Uber has been sideswiped by a ridiculous number of controversies lately, but things are about to get even worse for the ride-sharing service. A security researcher just reverse-engineered the code of Uber's Android app and made a startling discovery: It's "literally malware."
Digging into the app's code, GironSec discovered the Uber app "calls home" and sends data back to Uber. This isn't typical app data, though. Uber has access to users' entire SMSLog even though the app never requests permission. It also accesses call history, Wi-Fi connections used, GPS locations and every type of device ID possible.
The app even checks your neighbours Wi-Fi and retrieves info on the router's capabilities, frequency and SSID. News of the app's vulnerability was first posted on Hacker News with the charming intro, "TLDR: Uber's Android app is literally malware."
Doesn't look like I'd be using it on any platform
Looking at the bigger picture, shouldn't one be questioning how it got into the Google Play Store? Is it therefore safe to trust any Android apps from there?
I think your absolutely correct Simon, there's a degree of laxity on Google Play Store never to be found on iTunes App Store , that's why you find tools for rooting and custom recovery that some would say is an advantage whilst the disadvantage is clear with the above.
It all depends how tight you want your straight jacket to be! >:D
Quote from: Simon on Nov 27, 2014, 11:25:57
Looking at the bigger picture, shouldn't one be questioning how it got into the Google Play Store? Is it therefore safe to trust any Android apps from there?
Uber is used by loads of people in places like London where you can order a cab by your location. Its been used in the states for quite some time.
Fair enough, it's used by lots of people, but that doesn't make it safe.
Quote from: Gary on Nov 27, 2014, 13:11:33
Uber is used by loads of people in places like London where you can order a cab by your location. Its been used in the states for quite some time.
In London I'd rather use a Hackney carriage (Black cab)
Quote from: Simon on Nov 27, 2014, 13:46:48
Fair enough, it's used by lots of people, but that doesn't make it safe.
I was alluding to the taki device not the app as such and really it's more an issue with Googkes security in its App Store than anything else I guess.
Quote from: pctech on Nov 27, 2014, 21:20:23
In London I'd rather use a Hackney carriage (Black cab)
As to taking a Hackney cab I'd rather use, a private service like uber which is much cheaper. After all as they say Uber is for Londoners, black cabs are for tourists...
They may be cheaper, but is there a guarantee that they are all above board with regards licensing and insurance?
At least they've invested in a tracking system :evil:
With the exception of a couple of friends of mine who are private hire drivers I'd rather deal with a London Hackney driver any day.
We have Hackney carriages in MK too but they can only run from what is laughably called 'The City' round here.
It's a cathedral surrounded by office buildings, a shopping precinct and something that looks like a Hangar that houses a ski snlope. cinema, bars and a casino.