Help with a long line issue

Started by pilgrimkenna, Aug 07, 2011, 21:51:27

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It can take a while, it's the slowest booting router I know...

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


thanks. still not up. popping out for hour. will report back. thanks again chaps


If it's not up by now, I don't think it's going to. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



If it still hasn't synched then a couple of things to check:-
That you have used the ADSL cable that came with the 2700 and not one from your existing router.
That you are plugged into the 'DSL' socket ( IIRC its the top one ) on the 2700, there are other ports that
can take the RJ11 plug and I've known people use the wrong one.


hi there,

it has synced

here are some stats

Connection Speed:
•   Incoming:   512 kbps
•   Outgoing:   448 kbps

DSL Line (Wire Pair):   Line 1 (inner pair)
Protocol:   G.DMT Annex A
Downstream Rate:   512 kbps
Upstream Rate:   448 kbps
Channel:   Interleaved
Current Noise Margin:   8.0 dB (Downstream) 8.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Attenuation:   63.0 dB (Downstream) 31.5 dB (Upstream)
Current Output Power:   14.9 dBm (Downstream) 12.4 dBm (Upstream)


ATM Cell Header Errors:   1544   1544   37   0:00:02
ATM Loss of Cell Delineation:   35   35   0   0:04:38
DSL Link Retrains:   0   0   0   0:00:00
DSL Training Errors:   403   403   0   1:31:42
DSL Training Timeouts:   0   0   0   0:00:00
DSL Loss of Framing Failures:   0   0   0   0:00:00
DSL Loss of Signal Failures:   0   0   0   0:00:00
DSL Loss of Power Failures:   0   0   0   0:00:00
DSL Loss of Margin Failures:   0   0   0   0:00:00
DSL Cumulative Errored Seconds:   2691   2691   60   0:00:02
DSL Severely Errored Seconds:   0   0   0   0:00:00
DSL Corrected Blocks:   11118   11118   242   0:00:00
DSL Uncorrected Blocks:   2949   2949   68   0:00:02
ISP Connection Establishment:   1   1   1   1:45:57


IP   Bytes      Packets      Errors
Transmit:   603206      7110      0
Receive:   2244444      3677      0


Do you know what version of firmware it is ?
I'd like to see the dsl diagnostics to see if it shows any line issues.
If it's v5.x.x.x then the diagnostics are here http://home/xslt?PAGE=J42&THISPAGE=A02_POST&NEXTPAGE=J42
it will need your router password ( if you've set one ). Not sure where they are on v6 firmware...
They should look something like attached picture


Troubleshooting – DSL Diagnostics
General Information
DSL Line (Wire Pair):   Line 1 (inner pair)
Downstream Rate Cap:   8128 kbps
Downstream Atten. at 300kHz:   77.8 dB
Uncancelled Echo:   -14.9 dB   Ok
VCXO Frequency Offset:   -8.5 ppm   Ok
Final Rx Gain:   34.5 dB   Ok
Impulse Noise Comp. Tones:   0   Ok
Excessive Impulse Noise:   0   Ok
Impulse noise protection:   1.20
Delay of latency path:   4.00 ms
Training History
Downstream      Upstream
Time   Line      Rate   Max1   Max2   Max3   Mgn1   Mgn2   Attn   Pwr   CRCs   FECs   INP   DLY      Rate   Max   Mgn   Attn   Pwr   CRCs   FECs      Mode   Vendor   State   Exit Code   Echo   VCXO   Rx Gain   INC Tones
2011/08/10 17:53:33 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -7.7   -8.8   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:53:45 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -13.2   -8.8   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:53:56 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -14.5   -8.7   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:54:08 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -12.2   -8.9   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:54:20 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -14.4   -10.0   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:54:32 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -14.8   -8.0   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:54:34 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      Unknown   TI   18/15   ERR_STATE_TIMEOUT   0.0   -8.2   25.8   0
2011/08/10 17:54:46 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -13.2   -8.7   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:54:58 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.8   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -13.9   -8.5   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:55:10 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -14.3   -8.9   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:55:21 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.8   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -13.6   -8.2   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:55:33 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -12.6   -8.3   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:55:45 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -14.3   -9.3   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:55:52 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   87/37   ERR_STATE_TIMEOUT   -14.0   -9.6   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:56:04 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -15.2   -8.4   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:56:16 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -15.8   -9.4   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:56:28 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -14.6   -7.9   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:56:39 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -13.0   -8.6   34.5   0
2011/08/10 17:56:51 BST   1      0   0   0   0   0.0   0.0   75.7   0.0   0   0   0.00   0.00      0   0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0   0      G.DMT Annex A   TI   108/46   ERR_CRC_MISMATCH   -13.9   -8.7   34.5   0
2011/08/10 19:55:12 BST   1      512   672   452   452   8.5   5.0   75.8   15.0   3848   14951   1.20   4.00      448   516   8.0   31.5   12.4   44   4


ignore that, iphone now connected and both laptops


Fully Operational
   DSL Link:   Connected
   Internet:   Connected
Connection Speed:
•   Incoming:   512 kbps
•   Outgoing:   448 kbps
Connection Information:
•   Internet Address:
•   Hardware Address:   --:--:--:--:--:--


i usually use  a app on my iphone and get around  22kbs down and 14 kb up

just ran it and im getting  39s down and  45kbs upload which seems v high.  ping is around 80 which was normal

are there any tweaks i could do. would it be worth trying the first version of this router with the hacked software?


