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Technical News & Discussion => Mobile Devices News & Discussion => Topic started by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 17:57:37

Title: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 17:57:37
I've been virtually all day at a friend's, trying to sort out their sodding iPods.  Nothing seems to be straightforward.  For starters, can anyone please tell me how to get songs off of the iPod, back into iTunes?  Whenever we try to sync, it threatens to remove all the data from the device, and we don't want it to do that.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Rik on Jan 04, 2010, 18:02:11
That should just happen, Simon, I've seen it on my own machine. Have they got too many devices accredited?
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 18:10:01
Haven't a clue, Rik. it's all such a mess, and they've got folders here, there and everywhere, I thought it would be best to wipe the lot and start again, and this is the first obstacle.  I'm not there now, so can't really answer many questions.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Rik on Jan 04, 2010, 18:11:18
It sounds like they've made a real mess of it, and any attempt to clean it up is going to end up with some data loss. :( Are the original files on the computer, still?
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: psp83 on Jan 04, 2010, 18:13:46
Everytime i've sync'd my iPod/iPhone to a different machine its wiped my songs from it. I've never worked out how to stop that.

The latest iTunes seems to be bugged on windows 7, so i wouldnt use that at the mo. Mine was working fine until i updated to the newer version.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 18:19:47
Rik, no they are not, that's the problem.

Paul, yes, that's what we are trying to avoid.  Is there no way to 'reverse' sync?
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Rik on Jan 04, 2010, 18:22:03
There is, and it should work. Can you describe what you've done so far?
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Steve on Jan 04, 2010, 18:24:41
The sync is only one way, you can get them but its a bit of a trial see I've seen this repeated elsewhere but never tried it. I always keep an unattached archive of music elsewhere just for this eventuality
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Rik on Jan 04, 2010, 18:25:22
Same here, Steve - lots of backups...
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 18:30:37
I thought it would be simple enough to retrieve the data from the iPods.  I'll send them that link, thanks Steve.

Rik, basically, Itunes uninstalled, data removed, and reinstalled.  I did rename a folder to that of the eelevent ipod.  Was that wrong?
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: psp83 on Jan 04, 2010, 18:32:24
Some sites say these apps does iPod > PC.

1-iPod Agent (
2-YamiPod (
3-SharePod (

Not checked them myself.

Still looking at how to sync without wiping the iPod.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Rik on Jan 04, 2010, 18:32:44
How did you remove and re-install the data? Is iTunes looking in the right folder?
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: psp83 on Jan 04, 2010, 18:37:28
These 2 links might help with syncing and not wiping the iPod
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 18:43:04
I think the folders might be the problem, Rik. What should the default path be to, day, My iPod?
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 18:44:40
Thanks Paul. I'll have to check those out later, from my PC.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Rik on Jan 04, 2010, 18:46:13
I have the app installed on D: and pointing to D:\iTunes for data. That's not the default, though, it's set in Edit > Prefences > Advanced. See where it's currently pointing.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 18:55:27
Can't at the moment.  Would a System Restore get the deleted folders back?
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Rik on Jan 04, 2010, 18:57:47
Possibly, be worth a try.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Steve on Jan 04, 2010, 21:22:50
Slightly more readable version of manual restore here

If each device then goes into separate OS user account,hopefully some organisation maybe possible unless they decide to just have one library and then each device has to be synced with its own specific playlist.You can have multiple iTune databases with one user account but then on startup you have to remember where its stored and which one is which.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 22:34:44
Yeah, it was all working fine with one user, Steve, then another member of the family received an iPod for Christmas, so they want to use that on the same computer, which doesn't have multiple user accounts.  They somehow managed to set up separate Libraries (and I don't know if that's different to separate Playlists), under the same user account, but one device kept downloading the data from the 'wrong' Library, and that's where the fun started.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Steve on Jan 04, 2010, 23:00:22
A library can have multiple playlists,you can set iTunes to sync only a playlist with an ipod and not the whole library,so you can have separate playlists for syncing different devices. iTunes can have multiple libraries on one user account they are accessed at start up by pressing the ALT key and the icon together I think it remains that way until you decide to manually use another library. I have 2 libraries one for the iphone and one for the ipod as I use a higher compression rate for the iphone(saves space) I still have to remember though which library to use with which device otherwise I would end up in a mess.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 23:04:18
I think they already have, Steve.  :stars:
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Gary on Jan 05, 2010, 09:28:35
Same here I have two playlists, one for the iPhone, one for Justina's Christmas present, a iPod Touch, and the whole lot backed up onto 5 DVD's and thats at 128kbps.

Backing up your music is the key thing as a just in case before adding new playlists, then again after the other playlist is added, just to be safe, or have a good image on Windows, or Time machine backup on Macs.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Sebby on Jan 05, 2010, 09:43:21
Quote from: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 18:30:37
I thought it would be simple enough to retrieve the data from the iPods.  I'll send them that link, thanks Steve.

You can't take music off of an iPod. If you could, you could give your iPod to a friend, who could copy your music.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Sebby on Jan 05, 2010, 09:44:55
Quote from: Simon on Jan 04, 2010, 22:34:44
Yeah, it was all working fine with one user, Steve, then another member of the family received an iPod for Christmas, so they want to use that on the same computer, which doesn't have multiple user accounts.  They somehow managed to set up separate Libraries (and I don't know if that's different to separate Playlists), under the same user account, but one device kept downloading the data from the 'wrong' Library, and that's where the fun started.

Have a look at method 3 (
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Gary on Jan 05, 2010, 09:51:53
Quote from: Sebby on Jan 05, 2010, 09:44:55
Have a look at method 3 (
Its not rocket science  ;) but once its messed up its a nightmare.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Steve on Jan 05, 2010, 09:52:49
That's the method I use for ipod and iphone,it's susprising how quickly I've forgotten that it's the SHIFT key for Windows (ALT/Option is Mac) for accessing the alternative music libraries.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Sebby on Jan 05, 2010, 09:53:40
Quote from: Gary on Jan 05, 2010, 09:51:53
Its not rocket science  ;) but once its messed up its a nightmare.

The whole iPod/iTunes thing is very simple as long as you don't mess up the library/libraries. Mess something up, and it's quite often easier to start again.
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Gary on Jan 05, 2010, 09:57:32
Quote from: Sebby on Jan 05, 2010, 09:53:40
The whole iPod/iTunes thing is very simple as long as you don't mess up the library/libraries. Mess something up, and it's quite often easier to start again.
Very true Sebby, that's where a good back up comes in  :)
Title: Re: iTunes nightmare
Post by: Simon on Jan 05, 2010, 11:04:44
To be honest, I think it's got so messed up, it needs someone who really knows what they are doing to sort it out.  I'm sure one of the boys will have a mate who's a computer whizz kid.  ;D