Speed awful all weekend

Started by B52, Apr 09, 2006, 19:25:32

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Max upgrade last Wednesday.
Speeds were upto 4.5mbs for most of the week with drop off at peak times to just below 2mb.
Then Saturday all over the place, 2mb one minute less than 512kb the next, upto 4mb, down again,up, down, but no disconnections.
Sunday well its been awful all day around 350kb all day.  Never this bad before the regrade.

Anyone else with similar probs?


Yes my speeds have been all over the place today, 1.8 meg at the moment but have been a lot lower than that at times today.


Speeds were consistent earlier on. Now download is only just faster than upload as here . BT speedtest gives similar. Don't know what BT were doing this morning but wished they hadn't.


Don't know what's happened but have been busy all weekend and finally logged in this evening...oh dearie me !?  :'(

Still, I'm sure it'll all come right eventually. We are on the bleeding edge here chaps (& chapesses)  ;)
Member of the IDNet Mafia
How to Spot and Deal with Trolls


Well tonight at 9pm Ive had these speed test results all within 2 mins of each other.

Giga     2.1Mb
AG         2.7
BT           1.2
ZDnet     1.9          whats going on?

Will check tomorrow am to see if theres an improvement.


mine at 21:20 is 2252, 1440 down on the best i've had >:(


Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice.


Mine`s not too bad tonite ... haven`t been online since Friday so can`t comment further only to say that maybe we need to wait until 10 day training period is over?

Has anyone checked their exchange congestion status also? Mine`s gone back to Red again ... it was never bloody Green afaiac ;)


Exchange has been green for weeks.

Back up to 4.2 this morning.


Dunno if it was because the w/e is over or what, but my speeds have been quite reasonable today.

Nearly 6,500Kbps around 8o/c, dropped off since then but seldom staying below 4,000 for very long. If this keeps up, or even improves over the next week or so, I might even stop moaning! ;D
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


I will do the moaning for you Bill   ;D
Speed is lousy tonight  142kbps  :(

When do the Bratts go back to school  ???   :P


Same here Bandit, same as before Max ... my exchange has suddenly turned Green (VP upgrade), was due a fix tomorrow. Have BT turned up early I hear you ask? Not bloody likely, they`ve been doing this since August last year, stays Red up until a day or two before upgrade date then suddenly declare Green status. I guarantee next week they`ll declare it Red again with a fix date at the end of the month, thus the cycle will begin again :(


Weird... up until Sunday my speeds were really diabolical, I think on one occasion I mentioned that my upload speed was actually better than my download!

But since then, the lowest I've seen has been no worse than I'd have got pre-Max on 2Mpbs...

??? ???
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


I`ve just learned to get what I`m given.:\ Throughput is creeping up again, usually does around this time ;)


I've just taken a speedtest, last week was approx 2750kbs, now 604kbs??? any ideas?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I can't prove it, but I suspect that we're going to see much wilder swings of speed with Max than we did before, but average probably about the same.

IOW, no ideas... >:(
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Here`s my theory ;)

Let`s just say that before MaxDSL, everyone was synced at 2Mbit. This means that roughly, we had a maximum throughput of 240KB/sec. Some folk could achieve this throughput 24/7 ... Bill for one had tremendous throughput all the time. Myself on the other hand, being on an exchange with congested VPs could only usually acheive this sort of throughput outside of peak times, however, I could sometimes achieve this throughput during peak times so it`s fair comment to assume that during worst throughput peak times, there were more people on the same pipe downloading at the same time as myself, on the other hand, these same people went to the pub or whatever during best throughput peak times.

*Stay awake at the back* ;)

Now then, what this means to me is that regardless of what I sync at, I know that during some peak times, I`m only going to achieve say 1Mbit throughput, which means I can roughly download at 120KB/sec. MaxDSL won`t change that fact. My exchange is still equipped with exactly the same hardware and exactly the same people on the same pipe (or perhaps a few more!) than it was before March 31st.