QuoteDownstream Atten. at 300kHz:   77.8 dB
That's one VERY long line.
From the sound of it its a v5 firmware version.
You can disable the Fusion wireless network ( to avoid confusion ) from here http://home/xslt?PAGE=C01&THISPAGE=&NEXTPAGE=C01
You should see a Disable option against each of the wireless networks, if you click the one for Fusion it will disable it and the option will now change to Enable. The change will survive any reboot BTW.
Quotehaving trouble connecting iphone up to it.. again my phone sees two networks bt business hub and bt fusion.  connects but wont work
Not quite sure what you mean here ? does it actually connect and authenticate or is it failing to do that ?
If it does authenticate then what do you mean by not working ? does the 2700 show it in the network summary http://home/xslt?PAGE=C01&THISPAGE=C05&NEXTPAGE=C01


Quote from: MisterW on Aug 10, 2011, 20:13:05
That's one VERY long line.
From the sound of it its a v5 firmware version.
You can disable the Fusion wireless network ( to avoid confusion ) from here http://home/xslt?PAGE=C01&THISPAGE=&NEXTPAGE=C01
You should see a Disable option against each of the wireless networks, if you click the one for Fusion it will disable it and the option will now change to Enable. The change will survive any reboot BTW. Not quite sure what you mean here ? does it actually connect and authenticate or is it failing to do that ?
If it does authenticate then what do you mean by not working ? does the 2700 show it in the network summary http://home/xslt?PAGE=C01&THISPAGE=C05&NEXTPAGE=C01

thank you mr w. iphone issue was user error typed wrong key in to security!! oops

i am definatley getting better speeds from the netgear i am pleased to report definatley an improvement so far. will disable the fusion setting thanks for the pointer.

i guess i knew long line was an issue but didnt realise it was that bad!


im on version by the way.

is there anything to be gained by changing this softward. will bt force an upgrade through to v6?


That firmware is pretty good TBH . I'd be tempted to use the trick on the tripod site to prevent an update to v6 for the time being, since once it upgrades you can't go back.
With your line length you are lucky to get any ADSL at all if you look at the graph here
That seems to indicate that at your sort of attenuation levels then ADSL2+ may actually give better results. I've never had any experience of that myself but if your exchange is 21CN enabled then it might be an option...


thanks i guess  limited. although it seems quicker than was and any fix is apprrciated.


pilgrimkenna, I think you have listed you IP address in one of the posts above, probably best to remove this if possible  ;)

The 2700 has done wonders for my line I hope you have a similar experience  :thumb:


cheers i removed it. maybe there is hope as
the line settles it will speed up?? or
am i wishful thinking???!


If your router holds sync for a period of time with no drops then the BT line management will lower the target noise margin which will result in a higher sync.

This happened to my line when I changed to a 2700 my margin was at 9.0 but over time it dropped to 6.0 and even to 3.0.  The problem is if it goes too low then the line becomes unstable and the noise margin get raised again, it's a bit of a vicious circle.


so i could do with noise dropping down towards 6 really and holding a stable connection around that


6.0 is the normal target noise margin set by BT and provides a good level of leeway for an increase in noise without the router losing sync.

From what I can tell your noise margin at sync was 8.5 and then dropped to 5.0, that is not good news i'm afraid as a drop in value indicates more noise on the line. If the value had increased above 8.5 then you would have had more chance of the target value been set lower by the line management.


changed again

Downstream Rate:   512 kbps
Upstream Rate:   448 kbps
Channel:   Interleaved
Current Noise Margin:   4.0 dB (Downstream) 8.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Attenuation:   63.0 dB (Downstream) 31.5 dB (Upstream)
Current Output Power:   15.0 dBm (Downstream) 12.4 dBm (Upstream)
DSLAM Vendor Information:   Country: {0xB5} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {0x1005}
PVC Info:   0/38


Your current noise margin will drop in the evening as the line picks up more interference from street lights etc. The 2700 will hold sync at low noise margin values which is why it is good for long lines. You should see a rise in the margin (less noise) in the morning.


But I really don't think you're going to go any faster, though ADSL2+ would be worth a try if it's available

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.