchange make any difference to quality of service?

Started by weevil, Apr 04, 2008, 08:27:30

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Hi everyone

Haven't posted for a while as I'm still waiting to move but still planning to go with IDNet when we do.

I've noticed recently that there seems to be more people having speed issues of late with BBC iPlayer getting a lot of attention.

I was just wondering if the size (big or small) of the exchange you are on makes much difference to the quality of service you may get from IDNet?

Where I currently live, the exchange serves 15,000 residential premises and hundreds of businesses. The exchange (Marshbrook) where I am moving to only serves 277 residential and 28 business.

The BT wholesale checker states I can get up to 3.5mb speed (it's 2.4km from the exchange). Does this sound about right? Also, as it is a small exchange am I likely to have more potential issues with the service?


Hi Weevil

The size of the exchange should make no difference, the theory is that an exchange is modular, ie for X customers you have Y amount of equipment, the ratio should remain the same regardless of the size of X. That said, there will always be some fluctuation at all exchanges as demand increases and BT take a while to catch up with the supply.

The quality of service you'll get once you reach the IDNet network will not vary. :)

The speedchecker is just a guesstimate, so I don't place too much store by it. It would me I'd get 3.5Mbps, I ended up with 2, but with a change of router I now have 3. Others have been told 2 and ended up with 6.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Weevil, my exchange is small, I don't have any problems.

Good luck with the move. ;)
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


I was always told that size doesn't matter. >:D  I am 2.5Km away from the exchange and get 4Mb connection although the BT checker said no more than 3.5.  I should think it depends on the quality of the connecting wiring from house to exchange and also the quality of BT physical connections of that wiring.
Alf :)



All exchanges should have the capacity to serve its properties. As Alf says, the biggest factor that determines sync is the distance from the exchange, and the quality of the wiring between it and your property. Inside your property (e.g. extension wiring) can also have a big impact.