However, during times when there is bandwidth at the exchange to spare, remember, no one can predict how much is to spare, I might start to see my throughput get somewhere near my sync speed (minus overheads), like now for instance ... but this could change if Peter P2P et al queue BitLord up for an all nighter ;)

But Bill on the other hand, being previously fortunate enough to of had good throughput on 2Mbit will perhaps enjoy better peak time throughput as he isn`t on an overly contended exchange. What he will actually get though is still dependant on how much bandwidth is available at his exchange and is already mentioned, it`s the people fighting for bandwidth factor again.

Remember, MaxDSL is sold as an "up to" 8Mbit service. Ironically, it is possible for someone to be synced at 2Mbit to have better throughput than someone synced at 8MBit, that`s just the way it is and if you get cracking download speeds today, there is no guarantee you`ll get `em tomorrow ;)


Quoteif you get cracking download speeds today, there is no guarantee you`ll get `em tomorrow
I synch at 5.8 and get downloads at about 4.5 -5.2 all the time.  Must be my exchange at Gods Waiting room here in Walton on the Naze :)
Alf :)


 So it can be done ... Alf, you had good throughput post Max tho m8, didn`t you? ;)


Well, Im back again with the same problem.
BH Monday speeds down around 200kpbs, then OK all week till today.
Just done the BTw speed tests over 4hrs as requested by Miriam and they are even worse.
Speeds are 129, 128, 129,133,129 done at regular intervals between 1700 and 2200hrs.
Is it gonna be like this most weekends or am I just unlucky.
Sync has dropped to 3700 today from over 5000.
Several reboots made no difference.  Ive been getting good max speeds since regrade a month ago but its going downhill rapidly now.


Sounds like you have a lot of "Bratts" in your area.......just like me.......monday speed awful, rest of the week brill......except for after 4pm....when the bratts come home.. >:(

Shove them all in to boarding schools...preferably far away from my exchange... ;)


Quote from: cavillas on Apr 13, 2006, 10:12:24
Quoteif you get cracking download speeds today, there is no guarantee you`ll get `em tomorrow
I synch at 5.8 and get downloads at about 4.5 -5.2 all the time.  Must be my exchange at Gods Waiting room here in Walton on the Naze :)

M8 your luck I'm only synch at 2.3 max and its getting worse  :'(


Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice.


Still the same this morning at 9.30.  I wouldn't expect the little sods to be up just yet.
Im telling/kidding myself that BT are working on the exchange to improve things :o
I must admit that Ive not had the after school (4pm) problem since I came off dialup a couple of years ago.

Hopefully sorted by tomorrow.


I have been on Max since 24th April - nearly 2 weeks. For the first week I got no dropouts and sync was 3488 down and 448 up. Actual speeds fluctuated wildly between about 1Mb and 3Mb down. I was pretty happy with this as previously I was on a 1Mb line with Pipex which was the best my line could support. Last Sunday I came home at about 10pm to find that the router had lost sync and had been trying to reconnect (unsuccesfully) for about 2 hours. I switched the router off and back on again and it reconnected immediately, synced at about 4064/448. Actual speed though varied between 50 - 250 - it was like being on dial up again. To cut a long story short this situaltion persisted Sunday evening, all day Monday, all day Tuesday and all of Wednesday. I tried rebooting the router, changing MTU/RWIN etc but nothing would get me over 250. On Wednesday night I unplugged the router from the extension it was on and plugged in into the main BT socket instead - result was immediate and now I am on a pretty steady connection that varies between 1.2 Mb and 2.4Mb. It is synced at 3712/448. I don't know if the act of removing the router from the extension was what made the difference or whether it was just coincidence but I'm reasonably happy with what I now have although it isn't as fast as I hoped it would be, it is better than what I had.

Line Att:   59 Down                31.5 Up
SNR :        8.8                         16.0
Sync :      3712                       448

Good luck in improving your speeds, any advice you can give me welcome


Quoteplugged in into the main BT socket instead

Hi Steve, welcome to IDNetters man! :)

Yes, you have found out yourself that well, faceplates themselves can either be wired in such a way that it buggers your physical connection up, or extension cables can act as a huge noise magnet which will drop your SNR which in turn drops your sync.

You can improve your situation further probably by investing in an ADSL faceplate and Cat5 extension cabling :)