"Your computer isn’t connected to the Internet ..."

Started by axys, May 30, 2008, 11:12:37

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... says my Mac, but it is of course. Over the last couple of weeks I've seen this message a thousand times and its driving me nuts. Click on a web site address, might connect instantly or might time out with the dreaded message. If I refresh, continually, it'll connect, eventually and then its fine. I can be loading several sites at once, one will be fine others will stall. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to this at all. Using Mac OS 10.4.11 on an Intel Mac Mini with a Netgear DG834, all of which has worked fine for the last 18 months or so. Any ideas?


I'm not a Mac person, so can't really give you much advice. Can you access the router interface OK? If so, can you ping from there?

TBH, I'd suggest a quick call to support, they 'speak Mac'.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.




Could you confirm if you are connecting to the router by Airport (Wireless) or are you connected by an Ethernet cable.

If you are connected by Airport does the connection strength bar in the top menu show any signal when you are having problems?


The modem is hard wired to my Mini, but the problem also affects my iBook which I connect wirelessly via Airport Express. I can access the modem fine and have rebooted a few times to no avail. Not sure about pinging, someone would have to tell me what to do.


If it is happening on both computers then the problem is most likely with the router dropping connection to broadband.

It would be worth giving support a call and see if they have a number of log in attempts for you, if they have then we would need to see why the disconnection are happening.


I agree with Rik. Have a word with IDNet support as they are Mac users! :)


Spoken to James at Support; I'm not dropping the connection at all, have input DNS server addresses manually and applied and am now waiting to see if that fixes it. If not, it's a process of elimination.


There are several Mac users here, so do feel free to ask for ideas. Unfortunately, I'm purely Windows, so can help you as far as the router, after which I'm in trouble. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks, isn't that what all windows users say anyway! ;D ;D ;D



I see you've caught the spirit of this place.  :laugh:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


There are two reason I know why you might get the "Your computer isn't connected to the internet etc etc"

1) The router has dropped internet connection. This now seems unlikely as IDNet are showing no drops.

2) Your computer/s are losing connection to the router.

To try to find out why number two may be happening could you let us know when the error occurs. Is it as soon as you start the machine/wake from sleep or when you launch the browser or is it after you have been surfing for sometime?

Could you also check on both machines that the preferred connection is top of the Network port list. To do this Go to System Preferences>Network, and in the drop down "Show" Menu select Network Port Configurations.
If not already top of the list on you Mac Mini drag Ethernet to the top and on your iBook drag Airport to the top. Click Apply and Save Changes if requested.

Let us know how you get on.


Quote from: lozcart on May 30, 2008, 16:29:15

To try to find out why number two may be happening could you let us know when the error occurs. Is it as soon as you start the machine/wake from sleep or when you launch the browser or is it after you have been surfing for sometime?
Could you also check on both machines that the preferred connection is top of the Network port list. To do this Go to System Preferences>Network, and in the drop down "Show" Menu select Network Port Configurations.
If not already top of the list on you Mac Mini drag Ethernet to the top and on your iBook drag Airport to the top. Click Apply and Save Changes if requested.
Let us know how you get on.

The System Preferences were already set as you suggest. Couldn't see a pattern as to when it was happening, my main Mac is in use 12-14 hours a day so doesn't get much of a chance to sleep.

Anyway, since inputting the DNS server addresses manually on Friday, it hasn't happened, so I think its reasonably safe to say that's cured it. Thanks all for comments and help.




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.