Router wireless connection lost and found

Started by PhilFlyer, Oct 25, 2006, 10:50:36

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My friends Laptop / Speedtouch USB wireless host  / Speedtouch 585 router suddenly ceased communication between laptop and router even though it was showing a strong wireless signal on the Speedtouch software. No IP address no nothing. I suggested that we plugged in the ethernet cable to see what was happening at the router end. The instant that the etherent cable was plugged into the port on the laptop and before it was plugged into the router, the wireless connection suddenly sprang into life and continued to work fine.

The laptop was plugged into the mains so would not suspect some power saving scheme.

Any ideas why this should happen ?


i have no idea! what happened after you pulled the cable out again? i assume that the wireless stayed connected? has this happened more than once or was it just a one off. If it was just a one of i guess it was just one of those things!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Looks like the ethernet cable acted as an antenna, and boosted the signal.

I must say I've never felt the need for wireless myself, but then I don't use a laptop.  Can't stand the tiny keyboards.


Have you tried re-booting the router it usually resolves any problems especially with the wireless side of it, is your friend using the latest firmware 6.1.4_3 ?


Lance - This only happened yesterday and so far it is a one off. Yes it still worked with the cable pulled out.
Nerval  I agree with you, the more that I see and hear of wireless networks, the more I think that a few metres of ethernet cable is a much better alternative. It is however useful for updating the laptop quickly with stuff from my main PC without adding to the number of wires kicking around under my desk.


SteveLondon - I have upgraded my own speedtouch but am not sure if his is. Maybe  IDNET have done it as they supplied it recently preconfigured.

I think you might have the answer. In order to connect the ethernet cable we had to unplug the router from the mains, move it nearer to the laptop and plug in again. I'm now wondering whether the wireless reconnected due to the router reboot and it was just a coincidence that it happened just as I plugged in the ethernet cable!


I use the same router and have not had any many problems with it wirelessly when i have a re-boot usually fixes it i used to connect both pc's wirelessly with no problem i find that the wireless adaptor works better using windows zero config instead of the actual adaptors own software config


Quote from: stevelondon on Oct 25, 2006, 12:17:28
i find that the wireless adaptor works better using windows zero config instead of the actual adaptors own software config

i have linksys wireless equip and also find thaty the windows software is better.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


windows zero config ?

Are you saying that you just leave the installation to Windows rather than using the  software supplied with the adaptor?


thats what i have done. as mine is usb, i started off using the supplied software but wondered if windows would work any better so uninstalled the driver. the next time i rebooted it detected the "new" hardware, and asked for the driver. i pointed it at the cd which came with it and it installed the driver, picking it up automatically. I then set the passkeys etc and works a treat.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Go to your wireless network in network connections right click on it and choose properties then on the wireless tab and tick "use windows to configure my wireless network settings" then below highlight your wireless network click on properties and then put in your wireless network name and password/key etc then ok.


I'm glad someone else has posted this issue as it has happened to me constantly.

My laptop and router are constantly losing the connection with each other even though the laptop says that the signal strength is strong. As soon as i plug in the ethernet cable then the wireless connection kicks back up although it may go down while the ethernet cable is plugged in.

My laptop and router are about 1 metre away from each other so its not like they are on different floors of the house.

To be fair i haven't rebooted the modem which i may do this evening.....


A mate had something similar he reset it back to factory set and re-configured it and has been ok since.

How ya doin spyro ?


I'll restart it first and see how that goes - would rather not have to do a factory reset but we'll see. Might have a tinker with it tonight....

yeah i'm cool thanks - got that problem sorted that we were emailing about a while ago although the ethernet cable has to be connected sicne the wireless connection keeps dropping....

anyway will have a go tonight and let you know.......



Ahh good
You could also try the repair option if you havn't already, yes i know a reset is a pain but it works anyway good luck.  ;D


the repair option on windows ? I do that and the connection comes up but then disappears not long afterwards. I'll do the reboot - a few people on here have scared me about that though incase it adversley affects my speed since i'm on the adslmax thing.


Its never effected my speeds at all if you use the disconnect button on your router interface and do the reset let it reset then do the reset again then reconfigure should be fine.


So long as you tell the router to disconnect (or tell it to re-boot using the interface) you should have no problems.

When a router disconnects an ADSL session it sends a specific message to the exchange so the exchange knows it was an intentional disconnect, whereas pulling the plug will just stop the connection dead, meaning the DSLAM may reduce your speed if it thinks its unstable.
That said, once or twice a day should may little difference.


Slightly off topic;

If you're using a netgear DG834G avoid the supplied software like the plague and let windows set things up instead.   
JFTR removing netgear software improved snr attn  d/l and u/l speeds considerably.

PS: Got this info from netgear user forums a long time back.


Netgear software?  Do you mean the disk that comes with it that I put straight in the bin? You don't mean the firmware I assume?

It's just that you say let Windows set everything up, and I let my router do it all.  But then I;ve got the wired version which may be different?


Wot software?

I didn't know there was software for routers? Surely they all just use standard networking protocols? (I know those cr*ppy airstations or whatever Orange/Wanadoo call them need something, but never heard of any others)

I have certainly never had to install any software for any routers, and I've set up quite a few in my time!

Unless you mean for a wireless dongle/network card type thingy instead?


Am off to shoot myself  :-[ :-[

I should be referring to the Netgear WG111 wireless adapter in this instance. Sorry all.



Was trying to work out where my disks were for my DG834 to see what I was missing!

You're right though about the programs for those types of devices, all they do is bolt over the top of the windows stuff, and add an extra layer of processing and potential for foul-ups.

Much better using the basic stuff that comes with XP in this instance.


 The dongle software  i agree avoid like the plague lol

Yes sallyandjames ur right about the Wanadoo/Orange livebox i wouldn't touch it with a bargepole.