Help with a long line issue

Started by pilgrimkenna, Aug 07, 2011, 21:51:27

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i am new to the forum.  i have ended up here as i have had issue with long line for number of years which was bearable until recently when bt upgraded my network which has really slowed me down to the point where i think is it worth paying them for the service i am getting.

i am some distance from the line. before the network upgrade last month i had the wire coming into the house replace and although i do have poor speeds i do not suffer from drop outs anymore.

my current router is a netgear dgnd3300

below are my current router stats, not sure exactly what they mean, but i do know that my noise margin is too high and there in lies the problem.

on another forum it was suggest to try a 2 wire and i have subsequently ordered one off ebay today.

Port   Status   TxPkts   RxPkts   Collisions   Tx B/s   Rx B/s   Up Time
WAN   PPPoA   739531   1059535   0   2798   9955   10:56:52
LAN   10M/100M   287326   0   0   167   0   94:59:03
WLAN   11M/54M/145M   1982699   2726548   0   33400   14258   07:45:19

ADSL Link   Downstream   Upstream
Connection Speed   288 kbps   448 kbps
Line Attenuation   63.5 db   31.5 db
Noise Margin   7.3 db   7.0 db

do you guys in your opinion believe it may well give a better speed? what version should my router be running to get the best result?



 :welc5: :karma:

Are you able to run a BT speed test and post the results, the guys will need it for the line profile?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


thanks so much for your swift response,

what sort of test do i need to run? do you hAVE a link?



In short, trying a 2700HGV is certainly worth a shot, but make sure your internal wiring and filters are up to scratch too. Let us know if you want any help further than the FAQ goes with regards to checking stats using the test socket etc.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


thanks all,  i am unable to test line as keep getting test error at the moment. not sure if it is the website or my connection?

"Performance Tester was not able to find all the network details required for telephone number:01626xxxxxx. Please check that it is the correct telephone number for your service, and ensure that the PC you are using to run the speed test is connected to your broadband connection. Try again and if the problem persists then please contact your service provider."

my internal wiring is all new, bt came out couple of months ago and redid it because i had extension built.

//edit to remove full telephone number


It's probably still worth checking the router stats from the test socket just to be sure.

As for the speedtest error, looks like a odd database issue. I'd try again later/tomorrow and if you still get the same message call your ISP support line.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


thanks Lance,

what is the best way to test and post stats from the test socket? still been unable to test my phone line using that site, it just errors on me like last night :(



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

My guess is that you have a very long line, the Netgear won't report a larger attenuation above 63.5db. To have an upstream sync higher than your downstream suggests to me that there's a lot of noise being picked up on the line, probably between you and the exchange if you're in the test socket (I'm not sure whether you are or not). The noise margin is not hugely significant, it suggests to me that you had a resync at a noisy time, and the noise has lessened. 1.3db would certainly give you significantly more speed, relative to your current sync, probably 100-150kbps, but I have a feeling that, in return, you'd find the line less stable.

A 2700 has to be worth a try, for many of us on long lines, it's given a significant improvement in speed and stability. Another router to consider is the Billion 7800N, a tad expensive, but it has settings for long lines which are reputed to give a marked improvement. It's also future proof as it can be used with fibre should that ever be an option for you.

Quote from: pilgrimkenna on Aug 08, 2011, 07:52:32
what is the best way to test and post stats from the test socket? still been unable to test my phone line using that site, it just errors on me like last night :(

Not sure what you mean. Are you uncertain of how to use the test socket or how to cut/paste the results?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


very useful information rik, so thank you. (karma given).

I am some distance from the exchange you are correct. I know how to go into the test socket and take the faceplate off and will do that tonight.  not sure how to cut and paste the results.



Just highlight the text on the BT result, then hit Ctrl-C, come here and hit Ctrl-V in a post. Thanks for the karma. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I have been unable to run the bt test, will have to try again tonight.  It keeps error message coming up  :mad:


It's like that, unfortunately. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi all,

My box has been despatched from ebay and I should get it tomorrow.  Not sure the version but I have a few questions.

Should I be setting it up when it arrives and updating it or shall I plug in and see how it acts first?



Once working from the test socket, a copy and paste of the stats would be most helpful (the sane as those in your first post) and the BT test is a bonus.

As for the router, I advise setting it all up without it connected to telephone line and just plugging it in at the end. I think I would just plug it in and see what happens, don't worry about updating it.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'd agree, Lance, setup, then connect to the phone line and check the stats as soon as it's in sync.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



is there a certain time of day when the bt test website might work? home from work and still no joy :(

here are my stats today if of interest, will put into test socket in a moment

Port   Status   TxPkts   RxPkts   Collisions   Tx B/s   Rx B/s   Up Time
WAN   PPPoA   1196972   2315252   0   2118   10604   17:59:36
LAN   10M/100M   123650   0   0   419   0   18:01:14
WLAN   11M/54M/145M   0   0   0   0   0   18:00:43

ADSL Link   Downstream   Upstream
Connection Speed   320 kbps   448 kbps
Line Attenuation   63.5 db   31.5 db
Noise Margin   8.0 db   7.0 db


Your line is clearly resyncing quite frequently, but the NM figures suggest sporadic noise. Do you have a bettery-powered MW radio? The BT tester is a lwa unto itself, I'm afraid. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


hi again, thanks for your input thus far. being new to all this, how do you know its resyncing? is that a bad thing?

dont think there is a radio around, in fact im sure is there anything else ?


am now into the test socket and here are stats

Port   Status   TxPkts   RxPkts   Collisions   Tx B/s   Rx B/s   Up Time
WAN   PPPoA   927   793   0   14463   12339   00:01:33
LAN   10M/100M   128278   0   0   426   0   18:19:45
WLAN   11M/54M/145M   0   0   0   0   0   18:19:14

ADSL Link   Downstream   Upstream
Connection Speed   480 kbps   448 kbps
Line Attenuation   63.5 db   31.5 db
Noise Margin   7.4 db   7.0 db


You have to be resyncing because the sync speed and noise margin keep changing. The results in the test socket suggest your wiring is partly to blame. Is there a wire, often orange/white, connected to terminal 3 at the back of the faceplate?

ADSL works in the MW band, so the radio can be used to detect external interference. Sounds odd, but it works. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


hi there, have attached a pic

basically by replaced cable from wire outside (im in a bungalow) and ran it straight in with a new white cable. you can see in the pic it runs straight into the wall and in the socket. there appear to be thin wires behind green and black but they are not loose. other than that the wiring looks fine and is 2 months old


That's the backplate, so it appears you have no extensions. In which case, I'm at a loss to explain the apparent improvement on moving to the test socket.  :dunno:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Aug 08, 2011, 17:28:00
That's the backplate, so it appears you have no extensions. In which case, I'm at a loss to explain the apparent improvement on moving to the test socket.  :dunno:

i thought thats what you meant for test socket. i have no other sockets in the house or extensions.......  :red:

i will try some new filters tomorrow...