GAME in trouble?

Started by Steve, Feb 01, 2012, 17:58:07

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Quote from: pctech on Mar 13, 2012, 20:54:30
I've watched a couple of her programmes and she doesn't strike me as a gamer.

Oh you do disappoint me.  :shake:


I forgot to mention I was half asleep at the time....


She doesn't look too game to me either...  :whistle:
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Quote from: pctech on Mar 13, 2012, 20:54:30
I've watched a couple of her programmes and she doesn't strike me as a gamer.


She doesn't like joysticks I know that much.


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Step away from the thread! 


Walmart are looking at buying Game, the share price is in overdrive, rising from 0.5p on Monday to a high of 3.95p now.

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That would have been a shrewd investment.
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I'd buy some if the execution fee wasn't so damn expensive.


I bought 14,000+ Oxus Gold shares on Tuesday at 3.4p, today they are trading at 5.2p. They are locked in a court case with the Uzbekistan government over, but have just agreed a deal with a litigation firm on a no win no fee basis.

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So, am I right in thinking that, roughly, if I'd bought £500 of Game shares at 0.5p, they would have been worth about £2k now?
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Quote from: Simon on Mar 15, 2012, 11:17:17
So, am I right in thinking that, roughly, if I'd bought £500 of Game shares at 0.5p, they would have been worth about £2k now?

They are trading at 3.45p at the moment, so you would see just short of a 700% profit.

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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


That would 600% not 700%, as you would still have your original stake

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Still not bad for a few days!
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Technical Ben

Huh? Oh wait.
I read it as £3.45! As in much more than 600% return!  ;D

If you ever followed RBS shares, you could have made a killing on those too (via buying low, not when they were high! ;)). However, they could have also gone down the Northern Rock route. So hindsight and all that...
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Indeed, you'd have to see it as a gamble, and be prepared to lose.  For those sorts or rewards, though, I can see why the professionals do it. 
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Telecitygroup (my purchase of a few weeks ago) are slowly rising.


Xcite's oil rig is now on station in the North sea and should start drilling a production well next week, the share price is down 10-15% on the week :dunno:

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The time to do it seems to be when a company is on its arse, then all you have to do is hope that another big name takes them over.
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I'm going to hold onto shares I buy for a good long while, I also need to top up my holding in Tesco as it also acts as a good cash reserve.


If you want a long term hold Parkmead Group with Tom Cross at the helm would be a good bet. He took Dana from nothing to a £1.87bn sale to Korea National Oil Corp

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Technical Ben

Quote from: Simon on Mar 15, 2012, 13:18:46
Indeed, you'd have to see it as a gamble, and be prepared to lose.  For those sorts or rewards, though, I can see why the professionals do it. 

Some one in the business (but when there was no limit/restriction on buying/selling) got £10ks worth of shares when they were 10p each. The next day sold them for 20p each.  :laugh:

PS, you don't have to buy shares from a failing company Simon... you could of invested in a successful one like Apple and their £500 a share price point!  :swoon:
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Investing £10K in Game when it was at its lowest would have reaped about £600K!!
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