good site for line check

Started by sobranie, Nov 20, 2006, 23:19:12

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Not sure where I picked up this checker, could have been on this forum. If so, apologies to the orig poster.



It maybe a nice find, but it doesn't check correctly, here are the results of my line which has been ADSL enabled for the past 4 years.

BT exchange :    BLACKWATER
Real time check :    Yes
BT line checker version :    10.2

Line speed capabilities

      Rate adaptive (250k and 500k) :    Red
      Fixed Rate (1000k and 2000k) :    Red
      MAX speed (upto 8000k) :    Red

      It is unlikely that ADSL is available on this line because it is too far from the exchange250k, 500k, 1000k, 2000k and 4500k are all available on this line.

Line status

      This looks like a normal BT exchange line with no ADSL enabled

Exchange status

      This exchange is fully enabled for rate adaptive (500k) ADSL, fully enabled for fixed rate (1000k and 2000k) ADSL, and fully enabled for Max ADSL (upto 8000k).

      There are 3 DSLAMS in the BLACKWATER exchange

      DSLAM name   ADSL enabled   SDSL enabled   Daily port usage   Spare ADSL ports   Spare SDSL ports   Short term available ports   Long term available ports   Available bandwidth (Mbps)   In service date
      BLW-ADSL-1   Yes   No   1   0   0   0   0   130-140   Now
      BLW-ADSL-101   Yes   No   2   0   0   0   0   60-70   Now
      BLW_MSAN_301   Yes   No   0   51-75   0   701-725   1151-1175   120-130   Now

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.